Hiring | Communications Director of MA Fish & Game

Hiring | Communications Director of MA Fish & Game




Job Summary

The Department of Fish & Game works to preserve the state's natural resources and people's right to conservation of those resources, as protected by Article 97 of the Massachusetts Constitution. To carry out this mission, the Department exercises responsibility over the Commonwealth's marine and freshwater habitats that support them.

The Director of Communications leads Department and Divisions development and implementation of external and internal communications plans, strategies, and tactics that encourage and facilitate expanded and inclusive resident knowledge of DFG and its Division missions, strategies, programs, projects, and services.

Key Responsibilities

  • Responsible for coordinating communications across DFG, in coordination with EEA, which includes overseeing and creating, all external messaging (press, website and social media) and internal messaging to DFG and its Division employees.  Ability to highlight the mission and programs of DFG and its Divisions through special projects, such as events, marketing, and partnerships with other government agencies, non-profits, associations, business, and industry.

  • Plans, manages, coordinates, collaborates and executes all aspects the Department’s communications functions, such as proactively pitching stories to media about DFG’s mission, policies, and priorities; working collaboratively with DFG Senior Staff and operations team to ensure the planning and execution of all public events is timely, professional and coordinated internally; preparation of briefing documents for the Commissioner and other principals.

  • Manage speechwriting, creating talking points, preparation of PowerPoint presentations, website, and social media content management, conducting research using various sources to generate reports and briefings.

  • Lead the professional development of junior communications staff to build capacity and quality of work throughout the Department and its Divisions.

  • Other duties as assigned.


  • Experience as a skilled communications professional working for a conservation organization or government entity.

  • Experience in media relations, communications plan development and execution

  • Experience in government communications role

  • Dexterity and comfort with emerging technologies

  • Ability to make independent decisions and recommendations in highly matrixed organization

  • Highly organized with an ability to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment

  • Demonstrated ability to write press releases, talking points, and PowerPoint presentations.

  • A master’s degree in a natural resources, wildlife or fisheries, marine biology, management or policy, and communications or other related discipline.


Please send your resume to

[email protected]







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# 热招 | 招聘专员 & 招聘专员实习生(支持CPT & OPT)

# 海外职位 | 支持 CPT & OPT 猎聘海外"鲜橙计划"第七季招募中

# 热招 | 新媒体运营实习生 (支持CPT & OPT)

猎 聘 海 外 

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