


Apply Now! Finding Your Professional Voice 现在申请!找寻你的职业表达 

Are you looking to develop your speaking skills and advance your professional and personal communication? The Beijing American Center (BAC) is pleased to announce the fall/winter Finding Your Professional Voice program.  

During this 12-session program, 20 participants will have the opportunity to boost their confidence as they improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills, all within the safe environment at the BAC. This English language program will be facilitated by an educator and take place twice a month on Tuesdays, November 2023 to April 2024, from 6:30-8:00pm (see below for exact dates). The program topics include preparing to present, giving and receiving feedback, knowing your purpose, body language, vocal variety, and powerful words.  

Application Eligibility: 

- Must be 18+ years old; 
- Must be a young professional; 
- Must be able to read and speak English at the high intermediate to advanced level; 
- Must be able to attend all sessions in the six-month period.   

Application and Selection Procedures: 
- Fill out the application in its entirety and submit it by midnight, October 9, 2023. 
- Up to forty applicants will be interviewed (virtually) between October 15-23, 2023. 
- 20 successful applicants will be notified on October 27, 2023. 
- Note: This is a competitive application; not all applicants will be interviewed nor accepted into the program. Only 20 slots are available. 

Finding Your Professional Voice Dates (all sessions run from 6:30-8:00pm): 
November 7, November 21 
December 5, December 12 
January 9, January 23 
February 6, February 20 
March 5, March 19 
April 9, April 23 

Apply Here: 



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