《失控》作者、《连线》杂志创始主编凯文·凯利(KK),70岁的时候在自己的个人网站上发布了他希望早点知道的103条建议,吸引了大批的关注,并直接导致他的个人网站瘫痪。后来他逐渐扩充这些建议,并集结成一本包含了500条建议的智慧手册《宝贵的人生建议:我希望早点知道的智慧》,我从这本书中挑选了一些,和大家分享:1It is not hard to identify a thief: they are the one who believes that everybody steals.识别小偷并不难: 认为每个人都会偷东西的人,就是小偷。世界是映照自己内心的一面镜子,你是什么样的人,就会看见什么样的世界。2The best way to get a correct answer on the internet is to post an obviously wrong answer and wait for someone to correct you.在互联网上获得正确答案的最好方式是:贴一个明显错误的答案,然后等着别人纠正你。小红书上有一类旅游笔记,它们往往会通过引战的方式来吸引关注,比如标题写“千万别来柳州!”点进去会发现,作者第一句话是道歉。说自己故意正话反说,就是要激起本地人的好胜心,把深度玩家吸引进来,推荐哪里值得去。3Your best photo portrait will be taken not while you are smiling, but when you are quiet a minute after you have been laughing. Use a photographer that makes you laugh.你最好的肖像照 不应该在你微笑时拍, 而应该在你大笑之后,安静的那一刻拍。找一个能让你笑的摄影师。 4To rapidly reveal the true character of a person you just met, observe them stuck on an abysmally slow internet connection.刚认识一个人时,要迅速发现他真实的性格,可以观察他,在网速极慢时会怎么做。逆境见涵养。5When you forgive others, they may not notice, but you will heal. Forgiveness is not something we do for others; it is a gift to ourselves.当你原谅别人时,对方可能没有察觉,但你会被治愈。宽恕不是我们为别人做的奉献,宽恕是我们给自己的礼物。不要拿别人的错误惩罚自己。6If you meet a jerk, overlook them. If you meet jerks everywhere everyday, look deeper into yourself.如果你遇到一个混蛋,忽略他。如果你每天到处遇到混蛋,那么你需要更深入地审视自身。7No secrets. You are much better off delivering unwelcomed news to someone yourself directly. A secret is rarely unknown, which means inevitably someone else will share it. Meanwhile the secret corrodes all who hold it. Resist accepting secrets.世上没有秘密。你最好是直接把不受欢迎的消息告诉别人。纸包不住火,秘密不可避免地会被传递。同时,所有掌握秘密的人,都会被秘密腐蚀。你要拒绝接收秘密。8Getting cheated occasionally is the small price for trusting the best of everyone, because when you trust the best in others, they generally treat you best.如果你相信每个人最好的一面,那么偶尔被骗,只是这么做的微小的成本,因为当你相信别人最好的一面时,他们通常待你最好。9Always demand a deadline. A deadline weeds out the extraneous and the ordinary. It prevents you from trying to make it perfect, so you have to make it different. Different is better.始终要规定一个截止日期,因为这可以筛选掉,无关紧要和平淡无奇的东西。截止日期有助于纠正你的完美主义倾向,迫使你找到不一样的解决方案。不一样是一件好事。10Whatever your age, these are your golden years.现在,不管你多大年纪,这就是你的黄金岁月。此刻是我们未来日子里最年轻的时候。
11If you want to go fast go alone; if you want to go further go together.如果你想走得快,就独自走;如果你想走得远,就一起走。12Over the long term, the future is decided by optimists. To be an optimist you don’t have to ignore the multitude of problems we create; you just have to imagine how much our ability to solve problems improves.长期而言,未来是由乐观主义者决定的。成为乐观主义者,不意味着你必须忽视我们创造的众多问题。你只需要想象,我们解决问题的能力能有多么大的提升。悲观者正确,乐观者成功。13Most overnight successes — in fact any significant successes take at least 5 years. Budget your life accordingly.大多数一夜之间取得的成功,都需要至少五年时间,事实上,任何重大成功都是如此。以此为依据,规划你的生活。很多一炮走红的背后是无数日夜的积累,量变才能引起质变。我们往往只看到结果,而忽视了背后的过程。14It is easier to maintain a habit by switching your language from “I can’t do X” to ‘I don't do X.” You shift the weight from a wavering choice to an unwavering identity.要培养一种习惯,就要改变你的语言,从“我做得到还是做不到”变成“我做还是不做”。这样你就转移了重心,从摇摆不定的选择,转移到了一种坚定的身份。不要想“能不能做到”,这个问题没有答案。要么不做,要么立即做,不要犹豫。15 Don’t worry how or where you begin. As long as you keep moving, your success will arrive far from where you start.不要担心如何开始,或者从哪里开始。只要你在持续前进,你的成功终将到来,到时你已远远超越自己的出发点。16Your growth as a conscious being is measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations you are willing to have.作为一个成熟的人,衡量你成长程度的尺度是,你愿意进行多少令人不舒服的谈话。成熟在于你能容纳多少误解与委屈。17 Ask anyone you admire: Their lucky breaks happened on a detour from their main goal. So embrace detours. Life is not a straight line for anyone.问问你崇敬的人:他们幸运的突破发生在他们偏离主要目标,绕道的时候。所以要拥抱弯路。既要心中有终点,也要拥抱沿途的意外与风景。18The best way to learn anything is to try to teach what you know.学习任何东西的最好方法是,试着把你所知道的东西教给别人。以教为学,是最高效的学习方法。19 To transcend the influence of your heroes, copy them shamelessly like a student until you get them out of your system. That is the way of all masters.如果你想超越你心目中的英雄对你的影响,那就放下自尊心,像学生一样模仿他们,直到你能超越他们。这是所有大师的成功之道。20 当你想放弃时,再做五个:五分钟,五页,五步。然后再做五个。有时你可以突破并继续前进,但即使在未能突破的情况下,你也多做了五个。告诉你自己,明天可以放弃,但今天不行。When you feel like quitting, just do five more; 5 more minutes, 5 more pages, 5 more steps. Then repeat. Sometimes you can breakthrough and keep going, but even if you don’t you ended 5 ahead.走一步,再走一步~