「未读」CMU 的崭新一年

「未读」CMU 的崭新一年


CMU 的崭新一年

亲爱的 CMU 成员们:


对于我们的返校学生,很高兴欢迎您回来!我希望你们都度过了一个宁静的夏天。对于 5,000 多名从各地加入 CMU 的新生,欢迎来到卡耐基梅隆大学!我们由衷地因为您的加入而感到高兴。尤其是在过去两年的疫情之后,再次看到我们的校园充满生机是一件很幸福的事情。我也感谢我们杰出的教职员工和敬业的员工们,长期以来一直对 CMU、对我们的使命和对学生的坚定承诺。

今年,我们再次打破了本科生的申请人数纪录,并且有大约 45% 的录取学生接受了 CMU 的录取通知——这也是一个新纪录!新的本科生和研究生来自美国 46 个洲和全球 85 个国家/地区,正是因为我们强调全面发展的变革性教育和体验,令他们选择了 CMU。您可能已经注意到我们的校园正在进行改进,旨在促进个人成长和社区参与。从新的宿舍楼到 Highmark 健康与体育中心的建设,我们正在建设并维持一个良好的周遭环境,以满足我们集体在思想、身体和精神方面的需求。

欢迎最新加入的 Tartans 的同时,我们也想借机建立新的联系和融入新的观点。加上我们对包容性的承诺和看重,这种开放的思想交流确实是我们知识界的核心。我希望你们每个人都能从彼此互动中受益,享受所带来的自我学习和发现。通过相互的尊重和共情来主导互动,我们可以拥抱并培养社群意识。无论您是 CMU 的新人,还是长期的教职员工,或者是介于两者之间的,我都希望今年你们将有机会寻找连接,打破界限,并且建立新合作。



Farnam Jahanian 


Henry L. Hillman 校长主席

A New Year at CMU 

Dear Members of the CMU Community,

Hello, and welcome to an exciting new academic year at Carnegie Mellon!

To our returning students, we are thrilled to welcome you back! I hope you all had a restful summer. And to the more than 5,000 incoming students joining CMU across all locations, welcome to Carnegie Mellon University! We are truly delighted to have you join our community. Especially after the past two years of the pandemic, it is a joy to see our campuses full of life. I am also grateful for our extraordinary faculty and dedicated staff’s unwavering commitment to CMU, to our mission and to our students.

This year, we once again broke the university’s previous record for the number of applicants vying for a spot in our incoming undergraduate class, and about 45 percent of admitted students accepted their offers to attend CMU – also a new record! Our new undergraduate and graduate students – from 46 U.S. states and 85 countries – chose CMU because we offer a transformative education and experience that emphasizes holistic development. You may have noticed improvements underway on our campuses that are designed to promote individual growth and community engagement. From new residence halls to the construction of the Highmark Health Wellness and Athletics Center, we are building and sustaining a physical environment that meets our community’s needs in mind, body and spirit.

Welcoming our newest Tartans offers us a chance to create new connections and bring new perspectives into our conversations. Together with our commitment to inclusion, this open exchange of ideas is truly at the heart of our intellectual landscape, and I hope each of you will take advantage of the spontaneous learning and discovery that comes from engaging with one another. We can embrace and nurture this sense of community by letting mutual respect and compassion guide our interactions. Whether you are brand new to CMU, a longtime staff or faculty member or somewhere in between, I hope this year brings opportunities to find connections, break down boundaries and forge new collaborations.

There is so much to be inspired by at Carnegie Mellon, especially at a time when our strengths in cutting-edge science and technology are aligned with the needs of society, and when our arts and humanities leadership is helping to shape our modern culture. On behalf of the university’s leadership team, I wish you all an engaging and productive academic year ahead, and I look forward to seeing you around campus!

Warm regards,

Farnam Jahanian


Henry L. Hillman President’s Chair

翻译 / 编辑 / 排版:方楠 Christine Fang





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