


Welcome Back!

Welcome from the Dean of Libraries


我很高兴在这欢迎新生和老生、教师和工作人员来到卡耐基梅隆大学图书馆。您可以在这里获得广泛的专家和服务,以支持您在大学的研究、教学和学习。使用您的 CMU ID,便可以解锁这些资源,包括从我们的出版物、数字和媒体收藏中借用资料,或是连接到在线数据库,安排与我们的图书馆和研究专家的咨询,以及参加研讨会、活动和展览等。

下面,您将找到关于图书馆服务和资源的一些学期重点和提醒。您可以在我们的图书馆地点或者在线 找到我们。

2022 年秋季亮点

  • 今年秋天,De Fer Coffee & Tea 正式加入了卡耐基梅隆大学餐饮服务部,已在 Hunt 图书馆的 Maggie Murph Café 开放。De Fer Coffee & Tea 由 CMU 校友 Matt Marietti(TPR,2010 年)和他的妻子 Venessa 于 2016 年创立,他们每天亲自烘焙他们的所有咖啡,并专注于独特、支持可持续发展的特色咖啡、混合散茶和美味的家庭烘焙食物,比如司康、松饼、饼干和帕尼尼。

  • Hunt 图书馆目前正在展览 “螺母、螺栓和轮子:100 多年的越野车”,它回顾了卡耐基梅隆大学最悠久的传统之一。通过校友捐赠的个人回忆、照片、视频和文物,展览向参观者详细介绍了 Buggy 的文化。

  • CMU 最近在 Alfred P. Sloan 基金会的资助下成立了开源项目办公室(OSPO)。除了为整个校园的开源活动建立中心资源外,OSPO 还将支持学生和教师开发或者更新开源软件,并提供关于行业常用的许可证和开发平台的建议。


  • 图书馆目录包括我们大部分实体和数字馆藏的记录。资源类型包括:书籍、同行评审论文、电子书、期刊、乐谱、音频 CD、会议记录、报告、政府文件、电影、学位论文、论文、报纸文章、书评和数字图像。


  • 如果您需要访问一些 CMU 不拥有的资料,您可以使用 ILLiad 或者 E-Z 借阅服务向其他机构索取资料。


  • 如果想要在 Hunt 或者 Sorrells 图书馆预定安静或者协作学习的位置,可以通过我们的座位和自习室预定系统。


  • 探索我们一直在增长的设备技术集合,您可随时借用,包括 iPad、计算器、充电线、耳机、便携式 DVD 驱动器、音乐脚踏板等。


  • 所有 CMU 教职员工和学生都可以通过图书馆免费访问《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》和《匹兹堡邮报》的网络内容。

  • 大学档案馆和特别馆藏中收藏着图书馆独特而稀有的内容,为后代保留和分享着 CMU 的遗产。



  • 我们本学期的公共研讨会将在线上或线下提供。主题内容包括数据可视化、R、数据和引文管理、公民科学等。请探索活动日历,看看今年秋天还会发生什么。


  • 感谢我们与 Elsevier、剑桥大学出版社、计算机协会(ACM)、PLoS 和 Wiley 达成的变革性协议,教职员工和研究人员现在可以与许多出版商免费公开他们的作品。

  • Scholars@CMU 是由 Elments 支持的档案服务,它允许教职员工整理学术档案,并表明他们是否对媒体露面和新闻或者其他公开活动开放可用。查看我们的自助指南或者查看示例以开始使用。



  • 以更简单地满足资助者的开放获取要求,您可以将学术成果或者研究数据存放在 KiltHub(CMU的综合机构存储库和研究协作平台)中。



我邀请您订阅我们的实时通讯,并在 Instagram、Twitter 和 YouTube 上关注我们,以了解新的服务、活动、展览和资源。




Keith Webster

Helen and Henry Posner, Junior 图书馆院长


Dear Members of the Carnegie Mellon University Community,


It is my great pleasure to welcome new and returning students, faculty and staff to Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, your destination to access a wide range of specialists and services that can advance your research, teaching and learning at the university. With your CMU ID, you can unlock these resources, including borrowing from our print, digital and media collections, connecting to online databases, scheduling consultations with our librarians and research specialists, and attending workshops, events and exhibits.


Below, you’ll find highlights for the semester as well as a few reminders about Libraries services and resources. Find us at our locations or online at


Fall 2022 Highlights

  • De Fer Coffee & Tea has joined Carnegie Mellon University Dining Services at the Maggie Murph Café in Hunt Library this fall. Founded in 2016  by CMU alumnus Matt Marietti (TPR, 2010) and his wife Vanessa, De Fer Coffee & Tea roasts all of their coffee in-house daily, with a focus on unique, sustainably sourced specialty coffees, blended loose teas and tasty house-made food, including scones, muffins, cookies and paninis.


  • The current exhibition in Hunt Library, "Nuts, Bolts, & Wheels: 100+ Years of Buggy" offers a look back at one of Carnegie Mellon’s longest standing traditions. The exhibition introduces visitors to the Buggy culture through personal recollections, photographs, video and artifacts donated by alumni.


  • CMU recently established the Open Source Programs Office (OSPO) with a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. In addition to establishing a central resource for open source activity across campus, the OSPO will support students and faculty in developing or updating open-source software and provide advice on licenses and development platforms commonly used in industry.


Service and Resource Reminders

  • The Libraries Catalog contains records for the majority of our physical and digital collections. Resource types include: books, peer-reviewed articles, eBooks, journals, music scores, audio CDs, conference proceedings, reports, government documents, film, dissertations, theses, newspaper articles, book reviews and digital images.


  • If you need access to materials that CMU does not own, you may be able to request materials from other institutions using the ILLiad or E-Z Borrow Services.


  • Reserve a spot for quiet or collaborative study in Hunt or Sorrells libraries using our seat and study room reservation system.


  • Explore our growing technology collection of devices that are available for you to borrow, including iPads, calculators, charging cables, headphones, portable DVD drives, music foot pedals and more.


  • All CMU faculty, staff and students can access The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Pittsburgh Post-Gazette web content through the library.   

  • The Libraries’ unique and rare collections housed in the University Archives and Special Collections preserve and share the legacy of CMU for generations to come.


  • Our public workshops are being offered either in person or virtually this semester. Find sessions on topics like data visualization, R, data and citation management, citizen science and more.Explore the events calendar to see what else is coming up this fall.


  • Faculty and researchers can publish their work open access free of charge with many publishers thanks to transformative agreements with Elsevier, Cambridge University Press, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), PLoS and Wiley.


  • Scholars@CMU is a profile service supported by Elements that allows faculty to curate a scholarly profile and indicate their willingness and availability for media appearances and journalistic or other public engagements. View our self-help guide or see examples to get started.


  • Meet funders’ open access requirements when you deposit your scholarly outputs and research data in KiltHub, the comprehensive institutional repository and research collaboration platform for CMU.


It’s an exciting time at the Libraries. We have much more to offer than what is listed here. Explore the many ways to connect with our helpful staff and faculty, or for more targeted assistance, contact your departmental librarian.


I invite you to stay informed by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube to learn about new services, events, exhibits and resources.


Wishing you each a successful semester ahead,

Keith Webster

Helen and Henry Posner, Jr. Dean of Libraries

Director of Emerging & Integrative Media Initiatives

翻译 / 编辑 / 排版:方楠 Christine Fang





女儿女婿为中餐馆义务打工看了芬兰的图书馆才明白,为什么它连续四年被评“全球最幸福国家”!【就业】上海图书馆招聘专技岗位16人,11月8日前报名南昌汉代海昏侯国遗址博物馆馆长彭印石昆:VR技术延伸了博物馆的展览空间养娃后,我开始薅图书馆的“羊毛”旧金山拨款1320万翻修华埠和米慎公共图书馆【未读:你的2022余额只有82天】南昌汉代海昏侯国遗址博物馆馆长彭印䃂:​VR技术延伸了博物馆的展览空间限时领!520本经典绘本(电子版),给孩子一个移动的图书馆!一高校教师“大闹”图书馆,还要告男生“性骚扰”?校方回应豆瓣9.8!人生一大遗憾,年过30而未读这部经典在图书馆也有植物园!这些绿色科普小角落你心水了吗客厅装成图书馆惹怒全家,有孩子后真香了!【装修干货】七夕密西沙加即将迎来新社区! 2000套精品住宅、全方位社区中心、图书馆, 让人分分钟就想搬过来​波士顿东北大学误发4000封录取通知书!J.F.K.图书馆窗户清洗员摔倒身亡!Roxbury卡车与公交车相撞 10人被送往医院名家白话说《资治通鉴》,一部送给孩子的纸上图书馆美国最美大学图书馆TOP10,进去就不想出来川味回锅肉,减肥的秘密3m长的书桌+落地大书柜,图书馆一样的家!【居住榜样】“图书馆收到的小纸条…”看完后爷直接傻眼了!男女生图书馆为占座大打出手?现场图片曝光!评论区又不安静了...莱镇图书馆寻宝记说说南农大图书馆“视奸”,这个事。人生若觉不快乐,只因未读苏东坡钱学森的传闻英国颜值最高的高校图书馆盘点「未读」CMU 的崭新一年开放禁书!图书馆推出【书籍保护区】来庆祝【2022年禁书周】墨市殡仪馆馆长涉盗走死者陪葬物!家人开棺后惊呆,连衣服都被扒走莱镇图书馆科学沙龙--2022 年欧洲发明家奖得主麻省理工教授聊再生能源的储存安省大学报告两起尾随事件!学生不敢去图书馆!这个习惯要改...新作速览|上海图书馆东馆 / SHL【一路有你】《最好的模样》2022 BY 碧蓝天湖北一高校教师大闹图书馆,怒骂男学生骚扰她,后续来了……