




华盛顿——美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦(Janet L. Yellen)将于11月9日至10日在加利福尼亚州旧金山接待中华人民共和国副总理何立峰并举行为期两天的双边会议。此次会晤正值美国和中国开展更加密集的外交活动之际,旨在进一步稳定双边经济关系,并在关键经济问题上取得进展。耶伦财长与何副总理的会晤将在耶伦财长主持召开旧金山亚太经合组织财政部长会议的前夕举行。上周,耶伦财长概述了拜登政府对印太地区的经济方针,包括我们为深化整个地区的贸易和投资联系、发展更具韧性的供应链和应对全球挑战所做的努力。



会议结束后,耶伦财长将于11月10日在旧金山举行新闻发布会。有意报道新闻发布会和会议的媒体请联系[email protected] 


Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to Host PRC Vice Premier He Lifeng for Bilateral Meetings in San Francisco

November 6, 2023

WASHINGTON – Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen will host People’s Republic of China (PRC)Vice Premier He Lifeng for two days of bilateral meetings on November 9 and 10 in San Francisco, California. These meetings come at a time of more intensive diplomacy between the United States and the PRC designed to further stabilize the bilateral economic relationship and make progress on key economic issues. Secretary Yellen’s meetings with Vice Premier He will be held immediately before Secretary Yellen hosts the APEC Finance Ministers Meeting in San Francisco. Last week, Secretary Yellen outlined the Biden Administration’s economic approach towards the Indo-Pacific, including our efforts to deepen trade and investment ties across the region, develop more resilient supply chains, and address global challenges. 

The meetings with Vice Premier He follow on the significant strides Secretary Yellen has made in deepening resilient channels of economic communication between our two countries, after President Biden’s directive to his Administration following his meeting with President Xi last November. That includes Secretary Yellen’s visit to Beijing in July and the subsequent launch of bilateral Economic and Financial Working Groups, which report directly to Secretary Yellen and Vice Premier He, in September. Throughout, Secretary Yellen has used deeper communication with Chinese counterparts to better inform U.S. decision making and understanding of the global economy and drive towards outcomes that benefit the American and global economy. 

Secretary Yellen’s approach to these meetings will center on the three pillars of the Biden Administration’s approach to our bilateral economic relationship with China that she laid out in her remarks in April. As Secretary Yellen outlined, we seek a healthy economic competition that benefits both sides, but that healthy competition requires a level playing field for American workers and firms. We will take targeted action to advance our national security and that of our allies, and protect human rights, but we do not use these tools to seek economic advantage. Lastly, we seek to cooperate on global challenges like climate change and look for ways that we can work together as the world’s two largest economies to put the global economy on surer footing.   

At the conclusion of the meetings, Secretary Yellen will host a press conference in San Francisco on November 10. Media interested in covering the press conference and meetings should contact [email protected]

Additional details of Secretary Yellen’s bilateral engagements will be announced at a later date. 



美国财政部对哈马斯成员和相关个人及金融机构实施制裁何立峰在香港国际金融领袖投资峰会上发表视频致辞早财经 | 何立峰将访问美国;深圳国资委:已准备好支持万科;斗鱼CEO陈少杰失联;克宫:普京尚未声明参加总统选举美国财政部政策变化背后的指向中美气候特使举行气候双边会谈在旧金山接机现场,外媒都在等着拍这个镜头!财政部部长蓝佛安就当前经济财政形势答问何立峰将首次以这一身份出国外交部刚刚宣布:何立峰将访美早财经 | 何立峰已任中央财办主任;广西:做试管婴儿费用可报销;《老友记》“钱德勒”演员去世,终年54岁中国副总理何立峰展开访美之旅美国财政部误判美债?“索罗斯战友”继续炮轰耶伦:她数学不好耶伦在旧金山接机,到 In-N-Out 吃汉堡【尘封档案】系列之185:“华东八室”之513特务案(大结局)美国财长耶伦与中国副总理何立峰在加州旧金山举行会晤红色日记 舅舅成份 1.11-25拜登总统在与中华人民共和国主席习近平举行双边会晤前的讲话何立峰副总理访美情况吹风会文字实录何立峰会见美国奥尔布赖特石桥集团资深顾问、美国商会前常务副会长薄迈伦里斯本大教堂(Lisbon Cathedral),古老建筑何立峰副总理访美并与美财长耶伦会谈,达成重要共识关于当前经济财政形势,财政部部长蓝佛安重磅发声!何立峰将访问美国习近平抵达旧金山举行中美元首会晤 同时出席亚太经合组织第三十次领导人非正式会议财政部部长重磅发声!事关当前经济财政形势网上免费报税将提前实行!! 美财政部长耶伦宣布IRS重大进展美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦与中国人民银行行长潘功胜举行会晤美国财政部又动手了,特斯拉、日产多款电动车不再享受美国税收抵免最新! 3人遇难, 救援已完成, 负责人被控制! 何立峰将访美; 事关万科, 深圳国资委重磅发声 | 早报何立峰已任中央财办主任布林肯国务卿将接待中共中央外办主任兼外交部长王毅来访【七绝】 东施唱大鱼 (十三元)重磅!加拿大财政赤字将达400亿!财政部长官宣5大新政:住房、房贷、税务通通涵盖!你不知道夏天有多么好?官宣!何立峰与耶伦会谈