住院病人(住院期间)用药((Drugs dispensed to inpatients); 急诊病人用药(Drugs dispensed to emergency department patients);
出院病人带药(Discharge Supplies of Medications); 旧病号的续药(Refills for former patients); 门诊病人在家治疗(Outpatients in home programs); 病人在快捷医院药房取药(Walk-in patients at the pharmacy); 医院雇员用药(Hospital employees); 医务人员用药(Medical Staff members)。
住院病人住院用药(Drugs dispensed to inpatients); 急诊病人用药(Drugs dispensed to emergency department patients); 出院病人带药(Discharge Supplies of Medications); 门诊病人院内用药(Outpatients for use on the hospital premises); 门诊病人院外用药(Outpatients for use off the hospital premises); 医院雇员和学生个人用药(Hospital employees and students(including dependents)but for personal only); 医务人员个人用药(Medical Staff(including dependents)but for personal use only);
旧病号的续药(Refills for former patients); 便捷医院药房取药(Walk-in Hospitals at the Pharmacy); 出售给医务人员的药物转售(Sales to Medical Stall for resale);
责编 | 张雨菲
题图 | 视觉中国
来源: qq