


近日,一条有关心身耗竭综合Burnout syndrome)现象的微博冲上热搜。

它描述了一种特殊现象:“周围工作一些很有能力,也很拼命努力的人,在经历‘间隔年(Gap year)’后,再次回到职场就只能做一些简单的工作,而且每隔一周就会有一天不得不因为精神状态不佳而无法上班休息”。






“心身耗竭综合征”这个概念,最早出现于20世纪70年代早期,是由美国纽约的心理分析学家赫伯特·J·弗罗伊登贝格尔(Herbert J. Freudenberger)提出的。


Burnout is an occupational phenomenon where employees experience a mix of physical and psychological symptoms that result in decreased job satisfaction and productivity (Bridgeman, Bridgeman, & Barone, 2018).

Occupational burnout was first recognized in the mid-70s (Freudenberger, 1974) among healthcare professionals. 

The World Health Organization (2019) defines burnout as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”


引起身心俱疲不止因为缺乏处理工作压力的能力,当然这是主要原因,除此之外,任何造成过重工作压力的原因都有可能间接导致“Burn out”。例如:

1、缺觉(Lack of sleep)

缺觉是很多不幸的开始,这也是造成“burn out”的一大主要成因。如果你的睡眠不足6小时,那将极大地影响你的状态。

Physical factors like sleep deprivation are among the possible burnout causes. Scientists estimated that less than six hours of sleep per night is a major predictor of job burnout. Lack of sleep, or insomnia, can also be symptoms of burnout, leaving you fatigued during the daytime, but unable to sleep when you have the chance.

2、不切实际的工作期望(Unrealistic work expectations)


Unrealistic work expectations include an unmanageable workload, unrealistic deadlines, and unrealistic time pressure. Employees who are expected to perform consistently for long periods under unrealistic deadlines are more likely to experience burnout.

The number of tasks that employees are expected to complete also contributes to an unrealistic workload.

3、病态的完美主义心态(Negative perfectionism)


Not all perfectionism is a bad thing, but people who never feel satisfaction from their achievements, or who feel that nothing is ever good enough, experience stress as a result, which can result in burnout.

4、成功学心态("Overachiever" mindset


The "get rich or die trying" philosophy dictates a certain lifestyle. Movies, music, interviews with celebrities, and numerous motivational books, send a clear message: you can't be happy without money and success. Even more disturbing is the pseudo-psychological motivation from influencers who tell you to push your limits and try harder every day. 

5、孤立感与缺乏支持(Isolation and lack of support)


Unclear instructions can lead to unrealistic work expectations and micromanaging because employers do not clearly explain what they expect of their employees, resulting in multiple iterations of work without an apparent end. Employees have to work hard to figure out what exactly employers expect from them, and this increases feelings of anxiety and exhaustion.



The physical symptoms include: Feeling exhausted, unable to recover from a common cold, frequent headaches, frequent gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, shortness of breath.


The behaviors include: Irritability, Heightened emotional responses (quick to cry, quick to anger), suspicious and paranoid about colleagues, substance abuse, stubbornness, rigid thinking, and unwillingness to listen to other people, negative attitude, appears depressed.


1、优先照顾好自己(Prioritize self-care)


It’s essential to replenish your physical and emotional energy, along with your capacity to focus, by prioritizing good sleep habits, nutrition, exercise, social connection, and practices that promote equanimity and well-being, like meditating, journaling, and enjoying nature. If you’re having troubling squeezing such activities into your packed schedule, give yourself a week to assess exactly how you’re spending your time.

2、转换视角(Shift your perspective)



While rest, relaxation, and replenishment can ease exhaustion, curb cynicism, and enhance efficacy, they don’t fully address the root causes of burnout. So now you must take a close look at your mindset and assumptions. 

What aspects of your situation are truly fixed, and which can you change? Altering your perspective can buffer the negative impact of even the inflexible aspects. If exhaustion is a key problem, ask yourself which tasks—including critical ones—you could delegate to free up meaningful time and energy for other important work. 

3、减少与压力源的相处(Reduce exposure to job stressors)


You’ll also need to target high-value activities and relationships that still trigger unhealthy stress. This involves resetting the expectations of colleagues, clients, and even family members for what and how much you’re willing to take on, as well as ground rules for working together. You may get pushback. But doubters must know that you’re making these changes to improve your long-term productivity and protect your health.

4、寻求社会联系(Seek out connections)


The best antidote to burnout, particularly when it’s driven by cynicism and inefficacy, is seeking out rich interpersonal interactions and continual personal and professional development. Find coaches and mentors who can help you identify and activate positive relationships and learning opportunities. Volunteering to advise others is another particularly effective way of breaking out of a negative cycle.



来源:哈佛商业评论 积极心理学网站


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