


PAIS 2023

II Photonics & Advanced Intelligent Systems Webinar

由上海理工大学、光子芯片研究院和Wiley旗下Advanced Intelligent Systems期刊联合组织的PAIS 2023工作坊将于今日(12月1日)线上举行!




2023年12月1日 14: 00- 20:20






Hongsheng Chen


Dr. Hongsheng Chen is a Chang Jiang Scholar Distinguished Professor at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. He received the B.S. degree in 2000, and Ph.D. degree in 2005, from Zhejiang University, both in electrical engineering. In 2005, Chen became an Assistant Professor at Zhejiang University; In 2007 an Associate Professor; and in 2011 a Full Professor. In 2014, he was honored with the distinguished "Chang Jiang Scholar" professorship by the Chinese Ministry of Education. He was a Visiting Scientist (2006-2008), and a Visiting Professor (2013-2014) with the Research Laboratory of Electronics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. He is a Fellow of IEEE. Currently he is the Dean of the College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University.

His current research interests are in the areas of metamaterials, invisibility cloaking, transformation optics, and topological electromagnetics. He is the coauthor of more than 300 international refereed journal papers. His works have been highlighted by many scientific magazines and public media, including Nature, Scientific American, MIT Technology Review, The Guardian, Physorg, and so on. He serves on the Topical Editor of Journal of Optics, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Progress in Electromagnetics Research, the Editorial Board of Nanomaterials and the Nature's Scientific Reports.


报告题目:Deep learning-enabledmetasurface design and autonomous meta-devices

Hong Wei

Institute of Physics, CAS

Prof. Hong Wei is working at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences as the nanophotonics group leader. She received her Ph.D. in condensed matter physics from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. Her research interests focus on plasmonics and nanophotonics. She is a recipient of the Chinese Young Female Scientist Award. She was a topical editor of Journal of the Optical Society of America B from 2017 to 2023. She is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Optics, Advanced Photonics Research, and Advanced Physics Research.



Strong couplingbetween plasmonic nanostructures and monolayer semiconductors

Tianxiao Nie

Beihang University

Dr.Tianxiao Nie currently is a full professor in Beihang University. Since 2020,he serves as the vice dean of School of Integrated Circuit Science andEngineering. His research activities include ferromagnetic semiconductor, 2Dferromagnet, and spintronic terahertz. So far, he has published more than 80SCI journal papers in related directions, such as Nature Communications,Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, etc. He has also contributed to several bookchapters, as well as more than 40 national invention patents, participated inthe compilation of textbooks for the 14th Five-Year Plan of the NationalPublishing Industry. He served as IOP China editorial advisory board member,local chair of the IEEE/ACM NANOARCH conference, guest editor of Acta PhysicaSinica, etc.



Spintronic terahertz emission and manipulation based on magnetic heterostructure and integrated device

Xi Chen


Professor Xi Chen obtained a bachelor's and a Ph.D. degree from Nankai University. He was a senior research fellow at RMIT University and joined University of Shanghai for Science and Technology as a Professor in 2019. His research focuses on the research fields of AI photonics, artificial synapses, and laser fabrication technologies. He has published more than 50 SCI papers in top-level international journals, including first/corresponding-author papers in Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Light: Science & Applications, PhotoniX, Laser & Photonics Reviews, and Angewandte Chemie International Edition.



2D materials for artificial intelligence photonic devices

Jianqi Hu 

Sorbonne University

Jianqi Hu receivedthe B.E. degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of Chinain 2016, and the Ph.D. degree in photonics from École Polytechnique Fédérale deLausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, in 2021. After completing the Ph.D., he continuedhis research as  postdoc at EPFL from 2021 to 2022. Currently, he is SNFpostdoc fellow in Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Ecole Normale Supérieure,France. His research interests include integrated nonlinear photonics,frequency combs, structured light, and optical computing. He has publishedas (co-)first authors in Nature Photonics, Nature Communications and ScienceAdvances among other journals, and has been invited speakers at ECOC, ACP, andCIOP conferences.


报告题目:Optical computingwith nonlinear disordered media

Fei Xia 

École Normale Supérieure

Fei Xia is a postdoctoral researcher at École Normale Supérieure (ENS) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris, France. Her research focuses on computational optics for machine learning and microscopy. She received her Ph.D. in 2021 from Cornell University, where she studied innovative optical microscopy and adaptive optics for deep tissue imaging. Fei was recently awarded the Optica Foundation Challenge Award, the Women in Optics Scholarship by SPIE, and the Mong NeuroTech Fellowship from Cornell University.


报告题目:Unveiling Deep Tissue Structure and Function with In Vivo Optical Imaging and Computational Microscopy

Hong Xie


Dr.Hong Xie is an associate professor at the School of Optical-Electrical andComputer Engineering and a PI of Centre for Artifical-IntelligenceNanophotonics, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. Xie receivedher B.S. in Biology from Wuhan University in 2001. She received her Ph.D. inNeuroscience from SIBS, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006. From 2007, shedeveloped in vivo two-photon imaging in mouse brain and studied mitochondrialand oxidative stress involved in Alzheimer’s disease as a postdoctoral fellowunder the supervision of Profs. Bacskai and Hyman. Xie first worked in TsinghuaUniversity and then Zhangjiang National Lab. Xie focused on neuralrepresentations of memory in rodents and studied the process of memory codingusing two-photon microscopy. In 2021, Xie joined the University of Shanghai forScience and Technology. 



High-throughput in vivo imaging reveals memory engrams in mouse neocortex 

Wenqi He,


Dr. HE works at the College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering ofShenzhen University, China. He received his BS in optoelectronic informationengineering from South China Normal University in 2007, an MS in physicalelectronics from Shenzhen University in 2010, and a Ph.D. in opticalengineering from Shenzhen University in 2012. Dr. He’s research interestsinclude computational optical imaging and machine vision. He has authored 40+papers in peer-reviewed professional journals.



Imaging through scattering via deep learning: from enlarging the FOV to customizing the FOV

Qi Hu

University of Oxford

Dr Qi Hu read for a degree in Engineering Science at St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, from 2013-7. Her doctoral work in adaptive optics for corrections of phase and polarisation state aberrations in microscopes was done in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford from 2017-21, during which time she was also a member of St. Hilda’s College. She was awarded the EPSRC IAA Doctoral Impact Scheme grant in 2021. She was elected to a Schmidt AI in Science fellow and an associate research fellow at Reuben College in 2023. Her work focuses on integrating AI techniques into optical hardware control to develop next-generation imaging systems.



A physics embedded machine learning approach for sensorless adaptive microscopy

Giuseppe Vicidomini

Italian Institute of Technology

As a computer scientist specializing at the intersection of physics, computer science, engineering, and biology, He has pioneered optical microscopy and spectroscopy for life science research. His Ph.D. at the University of Genoa focused on innovative image deconvolution methods. In subsequent Post-Doc roles at the Max Planck Institute and the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, he introduced super-resolved microscopy techniques, now standard in commercial STED microscopes. In 2016, he founded the Molecular Microscopy and Spectroscopy lab at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, focusing on the advanced intersection of optical and analytical tools. Achievements include the introduction of single-photon laser-scanning microscopy (SP-LSM), recognized through European grants like the BrightEyes ERC grant. Our innovative microscopy techniques are licensed by major companies, including Nikon and Zeiss. He is also a co-founder and scientific advisor of Genoa Instruments.



Single-Photon Microscopy: Opening the Door tothe Next Generation of Laser-Scanning Microscopy with SPAD Array Detectors

Hongwei Chen

Tsinghua University

Hongwei Chen received the B.E. and Ph.D. (with the highest honor) degrees in Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. His current research interests include opto-electronic signal processing, photonic intelligence, silicon photonics and microwave photonics. Hongwei Chen has won the gold prize of national invention exhibition in 2017, the first prize of technological invention of Optical Engineering Society in 2019. His scientific achievements have been reported by media including MIT Technology Review, SPIE newsroom, EurekAlerk, China Science Daily, ScienceNet, etc. He is a reviewer for top-rank Nature/IEEE/OSA/SPIE journals and was invited to serve as a technical committee member in high-level international conferences including OFC/CLEO/Photonics West/MWP.


报告题目:Optical pre-sensor computing for imaging and sensing

Cheng Wang

ShanghaiTech University

Dr. Cheng WANG is Associate Professor  (tenured, Principle Investigator)  at School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University. He received the Ph.D. degree from Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes, France in 2015. Then, he became a Senior Research Assistant at City University of Hong Kong. He joined ShanghaiTech University in April, 2016. He was a visiting researcher at Télécom ParisTech, France, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, and  Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He has been a committe member in SPIE Photonics West (2020-now),  in International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics (2018), and a symposium co-chair in IEEE Optoelectronics Global Conference (2021).

Dr. Wang's research interests include semiconductor lasers (interband cascade lasers, quantum cascade lasers, and quantum dot lasers), AI optical computing chips, optical communication, laser lidar, etc. Up to August, 2023, he has published 50+ journal publications and 70+ conference publications. The publications have received 1200+ citations, and the H-index score is 21.



Scalable parallel and deep photonic reservoir computer

Francesco Da Ros 

Technical University of Denmark

Francesco Da Ros isan associate professor in the Machine Learning in Photonic Systems (MLiPS) atDTU Electro. He received his Ph.D. in 2015 from the Technical University ofDenmark (DTU) including a research stay at the FraunhoferHeinrich-Hertz-Institute. Between 2015 and 2018, he worked within the Centerfor Silicon Photonics for Optical Communications at DTU and joined the MLiPSgroup in 2019. Dr. Da Ros has co-authored 200+ papers in the fields of opticalcommunication and signal processing, and he is currently leading a Villum YoungInvestigator project on optical implementations of machine learning techniques(OPTIC-AI). He is an OPTICA Ambassador and Senior Member, an IEEE SeniorMember, and is serving in several technical program committees including CLEO(Program Chair 2022, General Chair 2024), ECOC, PSC and SPIE Europe.


报告题目:Modeling and compensating for crosstalk effects inprogrammable optical circuits

Jiaqi Gu

Universityof Arizona State University

Jiaqi Gu havereceived the Best Paper Award at ASP-DAC 2020, the Best Paper Finalist at DAC2020, the Best Poster Award at NSF Workshop on Machine Learning Hardware(2020), and the Best Paper Award at IEEE TCAD 2021. I have won the ACM/SIGDAStudent Research Competition First Place (2020), the ACM Student ResearchCompetition Grand Finals First Place (2021), the Robert S. Hilbert MemorialOptical Design Competition 2022, and Margarida Jacome Dissertation Prize at UTAustin ECE (2023).


报告题目:Next-GenerationPhotonic Computing Systems with Cross-Layer Co-Design and Intelligent DesignAutomation

Bhavin J. Shastri

Queen's University

Bhavin J. Shastri is an Assistant Professor of Engineering Physics at Queen's University, Canada, and a Faculty Affiliate at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Canada. He earned the Honours B.Eng. (with distinction), M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering (photonics) from McGill University, Canada, in 2005, 2007, and 2012, respectively. He was an NSERC and Banting Postdoctoral Fellow (2012-2016) and an Associate Research Scholar (2016-2018) at Princeton University. With research interests in silicon photonics, photonic integrated circuits, neuromorphic computing, and machine learning, he has published more than 70 journal articles and 100 conference proceedings, 7 book chapters, and given over 65 invited talks and lectures including 5 keynotes and 3 tutorials. He is a co-author of the book, Neuromorphic Photonics (Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2017), a term he helped coin.

Dr. Shastri is the recipient of the 2022 SPIE Early Career Achievement Award and the 2020 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics "for his pioneering contributions to neuromorphic photonics" from the ICO. He is a Senior Member of Optica (formerly OSA) and IEEE, a recipient of the 2014 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Government of Canada, the 2012 D. W. Ambridge Prize for the top graduating Ph.D. student at McGill, an IEEE Photonics Society 2011 Graduate Student Fellowship, a 2011 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, a 2011 SPIE Scholarship in Optics and Photonics, a 2008 NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship, including the Best Student Paper Awards at the 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, 2010 IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Lance Stafford Larson Outstanding Student Award, and the 2003 IEEE Canada Life Member Award.


报告题目:Silicon photonics forartificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing


Advanced Intelligent Systems(AISY)是Wiley旗下智能系统领域开放获取旗舰刊。期刊收录关于具有刺激或指令响应智能的人造装置系统的研究,包括机器人、自动化、人工智能、机器学习、人机交互、智能传感和程序化自组装等前沿应用。

根据科睿维安最新报告数据(Clarivate 2022)显示,Advanced Intelligent Systems最新期刊影响因子7.4,期刊JCI指标为1.05,在计算机科学和人工智能领域皆位于Q1区。


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