


译者|孙书朋 西政法学硕士

审稿|董辰 中国政法大学

         岳文豪 上海交通大学

编辑|杨蒙恩 烟台大学本科

         Izzy 美国西北大学LL.M.

编|陈逸漩 中国人民大学本科

*Guiding Case No. 185


(Discussed and Passed by the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People’s Court, Released on July 4, 2022)


Yan Jialin (Claimant ) v. Zhejiang Sheraton RESORT Co., Ltd. (Respondent)

(A Dispute over the Right to Equal Employment)


I. Keywords


Civil; the Right to Equal Employment; Employment Discrimination; Regional Discrimination


II. Main Points of the Adjudication


Employer’s discriminatory treatment of candidates based on the factors, such as regions and genders, that are not necessarily related to the intrinsic requirements for a certain job constitutes employment discrimination. Therefore, the people’s courts shall be in favor of the affected candidates when they initiate a litigation against employers for the infringement of the right to equal employment.



III. Related Legal Rule(s)


Article 3 & 26 of the Employment Promotion Act of the People’s Republic of China


IV. Basic Facts of the Case


In July 2019, Zhejiang Sheraton RESORT Co., Ltd.(“the company”) advertised a series of openings for in-house counsel and assistant to the chairman, through Zhaopin, a job-hunting platform. On 3 July 2019, Yan Jialin submitted her resume containing her name, gender, birthday, place of household registration (Nanyang, Henan), and current city of residence (Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang) in support of her application for the two positions through Zhaopin App. The notary certificate produced by Hangzhou Internet Notary Public Office established that after using Yan Jialin’s username and passwords to login in her account, the notary found that Yan Jialin’s application for the position of assistant to the chairman was read at 14.28 pm on 4 July 2019, which was followed by a rejection at 14.28 pm on the ground that she was from Henan. On the same day, her application for the in-house counsel was read at 14.28 pm, and rejected at 14.29 pm for the same reason. Also, Yan Jialin paid 1,000 yuan for notarization. Based on these facts, Yan Jialin filed an action with Hangzhou Internet Court, requesting for an order that the company shall make the amende honorable, pay solatium for mental harm, and bear the applicable costs.



V. Results of the Adjudication 


On 26 November 2019, Hangzhou Internet Court entered a judgement (No. 6405 [2019], First, Civil Division, HIC, Hangzhou) that a) the Respondent shall pay the Claimant for solatium for mental harm and bear reasonable expenses incurred by defending her rights in total of 10,000 yuan within ten (10) days of the date on which this judgement enters into force; b) the Respondent shall make an oral apology as well as a written one in Legal Daily within ten (10) days of the date on which this judgement enters into force. The content of the apology shall be verified by this court. The Respondent’s failure to do so will lead to this court publicizing the main body of this judgement on state-run media, and the costs so incurred shall be borne by the Respondent; c) other claims of the Claimant are rejected. After this judgement was pronounced, both Yan Jialin and the company appealed. On 15 May 2020, the Intermediate People's Court of Hangzhou City rendered a decision (No. 736 [2020], Final, Civil Division, IPC, Hangzhou) to reject the appeal and affirmed the judgement of first instance.



VI. Reasons of the Adjudication 


The court found that the right to equal employment - both a social right and a private right granted by the civil law - should be enjoyed by every laborer as a fundamental right, which is an indication of their independent personality and free will. In terms of the civil law, the infringement of this right amounts to the violation of the essence of personality right - personal dignity, an essential ingredient of which is equal treatment. However, employment discrimination tends to severely insult job hunters, and even do harm to both their mental and physical health. Accordingly, laborers may bring an action to seek civil remedies for infringement of the right to equal employment.


It has been established that both Yan Jialin’s applications with the company were rejected just for the reason that she came from Henan. This means the company classified applicants according to their place of origin, and gave Yan Jialin a treatment lower than that which should be given to other applicants under normal circumstances, i.e., rejected Yan Jialin’s application. Accordingly, the court found that the company offered a discriminatory treatment to Yan Jialin just because she was from Henan.



Article 3 of the Employment Promotion Act of the People’s Republic of China prohibits employers from discriminating candidates based on ethnicity, race, gender, religious belief etc., which is an open-ended clause without exhaustive enumeration. Therefore, it stands to reason that, in addition to the aforesaid factors, other similarly unreasonable ones are also banned. Those factors, such as major, qualification, working experience, and work-related skills, which closely pertain to the intrinsic requirements for a certain job, can never fall within the purview of Article 3. However, if an employer recruit laborers based on ascribed factors, ranging from gender, household registration, region to age, appearance, ethnicity, race and religious belief, which are not necessarily connected to the intrinsic requirements for a certain job, this will constitute employment discrimination. As for ascribed factors, they refer to those which people have had since they were born, and they are unable to choose and control. As a mechanism designed to judge and regulate people’s behavior, law should not set unequal conditions for different laborers according to the factors beyond their choice and control. Instead, these factors should be eliminated because they put some laborers at a real disadvantage. Hence, it is arguably unjustifiable to get ascribed factors involved in the recruiting process since this will severely undermine equality and justice.



In this case, the company treated Yan Jialin’s application in a discriminatory way based on her homeplace, which falls into the category of ascribed factors. Since the company failed to establish that there existed a definitively internal relationship between Yan Jialin’s homeplace and the jobs she applied for or that it had other legitimate purposes to justify its decisions on Yan Jialin’s application, the discrimination was not reasonable, thus violating Article 3 of the Employment Promotion Act. Accordingly, the court found that the discrimination adopted by the company amounted to employment discrimination against Yan Jialin, damaging her rights to equal employment opportunities and treatment. The court also found that it was the company’s subjective fault that resulted in the infringement of Yan Jialin’s right to equal employment, and therefore, it shall make the amende honorable, pay solatium for mental harm, and bear reasonable expenses incurred by defense for legal rights.


(Adjudicators: Shi Qingrong, Yu Jianming and Kong Wenchao)



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