Only you can be the Change that you want to create.

Only you can be the Change that you want to create.

The only thing you can control is yourself.

Anything else is subject to external forces.

So often I hear people talk about other people.

Not always productively.

??Instead of questioning what they may or may not think about you..

??Instead of worrying about their judgement…

??Instead of talking negatively about what they have or have not done…

??Instead of blaming and shaming…

Focus on being productive and constructive in your collaborative working…

Lead yourself how you would want to be led by others and

Show up with integrity.

If someone wants to bag you, diminish you or complain about you..

Without questioning their own role in the mess, and rationale for feeling they have to, it tells you a lot about their character…

It tells you a lot about ego and the mindtraps that trip them up in life.

It can also reflect if they have a growth or fixed mindset.

You can tell a lot about someone’s development needs as a leader from they way they talk, behave, what they say and don’t say.


It also tells you how conscious they are as humans.

At the end of the day, you can’t control others!

You can influence and show up with purpose.

You can be kind and thoughtful even holding challenging conversations…

Mindful of other’s emotions and life challenges.

Mindful that you only see a small part of a giant puzzle

So get curious

You can create your own destiny.

Your energy is better served there.

And you will achieve things far faster focusing on whatever is productive and constructive.

It’s the attitude of truly adaptive, conscious and high performance leaders.


If you are spending your time in the unproductive zone ask yourself…


What need is it serving in you?

And what steps do you have to take to shift it?

Only you can be the Change that you want to create.

#growth #development #change #leader #consciousleadership
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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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