[OP][UHN][HY] [MUH] need physics more than friends.

[OP][UHN][HY] [MUH] need physics more than friends.


I need physics more than friends.

Break 'oppenheimer' down into sounds: [OP] + [UHN] + [HY] + [MUH] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record ...
Some clarifications: - On black holes. While others such as Scharszchild were first to describe the theory of blackholes, Oppenheimer's work was the first full description of how blackholes formed. "Oppenheimer proposed the very first collapse model to describe how a star could collapse into a black hole." - Xavier Calmet, a professor of physics at the University of Sussex in England - On the photoelectric effect. His work wasn't so much a discovery of the effect but more an observation using the effect that revealed some truths about the Hydrogen atom, so apologies for that error on my part. - On Unit 731. (Including planned attack on America) Thanks for watching!
Some clarifications: - On black holes. While others such as Scharszchild were first to describe the theory of blackholes, Oppenheimer's work was the first full description of how blackholes formed. "Oppenheimer proposed the very first collapse model to describe how a star could collapse into a black hole." - Xavier Calmet, a professor of physics at the University of Sussex in England - On the photoelectric effect. His work wasn't so much a discovery of the effect but more an observation using the effect that revealed some truths about the Hydrogen atom, so apologies for that error on my part. - On Unit 731. (Including planned attack on America) Thanks for watching!
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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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