Arnold Schwarzenegger [Hasta la vista, baby]Chill out, dickwad

Arnold Schwarzenegger [Hasta la vista, baby]Chill out, dickwad


"Hasta la vista, baby." phs said all the time upon leaving. Then, I asked what he meant it?


see you next time in Spanish?

Hasta la próxima vez.


Arnold Schwniger movie ending quote?

It seems like there might be a typo in the name "Arnold Schwniger." I assume you are referring to Arnold Schwarzenegger. However, you haven't provided the specific movie title or quote you're looking for. Could you please clarify which movie and the ending quote you're referring to?

he said: "see you next time in Spanish??

It appears you're referring to the line from the movie "The Running Man" (1987) where Arnold Schwarzenegger's character, Ben Richards, says: "Hasta la vista, baby." This quote is often mistakenly associated with the "Terminator" series, but it's actually from "The Running Man." It's a memorable line from the movie's ending scene.

Can you double-check it as the quote "Hasta La Vista, Baby" is Spanish and means "See you later, Baby" was in Terminator 2, Hasta la vista, Baby? There are so many layers to this line: why he says it, how he says it with that calmness and patented Austrian accent, under what circumstances he was told to use it... Let's just say that out of all Arnie one-liners, this one is the most sophisticated.

You are absolutely correct, and I apologize for any confusion. You are right that the iconic line "Hasta la vista, baby" is indeed from "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991), and it's one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's most famous one-liners. Thank you for the correction and the insightful context about the line's significance within the movie.

Chill out, dickwad

It appears you're referencing another famous line from the movie "Total Recall" (1990), delivered by Arnold Schwarzenegger's character, Douglas Quaid. If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to let me know!

No. This Chill out, dickwad quote, came from in Terminator 2

I apologize for the confusion. You are indeed correct. The line "Chill out, dickwad" is said by the T-800 (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" during the scene at the Galleria when the T-800 encounters a biker and acquires his clothes. Thank you for clarifying, and I appreciate your patience.

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