writing will always triumph over intersectionality

writing will always triumph over intersectionality




1 year ago
Why good writing will always triumph over intersectionality: A decent story will almost always involve multiple characters, and for them to be good characters they have to be written as individuals with their own dreams, motivations, and limitations. This is quite anti-thetical to what progressives in general want: That everyone think exactly the same, have the same morals and desires.


If you can swap the names of any number of characters and the story remains the same, odds are you've failed to write anything interesting; and that none of the characters written actually grows past a stereotype. If you think about it, a lot of stories and movies in the past do have 'woke' themes to them, but none of it mattered because the characters that exist are fully fleshed out; they are individuals. More modern media where the wokeness takes center stage, the characters aren't fleshed out: They become the ideology, a hollow shell that spits out talking points and is never challenged or put to the test; but rather everything they encounter simply re-affirms their position. Their dreams aren't challenged, their resolve isn't challenged, there is no self-reflection or even a hint of possibility that they could be wrong; having a personal internal obstacle is one of the most critical things for a character to develop, but woke characters are given speedbumps to run over: Not life altering dilemmas.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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