I will always appreciate your generosity 是啥意思?
楼主 (北美华人网)
我问他能否自己开车,他说可以,我就让他顺路开到我家来给他准备了点东西让他拿走 (12 盒Sadin小罐头 - 6个一包,2盒St. Michel 法国饼干,一盒新西兰Kiwi,都是Costco买的),他非常高兴和感谢。
---------------------- Update:
我问他可不可以用Zelle收钱我可以打点给他,他说不知道Zelle 是啥,目前也不缺钱。有机会我去看他一下。
和我经常打球的球友今天发了短信给我,他似乎没有什么物质积累,我过去也偶而给他自己买多的点东西,罐头和饼干之类的。也送给他一些果树。 他有70多了,孤身一人,住女朋友家。我是不是该给他点钱或什么的?
Hey xxx, Long time,no see.I miss playing tennis with you.You are a good player and very fair! On 9/20,I fell from my bicycle and fractured my left wrist. I’m in a cast and will probably be out from tennis 6-8 weeks. Some of the banana trees are giving fruit.There is competition from the squirrels,raccoons and possums The mango tree has doubled in size but is still a few years from maturity. I hope you and xxx are well and the mmm is good.
I will always appreciate your generosity!
我问他能否自己开车,他说可以,我就让他顺路开到我家来给他准备了点东西让他拿走 (12 盒Sadin小罐头 - 6个一包,2盒St. Michel 法国饼干,一盒新西兰Kiwi,都是Costco买的),他非常高兴和感谢。
---------------------- Update:
我问他可不可以用Zelle收钱我可以打点给他,他说不知道Zelle 是啥,目前也不缺钱。有机会我去看他一下。
和我经常打球的球友今天发了短信给我,他似乎没有什么物质积累,我过去也偶而给他自己买多的点东西,罐头和饼干之类的。也送给他一些果树。 他有70多了,孤身一人,住女朋友家。我是不是该给他点钱或什么的?
Hey xxx, Long time,no see.I miss playing tennis with you.You are a good player and very fair! On 9/20,I fell from my bicycle and fractured my left wrist. I’m in a cast and will probably be out from tennis 6-8 weeks. Some of the banana trees are giving fruit.There is competition from the squirrels,raccoons and possums The mango tree has doubled in size but is still a few years from maturity. I hope you and xxx are well and the mmm is good.
I will always appreciate your generosity!