Martin Sheen plays JFK [Kennedy (1983) - Part 1

Martin Sheen plays JFK [Kennedy (1983) - Part 1


Kennedy (1983): Part 1

Martin Sheen is trying too hard to play JFK!… He’s 5’ 6” while JFK was 6’ 1” which makes him significantly shorter than the real JFK! However, his voice mimic JFK's! I adore Martin Sheen, but his upper-mass accent sounds a little put-on. [Does anyone in New England still speak this way? Not exactly. Not like that. He didn't know how to do a Boston accent. ]

list of all actors who have portrayed John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, over the years in movies and TV series? Who was the best?

Numerous actors have portrayed John F. Kennedy in movies and TV series over the years. Here are some notable portrayals:

Cliff Robertson: Portrayed JFK in "PT 109" (1963).

Martin Sheen: Played Kennedy in the TV miniseries "Kennedy" (1983).

William Petersen: Portrayed JFK in the miniseries "The Rat Pack" (1998).

Bruce Greenwood: Played Kennedy in the film "Thirteen Days" (2000).

Greg Kinnear: Portrayed JFK in the TV miniseries "The Kennedys" (2011) and its sequel "The Kennedys: After Camelot" (2017).

James Marsden: Played JFK in "The Butler" (2013).

Rob Lowe: Portrayed Kennedy in the TV movie "Killing Kennedy" (2013).

Cas Anvar: Played JFK in "The Kennedys: After Camelot" (2017).

Jeffrey Donovan: Portrayed JFK in "LBJ" (2016).

The assessment of who was the "best" portrayal is subjective and often depends on personal preferences. Each actor brought their own interpretation and style to the role. Some viewers may prefer the historical accuracy of a portrayal, while others may appreciate the actor's performance and charisma. Ultimately, the "best" portrayal is a matter of individual opinion.]

Saulo Magalhães
77,059 views Sep 22, 2021

John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was born on May 29, 1917, and he was assassinated on November 22, 1963. Therefore, at the time of his death, JFK was 46 years old.



7 months ago
I stood in a snowbank up to my knees to watch JFK make his inaugural speech. It thrilled me then, and it still thrills me now. Regrettably, I also watched his funeral cortege in person just three short years later.
7 replies


3 months ago
Excellent casting, who all recreated the feeling of the times, personalities, and challenges. I loved this production when it came out, and seeing it now still hits the perfect pitch.


3 months ago
I was 9 months old, and my mother was folding laundry when she watched live on television Kennedy being shot to death in Dallas. This is how I found out about "who is John F. Kennedy?" She told me one day, when I asked about a picture of the brothers that hung in our home, it still does. Along with cards, letters from Esther Kennedy, and thank-you cards from the condolence cards my mother sent when, at different times, both of them were assassinated, I was curious about them as a child growing up and looking through this collection my mother had in a show box. I graduated from high school in 1981 and was given the "sanitized version" of US history.

As an adult, I have had to "dig out the facts" about our country and find the real story of the Kennedy's on my own. This is the first time I am seeing this miniseries, as I was already, as a young adult, hard at work—working 40–50 hours a week in a local ER after taking courses at a local community college.

My last job in medicine after 17 years, was nursing. I was injured on the job and wound up on SSDI at age 36, frustrated. I have had lots of time to read, research, and study. I also volunteer, helping others as much as I can. From what I have seen so far, this pretty much goes along with what I found in my research. JFK is remembered as some type of saint.

But in reality, he was a womanizer, cheated on his wife, and had pretty low morals. The family background comes from criminal activities to gain their wealth from being part of the IRISH MAFIA way back in the early days of Irish immigration. There was a lot of corruption in the police, regarding alcohol sales, early movie making, and some financial dealings with stock. As time went on the "Patriarch" of the family, Joseph, tried to go more legitimate by accepting government-type jobs, specifically an ambassadorship to London, England, in which he rubbed shoulders with the royal family and even met Winston Churchill. Even these things Joseph did did not change HIS lifestyle of running around and womanizing, a trait his son picked up from him. He pinned his hopes on John to someday become President. Hiding behind their religion to cover up a host of sins does not excuse the behavior. Jackie Kennedy coped with this behavior by spending money on clothing and things as a diversion to her reality. She tried to rise about her husbands bedroom antics. It was a tough role for her, never being allowed to share with anyone the private nightmare she lived. Always being told to lift up her chin and accept it. "All the Kennedy women did." Now after all these years, I get a chance to watch this, thanks! I am now 60 years old!
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3 months ago
I am in awe with the Kennedy family. They have their faults but they are true American family Irish [] ? descendants of course . Love the cast . Thank you so much [] []


3 weeks ago (edited)
Martin Sheen’s accent and performance were spot on.


3 months ago
Hoover had the power behind the scenes from 1924 to 1972 He saw presidents come and go!


8 months ago
This is nothing more than an extended soap opera.
4 replies


4 months ago
"Religious?! These people are bigots!" Did Joseph Kennedy just call somebody out for being a bigot?? LMFAO!!!!


3 months ago (edited)
Oh no! That voice of Martin Sheen's was inaccurate of how the Kennedys sounded! Someone on here said it was like Elmer Fudd. True! Just starting to watch, looks good


5 months ago
Podrias subirlas en español o con subtitulos español, graicias


4 months ago
34:10 This movie is beginning to annoy me with all of the pot shots at Nixon. Do you want to talk about having no class? Look no further. The reason Nixon had his press secretary deliver the concession is because he was pissed off, and he knew showing that was not good for the country. He was pissed off because he knew he won that election, and he knew Kennedy and his Daddy cheated. If we were exhibiting class, the writers of this movie would have just let that go, without the pot shots.
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4 months ago
Martin Sheen just looks like Martin Sheen trying too hard to play JFK!… He’s 5’ 6” while JFK was 6’ 1” which makes him significantly shorter than the real JFK!
1 reply


10 months ago
Eerie how Nixon H.Q. Was the Ambassador Hotel which was the RFK Headquarters for the California Primary in 68!


4 months ago (edited)
Sheen is about as believable as JFK as Nixon's Watergate speech was, why is he pulling his accent like that, Do the Brookline, Massachusetts elite speak like that, No they don't. 43:50 is probably the best scene in the film, three men in a dark room only Hoover speaking, slowly., menacingly. . A lot of money was spent making this and it came out looking like a mid-week TV mini-series, did someone say it is. . . could/should have been much better, the Kennedy family story and JFK, in particular, is what made America great, the rot set in the day he died, IMO, []
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2 months ago
Kennedy a. Great man


4 months ago
Listen, I am no saint. I understand that the rules were made by people who already have what you want, and do not want you to have any of it. I know that if you want to accomplish anything, the rules are on your list of opponents. So we choose our risks and we make our bets. If you play it straight, there is little risk but you probably won't become President of the United States by your early 40s. If you play it dirty and get in bed with the wrong people, you will certainly get ahead and be pushed to the front of the line. But those people may turn on you and you may not come home from Dallas. We choose our risks. We make our bets. Sometimes we lose. What has always amused me is the way everyone seems to need t treat JFK and his brother like they were a couple of saints. I do not think they were evil, but I KNOW They weren't saints. They are just two guys who made the wrong bets and came up short. I neither celebrate their deaths, nor cry for them. Now Teddy...Teddy was evil. I believe that the real curse on the Kennedy family is in the part where he is the one that lived to old age. But that is another topic.
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1 month ago
Would you buy ice cream from a guy that looked like Nixon…?!


3 months ago
One of his favourite poems was Alan seegers I have a Rendezvous with death!


5 months ago (edited)
Hoover worried about another mans sex lives


4 months ago
Blair Brown was a good Jackie
1 reply


5 months ago
On Nov 22nd 1963. Was Bobby Kennedy really sitting by his pool in bathrobe when he got the news of JFK shooting? It was a warm day. But not that warm!


4 months ago
I was waiting for Leslie Nielsen to walk down th aisle..


5 months ago
Rose seemed softer in this version


7 months ago
I adore Martin Sheen, but his Upper Mass Accent sounds a little put on. Does anyone in New England still speak this way?

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