300,000 items per household in USA minimalist approach

300,000 items per household in USA minimalist approach

Can the American number be true?

According to these numbers - it would take a team of 200 people a YEAR to flip the contents of one American house via circular ecommerce sales At least if we look at output of the average circular economy camera players like us.

Better product design is the true key.
1 Comment on Juho Leppänen’s comment
My thoughts are - Let´s find a new way to happiness Let us use the money we use for items and things we don´t need or can live without to : Create a new balance worldwide. Let us share the money, the wisdom, the creativity, the sustainable happiness in a big basket and create the one world happiness. Balance between rich and poor countries.

We have enough materiel and money to do this. This is not a question about money and things - but a question about pleasure, will and new ways of thinking. The rich countries could easily bring balance in the world econnimic wisdom and we could easily start reducing things and learn and experience how to live another life without so many things and items. We have things to four planets.
Let us create new patterns for a good life.
The statistics clearly show that change is urgently needed. The circular economy offers a solution, but shouldn't we also rethink our lifestyles? It is encouraging to see that some households, like in Finland, are leading the way with a minimalist approach. Fewer possessions can actually mean more. Our global addiction to consumption is a common challenge, but we have the opportunity to heal ourselves and the environment.

The circular economy is definitely a promising approach here, prioritising sustainability and resource efficiency. It is a step towards a better and greener future!

Let's continue this important conversation and act together!
That is the result of capitalism.

In which, we are all born consumers, who earn money to buy products. We define our societal worth about our jobs, our money and our material possessions.

Of course a superficial observation, but what inspires us to possess 300.000 things?

Yet we know the best things in life we cannot posses, being loved, being healthy, being happy, being wise, being thankful, being kind, being content with who we are.

I guess the more propaganda we hear, the bigger becomes our urgency to fill a void within us, with externalities. Which of course we can never achieve. Everybody looses.

It’s time to overcome capitalism and realize a simple thing - we have nothing once we are born. And we have nothing once we are gone. Only our god given life.
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