Unforgivable Blackness 4 Rising The Jack Johnson Story

Unforgivable Blackness 4 Rising The Jack Johnson Story


Unforgivable Blackness The Rise Of The Jack Johnson Story: First black champion Jack Johnson, 27 times of Heavey weight champions of the world.

The best doc about this boxer. Jack Johnson knew what he was worth, as man and as a human being and dared anyone to prove it otherwise. White or black, in the ring or out. He made a decision never to live in fear and for this, he was given the grudging respect of a society that would rather see him on his knees. His confidence and attitude, much more than his size and physique, made him the larger than life figure he was. This should be the title for his autobiographical movie 1:00:04  

Part 1:

Pt. 2: 

I think its absolutely amazing that Mr. Johnson considered himself an American, not an "African American." I wish more black folks now were like that. As a white Man, nobody expects me to call myself a "European American", nor would I. That standard should exist for black folks as well.
African American' is a codeword for black. I've been to Africa. Big friggin continent. People of all colors.
Jack Johnson should have a modern day version of a movie made about his life for the big screen. If they could do Ali and Big George Foreman, certainly someone can bring the historical significance of the first black world heavyweight boxing champion ever to today's generation. Jack was indeed " A man and All Man, period. Race aside.
Not just a story of Jack Johnson , but also how he overcame American racism at its worst, which makes him not only the great boxer he was but a hero to us even today.
They say Muhammed Ali got his Actions and commentaries from Sugar Ray Robinson. If that's the case, Sugar Ray got his from Jack Johnson. It wasn't until the 1930s that Joe Louis, The Brown Bomber, got his shot at the Heavyweight Title. He was told never to smile, always avoid white women, and be exceptionally fair in the ring. He was even was TOO fair! He Took on all challengers, "The Bum of the Month Club." Anyway, Great doc!
wikipedia paints another picture of Burns -Burns took on all challengers as Heavyweight Champion, leading to his legendary bout with the African American Jack Johnson.[1] According to his biographer, Burns insisted, "I will defend my title against all comers, none barred. By this I mean white, black, Mexican, Indian, or any other nationality. I propose to be the champion of the world, not the white, or the Canadian, or the American. If I am not the best man in the heavyweight division, I don't want the title."
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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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