那个听hiphop的人呢?# Rock - 摇滚音乐
techno? eh.. hehe.. I like them all.. no particular favorite.. when they
innovate they r all amazing.. like Dr. Dre's G funk with Antipop's
experimentalism.. it's all good.
yes.. I went to raves.. why u asking? hehe

not i hate the music of hip-hop, but when you turn on MTV and see these
phony bastards to show off, i feel sick. you look at steve miller,
the deads, or any classic rock musicians, they dont have to knock off
their front teeth, they dont' have to wear 11 gold rings, they don't
have to shoot mtv on a million dollar boat and they never talk w/
this fake thug attitude. that's the problem w/ minorities, like blacks
and vietnamese, they have been biased against for years and years
and they need somet

【在 t****d 的大作中提到】
: techno? eh.. hehe.. I like them all.. no particular favorite.. when they
: innovate they r all amazing.. like Dr. Dre's G funk with Antipop's
: experimentalism.. it's all good.
: yes.. I went to raves.. why u asking? hehe
: girls.
: and
: 是谁说他/她喜欢听hiphop的?最近在听些什么呢?来讨论讨论吧。我好久没找人谈hipho

no, counterculture is not to show off and being phony -- i can't take
anthing or anyone that is pretending. and if i have that much money,
hehe, i'd donate too. it's not how much you are willing to give but
how much to sacrifice.
i love spice girls, who says i have to like their music
and i agree about the white musicians, they are majority and they
grow up in a normal social settings.
they were really big in ft. lauderdale, 'til all the old folks here
changed teh law and kicked them out. so they are in panhandles now,
i was all over it for a few years - who doesn't like a week of
crazyness of everything. now my belly is bigger and my dick is smaller,
i guess i need to look at a different crowds :-P
oh please, don't talk to me about acting all phony, having crazy expensive ass
productions.. rock started doing that before hiphop was even anything... what
abut all the glam rock? the long hair with the chics, what about gnr's
november rain video? wanna talk about excessive..
all the so called classic rockers didn't have a choice to be glamorous, if
they could you know they would.. maybe except for a few true artists.. but
hiphop has that, too.
phony thug attitudes? some of them aren't so fake.
oh yah? hehe.. thats cool.. my experimenting days are over.. too old and got
too bored.. hehe.
if you do experiment.. make sure u drink plenty of water.. but also don't
drink too much.. make sure you have a reliable source for whatever you are
experimenting with.. and maybe a friend arund to watch out for you.. hehe..
raves aren't all about drugs like what most ppl believe.. it is simply about
getting together with different ppl and have some fun..

i never liked big hair band, they are phony, from kiss to scorpions
i'm a 60's and 70's fan, southern/bluegrass rock is my taste. i'm a redneck
so i guess i'll never like the blacks showing off their gold teeth.
being a show off gangster style is a sign of low self esteem, i mean,
nothing wrong about that, but i'm a very cocky person so i would never
appreciate that. hiphop is the trendy thing, and i can never follow it.

【在 t****d 的大作中提到】
: oh please, don't talk to me about acting all phony, having crazy expensive ass
: productions.. rock started doing that before hiphop was even anything... what
: abut all the glam rock? the long hair with the chics, what about gnr's
: november rain video? wanna talk about excessive..
: all the so called classic rockers didn't have a choice to be glamorous, if
: they could you know they would.. maybe except for a few true artists.. but
: hiphop has that, too.
: phony thug attitudes? some of them aren't so fake.

goto local private owned record stores, sometimes there are flyers there.. you
can also check very likely there will be a listing for raves
in your area.

hmm.. that's strange then.. cause hiphop is all about the cocky self-confident
attitude.. so, it is very strange that you won't like hiphop.. cause that is
one of the reason why I love hiphop.. I grew up in a big city, so alot of the
stuff translate over pretty well..
why is being show off gangster style is a sign of low self esteem? I mean if
showing off is a sign of low self esteem, then what about that BIG bike you
bought? u sure u'r not trying to compensate for something? hehe.
but if it is

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: i never liked big hair band, they are phony, from kiss to scorpions
: i'm a 60's and 70's fan, southern/bluegrass rock is my taste. i'm a redneck
: so i guess i'll never like the blacks showing off their gold teeth.
: being a show off gangster style is a sign of low self esteem, i mean,
: nothing wrong about that, but i'm a very cocky person so i would never
: appreciate that. hiphop is the trendy thing, and i can never follow it.

bikers are the nicest people you can find. if you ever come to a biker
rally you'll find how friendly they are. in the contrast, last year i
was at the famous south beach hiphop music fest, kid, if you've been
there you'll appreciate much much much more about what i'm trying to
say - they are the worst people i ever met. i guess i'm not having
problem w/ people to show off, but i have problem when people gave me
taht kind of hostile look. if you ever lived in atlanta, i bet you
don't want to get

【在 t****d 的大作中提到】
: hmm.. that's strange then.. cause hiphop is all about the cocky self-confident
: attitude.. so, it is very strange that you won't like hiphop.. cause that is
: one of the reason why I love hiphop.. I grew up in a big city, so alot of the
: stuff translate over pretty well..
: why is being show off gangster style is a sign of low self esteem? I mean if
: showing off is a sign of low self esteem, then what about that BIG bike you
: bought? u sure u'r not trying to compensate for something? hehe.
: but if it is

bikers are the nicest people you can find?? uhn? did we all forget about ppl
like hell's angel?
I think most of the hostile looks are in your head.. or maybe it is how you
are looking at them.. and just because they r black doesn't mean they are the
beloved hiphop people..
and does having a white folk in the crowd mean they r friendly? damn.. then
clan meetings must be the friendliest thing in the world.


【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: bikers are the nicest people you can find. if you ever come to a biker
: rally you'll find how friendly they are. in the contrast, last year i
: was at the famous south beach hiphop music fest, kid, if you've been
: there you'll appreciate much much much more about what i'm trying to
: say - they are the worst people i ever met. i guess i'm not having
: problem w/ people to show off, but i have problem when people gave me
: taht kind of hostile look. if you ever lived in atlanta, i bet you
: don't want to get

i lived in NJ for almost a year, hehe, and i've been to more than half of
the states in US. i like south, people are friendlier here.
of course nothing compares to Dalian
kid, i thought you are majored in discussion stuff, please, use common
sense. bikers are nice, Hell's Angel, Bandidos or outlaws, those MC call
themselves 1%er, you are respresenting the rest 99% with 1%. go learn more
about motorcyclists' culture and you'll have a better understanding.
if you have to question my credibility on telling the difference of
friendly and hostile people, then i don't feel i'll be interested on
the topic anymore. i hoped for some reasonable arguments.
peace out now...

【在 t****d 的大作中提到】
: bikers are the nicest people you can find?? uhn? did we all forget about ppl
: like hell's angel?
: I think most of the hostile looks are in your head.. or maybe it is how you
: are looking at them.. and just because they r black doesn't mean they are the
: beloved hiphop people..
: and does having a white folk in the crowd mean they r friendly? damn.. then
: clan meetings must be the friendliest thing in the world.
: self-confident
: is

yes, my point exactly. Hell's Angel are outlaws, but yet they are bikers, they
give the true biker culture a bad name. Just like the few bad apples in hiphop
is giving hiphop a bad name. But yet because they get all of the publicity,
people automatically associate them with the culture, but in reality they are
far from it. You are calling on my ignorance on the topic of bikers and by
doing so you are also pointing out your own ignorance and bias towards the
hiphop and black culture.
No, the MCs
16 google, type in "one percenter" and see what'll come up
Hell's Angel and outlaw are rival MCs, all of them consider themselves
as one percenters, if i'm not mistaken the name, it was JFK once said
"for all the bikers out there, 99% are law abiding citizens" and HA,
Bandidos and outlaws found they liked that, so they started calling
themselves one percenters. i have no idea about the black muslim
MCs, i didn't even know there was famous muslim motorcycle clubs.
and dude, take it easy,

【在 t****d 的大作中提到】
: yes, my point exactly. Hell's Angel are outlaws, but yet they are bikers, they
: give the true biker culture a bad name. Just like the few bad apples in hiphop
: is giving hiphop a bad name. But yet because they get all of the publicity,
: people automatically associate them with the culture, but in reality they are
: far from it. You are calling on my ignorance on the topic of bikers and by
: doing so you are also pointing out your own ignorance and bias towards the
: hiphop and black culture.
: No, the MCs

Mcs? I see we have different definitions for MCs.. the mcs that I am talking
about are masters of ceremony.. the rapper is often called the mc, cause they
control the mics. I have never seen MC used for motocycle clubs.. so.. my
bad.. I thought you were talking about the other mc.
I am perfectly calm.. I have to say judging the entire biker population based
on that one percent is rather ignorant on my part, because I made a stereotype
before really getting informed. But again, it is not somethin
reasonable reasonable, i guess we stand at different stand point. these
are the succsessful examples for minority americans, and that's respectable,
i can understand. i'm not a minority american so i never had the urge
to be recognized by mainstream - i'm a foreigner and will always be, hehe.
all these images of larger than life they try to project all the time just
make me feel like bao4 fa1 hu4.
but you have to admit that blacks are the racists nowadays. there is a club
here called radius, las

【在 t****d 的大作中提到】
: Mcs? I see we have different definitions for MCs.. the mcs that I am talking
: about are masters of ceremony.. the rapper is often called the mc, cause they
: control the mics. I have never seen MC used for motocycle clubs.. so.. my
: bad.. I thought you were talking about the other mc.
: I am perfectly calm.. I have to say judging the entire biker population based
: on that one percent is rather ignorant on my part, because I made a stereotype
: before really getting informed. But again, it is not somethin

hehe, i think bikers and hiphop music are as mainstream as they can be.
dude it'd be interesting to tell the whole story what why you peed in
your pants, hehehe.
hehe.. I have had many of those odd moments.. like walk into a mall full of
hicks near pittsburgh.. ppl with mullets.. or read the wrong date for a show
on a flyer and end up at a gay club night.. the bouncer at the door was a
female, once she saw me she knew I wasn't gay and told me whatsup.. saved me
the trouble of actually going in and find out I read the wrong date on the
flyer.. I've actually been to asian parties and felt odd.. guess I am just not
your typical asian..
but yah.. I think rac

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: dude it'd be interesting to tell the whole story what why you peed in
: your pants, hehehe.

hmm.. what sort of black english you don't understand? give me some examples
and maybe I can help.. hehe.. yah.. it is tough to listen to rap and not
understanding what they are saying..
have u checked out ? it also help to read the lyrics while
listening to a song. hehe. esp some of them fast rappers..

I sorta see what ya saying.. but I think u just gotta pay attention.. some of
them I can't even follow.. so they r ruled under whack.. have u checked out
Nas' Illmatic? classic album..
I could never understand what Mobb Deep are saying.. Outkast is a bit hard
sometimes.. cause they rap so fast.. besides that.. I think I can understand
most of them.

imo, racism is human nature, everyone is biased on how others look and
where they from, what's wrong w/ that...