[技术贴转载]如果被猫狗咬了,怎么办?# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Q1:How should I take care of a bite from a cat or a dog?
Whether from a family pet or a neighborhood stray, cat and dog bites are
Here are some things you should do to take care of a wound caused by a cat
or dog bite:
* If necessary, call your doctor (see the shaded box below).
* Wash the wound gently with soap and water.
* Apply pressure with a clean towel to the injured area to stop any
* Apply a sterile bandage to the wound.
* Keep the injury elevated above the level of the heart to slow swelling
and prevent infection.
* If necessary, report the incident to the proper authority in your
community (for example, the animal control office or the police).
* Apply antibiotic ointment to the area 2 times every day until it heals.
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Q2: Call your doctor in any of these situations:
* You have a cat bite. Cat bites often cause infection. You don't need
to call your doctor for a cat scratch, unless you think the wound is
* You have a dog bite on your hand, foot or head, or you have a bite
that is deep or gaping.
* You have diabetes, liver or lung disease, cancer, acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or another condition that could weaken your
ability to fight infection.
* You have any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, warmth,
increased tenderness, oozing of pus from the wound or a fever.
* You have bleeding that doesn't stop after 15 minutes of pressure or
you think you may have a broken bone, nerve damage or another serious injury.
* Your last tetanus shot (vaccine) was more than 5 years ago. (If so,
you may need a booster shot.)
* You were bitten by a wild animal or a domestic animal (such as a pet)
of unknown immunization status.
Q3: What will my doctor do?
Here are some things your doctor may do to treat a cat or dog bite:
* Examine the wound for possible nerve damage, tendon damage or bone
injury. He or she will also check for signs of infection.
* Clean the wound with a special solution and remove any damaged tissue.
* May use stitches to close a bite wound, but often the wound is left
open to heal, which can lower the risk of infection.
* May prescribe an antibiotic to prevent infection.
* May give you a tetanus shot if you had your last shot more than 5
years ago.
* May ask you to schedule an office visit to check your wound again in 1
to 2 days.
* If your injury is severe, or if the infection has not gotten better
even though you're taking antibiotics, your doctor may suggest that you see
a specialist and/or go to the hospital, where you can get special medicine
given directly in your veins (intravenous antibiotics) and further treatment
if necessary.
Q4: Will I need a rabies shot?
Probably not. Rabies is uncommon in dogs and cats in the United States. (It
is more common in wild animals like skunks, raccoons, bats and coyotes.) If
a dog or cat that bit you appeared to be healthy at the time of the bite, it
's unlikely that the animal had rabies. However, it's a good idea to take
some precautions if you're bitten by a dog or cat.
If you know the owner of the dog or cat that bit you, ask for the pet's
vaccination record (record of shots). An animal that appears healthy and has
been vaccinated may still be quarantined (kept away from people and other
animals) for 10 days to make sure it doesn't start showing signs of rabies.
If the animal gets sick during the 10-day period, a veterinarian will test
it for rabies. If the animal does have rabies, you will need to get a series
of rabies shots (see below).
If the animal is a stray or you can't find the owner of the dog or cat that
bit you, call the animal control agency or health department in your area.
They will try to find the animal so it can be tested for rabies.
If the animal control agency or health department can't find the animal that
bit you, if the animal shows signs of rabies after the bite or if a test
shows that the animal has rabies, your doctor will probably want you to get
a series of rabies shots (also called post-exposure prophylaxis). You need
to get the first shot as soon as possible after the bite occurs. After you
receive the first shot, your doctor will give you 6 more shots over a 28-day
顺便拐到隔壁internal medicine,问了个老好的attending,今天他正好在办公室。我
老头曰:zero, because you dont have any symptom yet.

【在 c*******e 的大作中提到】
: [摘要]
: 如果你被猫狗咬了,想要打狂犬病疫苗,医生一般不会让你打。
: 如果你不打,但是确实被感染,伤口感觉发麻以后48小时之内去医院,也是死不掉的。
: 就算你伤口发麻,也不能说明是狂犬病。一般医生会要求疫检人员找到咬你的那个动物
: 。只有那个动物也出现神经系统异常了才能确诊是狂犬病。
: From
: Q1:How should I take care of a bite from a cat or a dog?
: Whether from a family pet or a neighborhood stray, cat and dog bites are
: common.
: Here are some things you should do to take care of a wound caused by a cat
