求杂志推荐 cortex development, progenitor cell# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
从加州买了巨峰苗收到了, 住在9a有问题请教.按照寄来的说明.
Planting Instruction
* Use only potting soil preferably without an added amendments like manure.
家里的potting soil是有肥的, 可以吗?
1 please remove all fruit and half of all leaves. after planting into the
pot. trees soak in water for 2 minutes.
手指粗的枝, 有根, 一共3片叶子和一个没长开的小叶子, 留一个最大的叶和一个没长
开的小叶子, 其它两个剪掉, 可以吗?
2 cover the entire plant(i.e. all foliage including any branches and the
trunk)with clear plastic. this keeps the moisture from escaping.
都用透明的塑料袋封好2-3周, 小苗会死掉吗?
3. place new planted trees in a shady area.
放在北边的房间地上, 还是放在东边的房间? 关闭百叶窗可以吗?
4. 2-3 weeks of the new leaves grow back, wait until the leaves mature, cut
the small hole with plastic shell be ok.
2-3周后能把小苗放在室外吗, 还要放在蔽阴的地方吗? 多长时间浇一次水, 上什么肥?
问题好多, 多谢回答.
Planting Instruction
* Use only potting soil preferably without an added amendments like manure.
家里的potting soil是有肥的, 可以吗?
1 please remove all fruit and half of all leaves. after planting into the
pot. trees soak in water for 2 minutes.
手指粗的枝, 有根, 一共3片叶子和一个没长开的小叶子, 留一个最大的叶和一个没长
开的小叶子, 其它两个剪掉, 可以吗?
2 cover the entire plant(i.e. all foliage including any branches and the
trunk)with clear plastic. this keeps the moisture from escaping.
都用透明的塑料袋封好2-3周, 小苗会死掉吗?
3. place new planted trees in a shady area.
放在北边的房间地上, 还是放在东边的房间? 关闭百叶窗可以吗?
4. 2-3 weeks of the new leaves grow back, wait until the leaves mature, cut
the small hole with plastic shell be ok.
2-3周后能把小苗放在室外吗, 还要放在蔽阴的地方吗? 多长时间浇一次水, 上什么肥?
问题好多, 多谢回答.