2 楼
maybe you can just say, "Let me ..."? or "Would you like me to remove the
chair?" or "I want to move the chair to another place " etc.
chair?" or "I want to move the chair to another place " etc.
心灵鸡汤vs知音体ASL Interpreter/Coordinator (转载)揭彭丽媛随行翻译:山大毕业曾获校一等奖学金(图) (转载)外来的和尚会念经 怎么翻译求教:“小张的领导处处排挤他。因为领导怕小张抢了他的风头”。诗句翻译,每次碰到都是千百匹神兽啊。。。大家来8181那些惊艳了你的英译汉吧,翻译是门艺术。。【转载】中超的那些奇葩人名翻译To the best of our knowledge. 怎么翻译?heritage learner/non-heritage learner你们怎么翻?请问踢皮球怎么翻译?一些生活英语的咨询(拉灯绳坏了, 洗脸台下水不畅)海归了,所以把带不走的家具、电器和生活用品贱卖请问“勿谓言之不预”该怎么翻译?求英文好的各位大人帮忙,谢谢 (转载)ROCK ME TO SLEEP 摇我入眠这个锦标赛你们给前多少名奖励?请问这句话如何翻译?Bigger than bigger译名大战listen和hear请教app起名, 包子答谢