



In his article titled “China true defender of human rights” published in China Daily on Oct 17, Ahmed Majdalani, general secretary of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, said China has been making tremendous efforts to present to the world the true image of the Communist Party of China. 

坚持以人民为中心 促进全球团结


Different, valuable characteristics of Chinese diplomacy are becoming more and more evident as China continues to present its creative, multi-dimensional development model to the world.


An important characteristic of Chinese diplomacy is the establishment of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. The greatest source of strength for Chinese diplomacy is its people-centered approach, which has helped it to deepen cooperation and friendship with other countries and promote global solidarity.


Another characteristic worth emphasizing is the global vision of Chinese diplomacy. The CPC is committed to promoting development, maintaining harmony, improving the lives of the Chinese people and realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation and, as the country’s ruling party, it has always pursued an independent foreign policy aimed at maintaining global peace and promoting development.


Self-defense, which includes safeguarding core national interests such as sovereignty and territorial integrity, is another distinctive feature of Chinese diplomacy. As such, China will continue to firmly oppose all practices of hegemony and bullying.

维护多边主义 传播中国声音



China has emphasized time and again that it will continue to present its genuine, multidimensional and comprehensive image to the world, and strive to make the international community better understand its political system, development path and global vision.

With the United States and a few other countries making desperate attempts to spread Western values and fuel ideological divisions, the world has seen several disputes between major powers in recent times.


While some countries sing praises about multilateralism but keep building exclusive blocs on the sly, even openly, China has been upholding multilateralism, and reiterating that all countries need to practice true multilateralism and stressing that the only international system is the one under the United Nations’ framework.

有些国家打着多边主义的旗号,却热衷于实施具有 “帮规家法”性质的秩序与规则,以此来实现其别有用心的目的。在地区和全球会议上,中国一再谴责这样的企图和行为,并强调处理国家关系应严格遵循以《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则为基础的国际关系基本准则。

Some countries, while talking about “rules-based system”, are bent on imposing “gang-based rules” to fulfill their nefarious goals. China has repeatedly condemned such attempts at regional and global meetings, saying there is only one set of international rules: the UN Charter.



Despite having serious human rights issues at home, the US and its allies seek to use human rights as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, especially China and other developing countries, by leveling false accusations against them.

In response, China has set the record straight by publicizing its achievements in human rights development, rebutting false accusations, and exposing the hypocrisy of self-proclaimed human rights defenders.



The so-called Summit for Democracy which US President Joe Biden hosted in December 2021 ended without reaching any consensus, proving once again that democracy is a common value of humankind, and that no country has the right to lecture others about it. It is up to the people to determine whether the form of democracy practiced by their country is effective.


Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the form of democracy that China follows. In essence, China is practicing whole-process democracy which has strengthened its international position, and is helping it to achieve national rejuvenation.


The Party and the Chinese people have made remarkable achievements, placing the country on the road to prosperity and making national rejuvenation a historical inevitability.


China will make more efforts to build a community with a shared future.

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