




希望在 2022 年,能从“小”开始,小话题、小角度,短频快些。

这篇是 2022/5/12,我在 PAMIC - Palo Alto Mom's Investment Club 活动上,所做的一个几分钟发言,完全不能称为演讲。

这个硅谷的妈妈投资俱乐部(详情请见 2018 年原创文),创立 5 年,其中疫情 2 年半。

但在组办者精心策划之下,俱乐部活动从没有停过。网络 Zoom + 团队投资比赛,会员热情不减。彼此陪伴着,度过了美国疫情几个最高峰。


组办者说,这次我们不讲投资,不讲俱乐部,讲些好玩儿的。这是受她们启发,我站在 30 多位妈妈们面前,所做的简短发言:

Why Do Moms Take So Many Photos?

I got tons of family photos,and kids’ photos.

So many, that I lost the energy to edit and organize them.

My kids used to say:

‘Mom please, NO pictures!’ 

But I still forced them standing in front of the famous scenary, or under a tree I selected because of the color.

And then, I would say, SMILE!

Now they are in college. They love to show off their baby photos with friends or on social media.  They told me: 

‘Mom, your photos have this energy that would hit me in some way.’

But, looking back at these photos, I don’t see myself in them much.

When everyone was mad at me taking photos of them, when everyone was in a rush to do their own things, how could I gather the courage to ask them for a photo of me?

Almost all the photos of me, especially the most beautiful ones, were taken by my friends, who are moms like me.  Moms from all ages, even the young editors whom I used to work with, had 5-6 years old sons.

I put on make up, coordinate clothes and accessories with my mom friends, just for taking photos in the gardens, in the hiking trails, and in club events like this.

I look in the mirror now, and see my face gets a little bigger, drops a little, a few more wrinkles here and there.  

But to my friends, I’m still 29, or even crazier, 18, the age of my daughter.  

The craziest part is, that most of you have no idea what the 18 year-old me looked like, with glasses and a bad hair cut.

You, my friends, saw or imagined a beautiful me through your lenses,and those Apple 13 iPhones.  (Apparently my phone is not good enough for the job.)

If the reality checked in, you would have all the apps in the world to PS-smooth them out.

Because, that’s ALL you want to see, in me, in yourself, and in all of us.

This is a beautiful world created by you all, my friends.

And, I love to stay here, forever, with all of you.

作者:竞波,北京人,居住加州硅谷。曾在上海加入英文国际教育媒体《Shanghai Family》,在北京加入中文国际教育媒体《菁kids》并担任执行出版人。公众号 - 硅谷近距离,跨文化家庭社区 - 心雨茶话联合创办人,每周末举办语音/视频访谈。


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