全世界最受喜爱的男高音歌唱家鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂 | 经济学人讣告
02 新手必读
Luciano Pavarotti
Luciano Pavarotti, the world's favourite tenor, died on September 6th, aged 71
HE REMEMBERED the moment it began, at four years old: jumping on the kitchen table, setting the lamp swinging, singing “La donna è mobile” to an audience of adoring women. His father sang, beautifully, as a tenor in the church in Modena; the soaring voices of Gigli and Caruso filled the house from the crackling gramophone; at the cinema Mario Lanza sang and young Luciano Pavarotti copied him, warbling and gesturing into the mirror. To sing was to be loved.
1. Gigli:即Beniamino Gigli,贝尼亚米诺·吉利(1890-1957),意大利男高音歌唱家;
2. Caruso:即Enrico Caruso,恩里科·卡鲁索 (1873-1921),意大利男高音歌唱家。
Football was still his chief obsession. Yet as his musical career unfolded, it crossed paths with the Beautiful Game. He performed in stadiums, in front of thousands. The final of the 1990 World Cup in Rome was marked by a concert with Plácido Domingo and José Carreras, “The Three Tenors”, who then sang together for 13 years. Pavarotti's version of “Nessun dorma” from Puccini's “Turandot”, the anthem of that World Cup, came to epitomise all the drama, glory and pain of football, with his three climactic “vinceros” at the end of the aria like a perfect free kick, rising, arching, landing sweetly on the very note, safe in the corner of the net.
The Beautiful Game: 是足球(Football)的代称。这种说法最早出现于1958年,后经球王贝利发扬光大。
Pavarotti made it seem so easy. “Natural” and “effortless” were the words most often applied to that smooth, honeyed, gorgeous voice, which made skin break out in goose-bumps and raised the hairs on the back of the neck. Lasciare andare, pouring it forth. No matter that the singer was huge and almost immobile, his beard blackened with burnt cork and his face running with sweat mopped away with an enormous white handkerchief; the smile was ecstatic, and the voice was from heaven. His biggest break had come, in 1972, when he hit nine high Cs in Donizetti's “La Fille du Régiment”; he was dressed then like a fat toy soldier, patently unable to act, but the crowd adored him. He took 17 curtain calls and, by his death, held the world record for them.
The easiness and naturalness were deceptive. He was terrified of the high notes, full of the usual performer's superstitions: a bent nail kept in his pocket, and a quick cry of “Malocchio!” if anyone mentioned bad luck. Though his voice showed no strain, he could be seen rising on the balls of his feet in recital, using every sinew and nerve to produce the sound. Wherever he went, he made sure to surround himself with home comforts: espresso machines, prosciutto-slicers, bottles of Lambrusco, his blotter and pens laid out exactly as they would be on his desk in Modena, and a secretary—nubile, pretty, obliging—who would hold up cue cards for him in the wings and who, when needed, would warm his extra-marital bed.
2.espresso(意式浓缩咖啡), prosciutto(帕尔马火腿), Lambrusco(蓝布鲁斯科红酒):均为意大利特产。
Critics and other singers often called him lazy. He seemed as undisciplined in singing as he was about food, abandoning diet after diet in favour of porterhouse steaks or caviar scooped up with a tablespoon. Certainly he was unintellectual, without conservatory training and barely able to read music. Learning from a score, he once said, was “like making love by mail”. Words—even those of “O sole mio”, every tenor's meal-ticket—were hard to drum in; in opera or recital he almost never ventured out of his crisp, supple Italian. Narrow as his repertoire was, he was choosy in it: “Tosca”, “Rigoletto”, “Un Ballo in Maschera”. His tendency to cancel got him banned from several houses and soured his farewell at the New York Met.
Macaroni for the masses
Yet Pavarotti knew what he was doing. He took things easy, hid throat lozenges in his handkerchief, and looked after his instrument. His voice was “gifted from God”; he sang purely by instinct, aware of “how it should go”, and trusting that a good conductor could follow after him. The sheer beauty of his sound, without acting and without musicianship, could bring the audience to its feet, and he would earn the hard-negotiated money that made him the highest-paid singer in opera.
He was also a natural populist in a field that was sniffy and exclusive, bringing to the Met and Covent Garden a sense of opera as Italian peasant fare, “macaroni” for the masses. Larry King once asked him about singing for the elite. “Why should be elite, music?” came the reply. Pavarotti went on “The Tonight Show” and “Saturday Night Live”; in his charity concerts he performed with Elton John and the Spice Girls. When critics sniffed about “popera”, he fought back stoutly: “If you call pop singer, you can sell the ticket.” The numbers backed him up: live audiences in the hundreds of thousands, TV audiences in the millions, more than 50m albums sold, five Grammys. “The word ‘commercial' is exactly what we want,” said the maestro, who also starred in TV ads for American Express. “If you want to use...something more derogatory, we don't care.”
帕瓦罗蒂也为向来高高在上、恃才傲物的歌剧界增添了一股平民气息。于大都会歌剧院和伦敦皇家歌剧院的观众而言,帕瓦罗蒂演唱的歌剧就如同意大利的乡野馔食,是最家常的 “通心粉”。著名主持人拉里·金(Larry King)曾就“歌剧是否属于精英艺术”的问题采访过他,得到的回应是“音乐怎么就是精英专属了?”帕瓦罗蒂不仅登上过《今日秀》和《周六夜现场》的舞台,还曾与艾尔顿·约翰(Elton John)、辣妹组合(Spice Girls)等流行音乐人共同献唱慈善音乐会。即便评论家对“流行歌剧”的表演形式嗤之以鼻,他也照样霸气回怼:“有流行音乐人加盟,演唱会门票自然畅销”。相关数据也证实了他的说法:帕瓦罗蒂演出的现场观众人数达数十万之巨,电视观众人数数以百万计,唱片销量破5千万,他本人还5次荣获格莱美奖。他曾说:“商业化恰恰就是我们想要的”“即便你对此愈加贬低,我们也毫不在意”。他也的确说到做到,曾为美国运通拍摄电视广告。
To the frustration of his rivals, though they were gentlemanly about it, Pavarotti became the world's favourite tenor. He was the first opera star to be imitated, drunkenly, by legions of joyful or heartbroken football fans. Still crazy for football himself, he never minded. For all his frustrations, sulks and cancellations, a life spent bringing music to mankind was the greatest joy imaginable: singing, and then the crowd's adoration for his singing, as he jumped from the kitchen table and the cheese, the wine, the pasta and the sausages were lavishly spread before him.
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