Jiangsu is a green province. 江苏是个绿色的省份。
You live a better life when you have green around you. When the water is healthy and not polluted, and when the air we breathe is clean, life is completely changed. 当你的四周被绿色环绕,当水质良好无污染,当我们呼吸的空气是干净的,那么生活就会截然不同。
Turkey is a country that promotes the Middle Corridor Initiative. Railways are so important for us, and I hope we can both create win-win cooperation. 我们国家—土耳其正积极推动“中间走廊”计划,铁路交通对我们十分重要,希望我们双方可以进行合作,实现双赢。
Jiangsu impressed me because it represents the development of China. 江苏令我印象深刻,因为江苏代表着中国的发展。
Many people don't know that these movies are produced here. But in fact, China can also produce many high-quality movies. So, I want to shoot everywhere here and highlight it to show my subscribers. 很多人不知道这些电影是在这里拍摄制作的。事实上,中国也能拍出许多高水平的电影。我要把这里的每个地方都拍摄记录下来介绍给我的读者。
I was not aware of the huge potential that Jiangsu province has as a center of manufacturing. A lot of products are being sent all around the world and maybe people don't know that they are produced here in these places. That is really awesome. 我并不知道作为制造业中心,江苏有这么大的潜力。很多产品从这里发往全世界,但人们可能不知道它们都是在这些地方生产的。真的太棒了!
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic and economic relations between Mauritius and China. We have built strong relations with Jiangsu since as early as 2017, and with Vacoas-Phoenix, which is a sister city of Nantong. 今年是毛里求斯和中国建交50周年。我们从2017年开始就和江苏建立了许多密切联系,南通和毛里求斯的瓦瓜-菲尼克斯市是友好城市。
I see Dasheng Group in Nantong as a partner in the future. 我认为大生集团会成为我们未来的合作伙伴。
We have visited a few factories and industries which show that with the latest technology, their processes can become very efficient and very safe. 我们参观了很多工厂和产业,它们都利用最新技术来实现有效、安全的生产。
Modernity not only refers to something brand new, but also the strength of infrastructure in a place that can develop industries. That's why I believe that in many different aspects Jiangsu is very modern. 现代化并不只是某个全新的东西,它还包括一个地方良好的基础设施,用来支撑产业发展。这就是为什么我认为江苏在各个方面都非常的现代。
来源: qq