According to the global innovation index 2022 published this year by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), China ranked eleventh in the world, ranking at the top of all the developing countries, and also has taken over many of the developed countries. In terms of the number of publications and also the number of patent applications and granted, China is at the top of the world,. However, there are still gaps between China and leading innovative countries, especially in terms of groundbreaking innovation.
The typical innovative countries in the world that people normally refer to, include the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Switzerland, the Nordic countries like Finland, Sweden, and recently South Korea. These innovative countries normally have a strong national innovation system. This includes a strong science base, creative R&D manpower, dynamic and innovative companies, strong university and industry linkages, and an environment that favors creativity and innovation and encourages risk-taking and being different. It also has a well-developed innovation ecosystem with not only firms and universities, but also the venture capitals, and specialized consultancy and legal services.
For China to make breakthroughs in critical technology fields, especially "bottleneck" ones, I would recommend using a three-pronged method, i.e., work on three driving forces. The first driver is to enhance R&D efforts in those bottleneck technology fields. The second driver is to encourage research driven by free thinking and exploration, so that people can experiment with their ideas motivated by interests and curiosity. Thirdly, Problem-solving is also an effective mechanism to inspire ground-breaking innovation.
I think one of the highlights of China's innovation policy is a good combination of technology transfer and indigenous innovation. Secondly, China uses pilots before introducing and scaling up the innovation policies and allows a variety of policies across different regions in this big country. Thirdly, China’s innovation policy had strong and clear targets and is oriented for problem-solving. Fourthly, China has made very strong R&D investments into innovation in the past ten years. Chinese government has made strong commitments on R&D investment. If we compare China with the European countries, China’s R&D investment exceeds the total of all the Europeans countries. China ranks second in terms of R&D expenditure in the world, only after the United States.
China's 40 years of reforms and opening up and the dramatic economic growth, and also China's catch-up in innovation and technology offer many lessons for other developing countries. And if I want to highlight one, I think that is the open national innovation system, which is the Chinese model of innovation capabilities development and catch-up.
This is a dynamic process for China’s innovation. In the early stage, the country normally relies more on technology transfer and gradually China places more emphasis on indigenous innovation in its open innovation system. The Chinese innovation system is open to the global innovation system, because China’s opening-up took place in the era with the increasing globalization. In this system, we have the market and the state both of which play an important role as two drivers of innovation for the country and use the resources, talents, capital, and markets, both domestically and internationally. Therefore, this open national innovation system with two drivers - the state and the market, is more efficient and running faster than the traditional innovation system, which only relies on one driver.
This green transformation will bring a new window of opportunity. We call it green windows of opportunity to China and to many developing countries. This becomes a source of economic growth, and creates income, jobs and exports for countries.
The developing countries as latecomers have lower sunk cost and it can leapfrog to a new development paradigm without heavy sunk costs. Therefore, this green windows of opportunity, based on China's experience, can be offered to other developing countries too. While China is aiming to achieve the zero-carbon emission in the future, this green and sustainability transformation will bring a huge opportunity for China not only to develop the green sector, but also to revolutionize its existing traditional industry, making it cleaner, more energy-efficient, producing at even lower cost, and higher-level efficiency and productivity .
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记者:沈一鸣 张欣然 刘源 张钊 栾瑞英 刘夏
实习生: 韩婧伊 刘芷彤
中国观察 (China Watch Institute) 是中国日报旗下的传播型智库,汇聚全球中国问题研究的意见领袖、政商精英和学界翘楚,建设全球中国议题“朋友圈”;集纳海内外“最强大脑”的权威观点,建成内容具有聚合性、权威性和工具性,传播效果具有穿透性的高端平台和中国议题最权威的风向标。
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