DLC致新年 | Do not Wait

DLC致新年 | Do not Wait











Just do it ,do not wait.

At this moment, we celebrate the New Year and welcome the spring. We are full of hope and our eyes glitter. We hope that all things awaken from the long winter, that we can be full of strength, and that we can run toward the goal we want to reach with no restrains. Yes, we have numerous plans and ambitions. We look forward to taking actions when spring comes, then there will be no hinderance and we will be non-stoppable. Everything is ready, only spring is missing.

So we wait for the spring to bloom, then for the summer to cool down; we wait for the autumn leaves to fall, and then for the winter to warm up in the sun. We never admit that we are lack of actions, because we feel that we are always on the go. We don‘t realize that we are waiting, instead, we claim that we are being “down to earth” and not giving up, and coated our waiting to act as “deliberating”.

It’s hard to change and take action, it’s easy to stay in our comfort zone.

Waiting is not innovation, unless putting it into practice. With action, DLC has completed nearly 100 hours of international innovative education training in 2022. The directly involved instructors, participants, parents, and translators are located in Asia, Europe, and America, with a total of more than 500 people. For the first time, in 2022, DLC also hosted its first PBL Design Camp. During the past three years of the pandemic, additionally, DLC is the only platform that insists to host online annual deeper learning conference/training. The beneficiary teachers come from each province in China (except Tibet) with more than 2,000 people in total. Provided more than 200 hours of deeper learning/innovation training accumulately. Every year, our anonymous satisfactory survey of the conference is near 5 out 5. 

We never hesitate, when we need to act.

2023, this unusual new start, we invite you, the outstanding colleagues, to act, practice, and make changes for our world. DLC will provide offline innovative educational activities, bringing you frontline innovative research and practical projects. We hope to meet you at DLC events in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Beijing or other places, we hope to provide you with an iterative and upgraded deeper learning training, and China Deep Learning Annual Conference as well.

2023, let’s do it ,do not wait.


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