#英语学习#英语俗语:Be on a Roll

#英语学习#英语俗语:Be on a Roll


#English Study#Idiom: Be on a Roll. To be “on a roll” means to experience a series of good things, one after the other. This expression comes from the idea that something rolling forward just keeps rolling along. Some word experts say it became popular among gamblers. People who won often were said to be on a roll. Here is an example: “I won the last ten games I played with my friends! No one can stop me - I’m on a roll!”When was the last time you were ON A ROLL? #AmericanEnglish#

#英语学习#英语俗语:Be on a Roll(好运连连/势不可挡/鸿运当头)。“On a roll” 意思是经历一系列的好事,一件接一件。这个表达方式来自于向前滚动的东西就会一直滚动下去的说法。一些词法专家认为,这个词最初是在赌徒中流行开来的。人们说那些经常赢钱的人“好运连连,势不可挡(on a roll)”。例句:"I won the last ten games I played with my friends! No one can stop me - I’m on a roll!(我和朋友们玩的最近十场比赛,我都赢了! 没有人能阻挡我 - 我势不可挡!)" 你上次“鸿运当头(Be on a Roll)”是什么时候?#AmericanEnglish#


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