


2023年1月17日,来自上海的上海禾赛科技有限公控股公司Hesai Group(以下简称“禾赛科技”)在美国证监会(SEC)公开披露招股书,其早于2021年7月2日在SEC秘密递表,股票代码HSAI,拟在美国纳斯达克IPO上市 ,有望成为“中国激光雷达第一股”。





李一帆 Yifan Li通过ALBJ Limited持股8.6%,拥有25.7%的投票权;
孙恺 Kai Sun通过Fermat Star Limited持股8.9%,拥有26.5%的投票权;
向少卿 Shaoqing Xiang通过Galbadia Limited持股8.6%,拥有25.7%的投票权;
谢东萤 Louis T. Hsieh,持股1.2%,拥有0.4%的投票权;
杨彩莲 Cailian Yang,持股少于1%,拥有少于1%的投票权;
光速 Lightspeed Opportunity持股9.3%,拥有2.8%的投票权;
光速 Lightspeed China Partners持股8.2%,拥有2.5%的投票权;
百度 Baidu Holdings持股6.8%,拥有2.0%的投票权;
博世创投 Bosch持股6.6%,拥有2.0%的投票权;
小米 Xiaomi持股6.3%,拥有1.9%的投票权;
远瞻资本 Yuanzhan持股5.9%,拥有1.8%的投票权。

此外,美团、高瓴、启明创投、CPE源峰、德同资本、中信产业基金、华泰美元基金、斐君资本、安森美半导体、Axiom Asia Private Capital、交银国际控股、磐谷创投、高达同道、将门创投、大米创投、PreAngel等也曾参与禾赛科技的投资。





李一帆博士 Dr. Yifan Li
Peng Li is our founder and has served as the chairman of our board of directors and our chief executive officer since our inception. Prior to founding our company, Mr. Li had been the founder

Dr. Yifan Li is our co-founder and has served as our chief executive officer and director since our inception. Prior to co-founding Hesai, Dr. Li served as a principal engineer at Western Digital in Silicon Valley from 2013 to 2014. Dr. Li received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Tsinghua University in 2009, a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2009, and a PhD degree in mechanical engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2013. Dr. Li’s numerous accolades include being named as Fortune Magazine’s “40 Under 40 in China,” MIT Technology Review’s “2020 Innovators Under 35 of China,” and a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum for the Class of 2021.

孙恺博士  Dr. Kai Su

Dr. Kai Sun is our co-founder and has served as our chief scientist and director since our inception. Dr. Sun received his bachelor’s degree in thermal energy and power engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2007, a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University in 2009, and a PhD degree in mechanical engineering and also a PhD minor degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2013. Prior to co-founding Hesai, Dr. Sun worked as a research associate at Stanford University in 2014. Dr. Sun’s primary research at Stanford University focused on building ultra-fast and high-sensitivity molecular detection systems with lasers and novel detection technologies. These detection systems operate in extremes conditions for the research of reaction kinetics. Several of Dr. Sun’s papers were selected to IOP Select (Institute of Physics in the UK), Spotlight of OSA (Optical Society of America), and “100 Years of Combustion Kinetics at Argonne.” Dr. Sun also won the Outstanding Paper Award of the journal Measurement Science and Technology in 2013.

向少卿 Mr. Shaoqing Xiang

Mr. Shaoqing Xiang is our co-founder and has served as our chief technology officer and director since our inception. Prior to co-founding Hesai, Mr. Xiang worked at Apple, Inc. as an iPhone hardware systems integration engineer from 2011 to 2014. Mr. Xiang received his bachelor’s degree in micro-electromechanical systems from Tsinghua University in 2007. Mr. Xiang received a fellowship award and obtained dual master’s degrees in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2009 and 2011, respectively.

谢东萤 Mr. Louis T. Hsieh

Mr. Louis T. Hsieh has served as our global chief financial officer since April 2021 and our director since June 2021. Mr. Hsieh also currently serves as a director at New Oriental Education & Technology Group (NYSE: EDU, HKSE: 09901), or New Oriental, the largest provider of private educational services in China. Mr. Hsieh joined New Oriental in 2005 and served as its chief financial officer from 2005 to 2015 and its president from 2008 to 2016. He also currently serves as an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of (NASDAQ: JD, HKSE: 09618) since May 2014. He also currently serves as an independent director of YUM China Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: YUMC, HKSE: 09987), the largest restaurant operator in China. From May 2017 to October 2019, Mr. Hsieh served as the global chief financial officer of NIO Inc. (NYSE: NIO), a leading Chinese electric vehicle company. From August 2016 to September 2017, Mr. Hsieh served as an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of Nord Anglia Education Inc. (formerly NASDAQ: NORD, taken private in 2017). From 2007 to 2009, Mr. Hsieh served as an independent director and chairman of the audit committee of Perfect World (formerly NASDAQ: PWRD, taken private in 2015). Prior to that, Mr. Hsieh served as the chief financial officers of ARIO Data Networks, Inc. from 2003 to 2005. Before that, Mr. Hsieh held senior executive positions in private equity and investment banking with UBS Capital (Managing Director and Asia Tech/Media/Telecom Head), JP Morgan (vice president) and Credit Suisse, and served as a corporate and securities law attorney at White & Case LLP. Mr. Hsieh holds a B.S. degree in industrial engineering and engineering management from Stanford University, an M.B.A. degree from The Harvard Business School, and a J.D. degree from the University of California at Berkeley.

杨彩莲 Ms. Cailian Yang
Ms. Cailian Yang has served as our vice president of operations and director since November 2017. Ms. Yang joined us in December 2014 as the first employee of Hesai. Prior to joining us, Ms. Yang served as a customer manager in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank from October 2012 to July 2014, and a customer manager in Citibank from September 2014 to December 2014. Ms. Yang received her bachelor’s degree in business English from Yancheng Teachers University in 2012.




转自瑞恩资本RyanbenCapital 作者 Ryanben Capital

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