





You are expected to go to the higher level and look down on yourself and others as part of a system. In other words, you must get out of your own head, consider your views as just some among many, and look down on the full array of points of view to assess them in an idea-meritocratic way rather than just in your own possessive way. Seeing things from the higher level isn’t just seeing other people’s point of view; it’s also being able to see every situation, yourself, and others in the situation as though you were looking down on them as an objective observer. If you can do this well, you will see the situation as “another one of those,” see it through everyone’s eyes, and have good mental maps or principles for deciding how to handle it. 

Almost all people initially find it difficult to get beyond seeing things through just their own eyes, so I’ve developed policies and tools such as the Coach (which connects situations to principles) that help people do this. With practice many people can learn to develop this perspective, though others never do. You need to know which type of person you and the people around you are. If you can’t do this well on your own, seek the help of others. Recognize that many people cannot see things from the higher level and distinguish those who can from those who can’t, and either get rid of those who can’t or have good guardrails in place to protect yourself and the organization against this inability. 

By the way, it is of course okay to continue to disagree on some things as long as you don’t keep fighting, thereby undermining the idea meritocracy. If you continue to fight the idea meritocracy, you must go.

瑞·达利欧官方微信公众号: raydalio_

《每日原则》为瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio) 原创,



日本啊,日本(八)苏州园林为文学城男博主们画像每日原则:知道如何超越分歧每日原则:要记住事情背后的力量每日原则:将决策过程系统化每日原则:排列优先顺序每日原则:专心协商大事时,别被琐事烦扰每日原则:你没有时间全面检视每个人的想法,因此要明智选择具有可信度的人每日原则:要更关注决策机制是否公允,而非是否如你自己所愿每日原则:每个人在表达观点时都应表明对所述观点究竟有多大信心每日原则:沟通是为了获得最佳回应,故应与最相关的人沟通每日原则:若由你负责做决策,要把可信度加权后得出的结论和你自己的想法做比较每日原则:不要对重大分歧不闻不问每日原则:不要被分歧束缚住 -- 要么提交上级裁定,要么投票表决!每日原则:不要错将意见分歧当成争吵每日原则:如果创意择优与机构的利益相冲突就难免会造成伤害每日原则:​让每个人都可肆意评论其他人的观点,这种做法低效且浪费时间每日原则:一旦做出决定,任何人都必须服从,即便个人可能仍有不同意见每日原则:要牢记:相互达成协议时不能忽视原则每日原则:以教育或促成共识为目的的沟通,不仅仅是为了获得最佳答案,故应让更多的人参与。每日原则:要了解人们是如何形成自己的观点的每日原则:不要让大家把发牢骚、提建议、公开辩论的权利与决策权相混淆每日原则:要知道一旦有权做决定的人不想依原则行事,规矩就会被破坏每日原则:可信度加权可以作为工具,但不能取代责任人的决策每日原则:学生理解老师比老师理解学生更重要,尽管二者都重要每日原则:不要错将批评当成斥责每日原则:没经验的人也不乏好点子,有时远远胜过有经验的人每日原则:​提防以“我认为……”为开头的发言习近平非常聪明,中国放开正当时老年三福与笑的哲学---柳无忌告老心言每日原则:不要让创意择优变成无法无天每日原则:每个人都有权利和责任尽力了解重要的事情,在此过程中必须保持谦逊和非常开放的心态每日原则:较可信的观点很可能出自以下两种人每日原则:根据原则来工作看看我买了啥好东西?