


乐活讲堂第二课开讲!3月8日8pm ET(北京时间3月9日早上9点),英文授课,关于如何活出你潜能的最大化。欢迎报名(请添加微信LHLLKC报名),期待与你相遇,共同活出我们的使命!

Ever since I was a child, I loved watching people’s interviews. I watch interviews as entertainment. I also approach it with very critical eyes — which questions were good? Which answers were bad? Did the interviewer and interviewee connect with each other, on a mental and spiritual level? I would analyze the whole thing as if it’s a biologically dissecting a frog experiment.

With all these years’ of experience, I just discovered a great interview this morning:

Elon Musk’s interview at the World Government Summit in UAE.

It was really well done. The questions are clear, fun, to the point. The flow is good. And Elon, with his clear way of thinking and authentic communication style, gave a lot of good content.

Here are some highlights:

  1. Unregrettable user minutes

This is what you should prioritize as you build social media. It’s not just about getting people to watch your content, but after they have consumed your content, do they feel that “they have wasted 2 hours of their precious life” or they “actually have gained something that make them stop and think about how they conduct their lives”? Or even better, equip them with ideas, or actionable items that can improve how they live or how they feel.

That’s how I, as founder of LHLovingLife, aim to achieve. To use authentic, fresh stories of wisdom to enable everyone to live better, mentally and spiritually and in their daily lives with more purpose, grace, and happiness.

2. Competition for truth

Such an interesting idea. Competition for truth.

I used to work in media (I still am, partially), and this idea of truth could not be more important. What is truth? Is there one single truth or is truth multi-dimensional? What does it mean to have “competition for truth” pulling from all the data on twitter and all diverse communities? Or perhaps it’s not competition but a “coalition” of truth since from different angles you see things differently?

I’m curious to see how much more truthful can the new Twitter under Elon’s leadership bring to the world. And I hope those will be “helpful” truth.

One of the reasons I founded LHLovingLife is to give more “helpful” truth to the world. What we consume, at work, in daily lives, what we put in our brain, is equally if not more important than what we put in our body. These are the nutrients that feed your mind.

By exposing the stories and mindset underlying actions of “the very best of people in their fields” — let it be entrepreneur, VC investor, artist, or sportsman— we open up people’s mind on What Is Possible. By breaking their existing patterns of what they have access to in one’s immediate circles, by manifesting these lived experiences of the true masters or emerging masters, we open up people’s mind on what axis of freedom they have and the range of different choices they could have leading their lives. No matter what conditions you are under, you always have a choice. You, always, have, Many Choices.

3. Do your own tweets.

This one may seem trivial, but I love it. I cannot tell you how many people do not do that. Some CEOs hire PR agency to manage their tweets. I’m not saying the act of hiring PR agency is wrong, but I believe nothing is more important than aligning the message itself with the message giver’s real intention. No matter who you are, it’s important to say what you mean and mean what you say. Only say what you mean, in its entirety.

Twitter, in my opinion, is a great demonstration of how the world have become democratized. It gives the opportunity for people like you and me and figures like Elon Musk to express viewpoints and our truest version of the “truth” on the same platform. To express thoughts authentically, to express your own voice, not what you “think you should express” under others’ expectations.

4. Be cautious about too much collaboration.

As Elon mentioned, this might seem a bit odd. But the point is you want to preserve your own civilization — too much collaboration may make this world have too much dependency on each other, which leads to one part’s collapse contributing to many other parts’ collapse.

I would even argue that too much collaboration stifles creativity and innovation. As a researcher, what you want and need is as much space and freedom to develop your own thinking, your own ideas, and only after that you collaborate with others who have done the same.

If you are stuck in a system where “too much collaboration is the norm,” you tend to fall to the trap to work within that framework and lose the precious opportunity and space to go to the edge and discover something groundbreaking.

5. Education: “We need to explain to children why we are teaching a certain subject”

YES! Establishing relevancy is super important for human motivation. “We should teach more problem-solving such as ‘how to build a house’ instead of merely teaching tools such as ‘how to use a screwdriver’” I’m quoting Elon here.

Thanks to Elon’s inspiration, I finally came to the right energy to give birth to this article that launches LHLovingLife course on How To Maximize Your Own Potential. I’ve already given a lecture on 2/16 already, so technically this is the second lesson I’ll be giving.

Here are the details:

3/8 Wednesday 8pm ET — 9.30pm ET over Zoom. The class will be in English.

I will share the following:

I — My professional experience

From Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to Shopee (largest e-commerce in Southeast Asia) to launching CEO Forum in China and Singapore to now founding LHLovingLife

II — Principles to maximize your potential

How I have come to live to my personal fullest potential, with real stories for each principle:

A) In order to maximize your potential, you have to maximize your 5 degrees of freedom (including time, attention, mind, physical body and “go to the realm where you can be most free”)

B) Follow the motion (maximize your bias towards action, “build your way forward, not think your way forward” as the book Design Your Life says)

C) “Publish now” (maximize your proximity to now)

III — We will do some exercise together.

The best education is for you to DO and experience things, not just sit there and listen.

IV — Q&A

Look forward to seeing you, and unlocking your full potential!

The class is USD15. Sign up link HERE. Or you can add Whatsapp ID: +1 917 727 2330 to ask any questions and submit payment to RSVP.

You may also watch the video below to get the sense of class (2/16 I gave the first lesson, and this time you can RSVP for the upcoming session on 3/8)

LHLovingLife ( is an education and media platform, empowering everyone to be the best version of ourselves.

My show Loving Life Conversation Series, People Who Change The World features the best entrepreneurs and VC ecosystem to the world. Learn more HERE. Sample show HERE. Get in touch HERE.

I’m based in New York and am planning my travels for 2023. If you are pursuing your passion, reach out to me HERE. I would love to hear about your story. Together, let’s empower each other to live with more meaning and purpose.

Written with love,

Fei Bo


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