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According to the data published by the US Department of Commerce, the value of the goods trade of the US reached $5.4 trillion in 2022, and China-US trade reached a record high of $690.6 billion, up 5.2 percent year-on-year, maintaining the momentum of growth despite the punitive tariffs and the clamor in the US for the "decoupling" of the two economies. The US' exports to China increased 1.6 percent to $153.8 billion, while its imports from China jumped 6.3 percent to $536.8 billion, which indicates that trade and economic ties remain the "ballast stone" of bilateral relationship.







It should be noted that the strong domestic demand of the US and rising prices are the primary reasons behind the rebound in the China-US trade, while the declining share of Chinese products in US imports shows China's competitiveness in the US is declining.


First, the buoyant domestic demand of the US has led to an expansion in its foreign trade. The bailout and stimulus policies rolled out during the COVID-19 pandemic, the retaliatory rebound in consumption after the easing of control measures, coupled with the lagging impact of the tightened monetary policy, have boosted demand in the US. In addition, the Ukraine conflict has caused shortages in the supply of energy and metals in Europe. As a result, the US has profited from increased exports to Europe, which shored up the robust domestic demand. Thanks to the strong demand at home, the US reported double-digit growth in imports in 2022.



Second, since 2022, major economies have been plagued by rampant inflation, with the prices of key commodities soaring high in a short period of time before falling back gradually. The high prices of raw materials have added to the costs of export enterprises, and pushed up the prices of exports and imports. According to statistics of the International Monetary Fund, the US' import price index rose from 78.9 in 2021 to 95.1 in 2022; and during the same period, the export price index jumped from 91.6 to 108.1. As for US-China trade, according to data from the US International Trade Commission, among all products US imported from China, around 62.4 percent have been purchased at higher prices in 2022; and 56.4 percent the products the US exported to China have higher prices in 2022.


Third, the drop of China's share in US trade has reflected the declining competitiveness of Chinese products in the US, with more market share shifting to the US' neighboring countries such as Canada and Mexico, and so-called friend-sourcing partners such as Vietnam. Data shows that China's share in the US goods trade fell from 14.8 percent in 2020 to 12.9 percent in 2022, while Canada's share grew from 13.9 percent to 14.8 percent. In terms of US imports, China's share saw an even steeper decline — decreasing from 21.4 percent in 2017 to 16.4 percent in 2022, while Vietnam's share nearly doubled from 2 percent to 3.9 percent.



In addition, the past few years have witnessed more signs of China-US decoupling in the high-tech field and industry chains.


On the one hand, China-US trade in high-tech products has performed worse than other categories of products or compared with other countries. In 2022, the US' imports of high-tech products from China decreased by 34.4 percent year-on-year, with China's share in the US' high-tech imports dropping from 31.2 percent in 2021 to 22.6 percent. In comparison, US imports of high-tech products from other countries grew by 2 percent. As for exports, US high-tech products sold to China decreased by 25.7 percent in 2022, and China's share in US high-tech products exports declined from 14.2 percent to 11.6 percent. The US' exports of non-high-tech products to China rose by 5.5 percent in the same year.


On the other hand, China's share in the US' trade of capital goods and intermediate goods has also declined, and China's position in the industry chains has been partly replaced by the US' nearshore-sourcing and friend-sourcing partners. Trade in capital goods and intermediate goods is an important way for a country to take part in the global division of labor and industry chains, and the decline of this indicates the risk of decoupling. According to statistics of the US International Trade Commission, since the onset of China-US trade frictions and the COVID-19 pandemic, China's share in the US' intermediate goods and capital goods trade has decreased remarkably, with the share of China in US exports dropping from 10.6 percent in 2020 to 9.3 percent in 2022, and the share of China in US imports falling from 17.6 percent to 12.1 percent.




Despite the turbulence caused to bilateral trade by the political tensions, China-US trade rebounded strongly in 2022, which is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples. But, the Joe Biden administration is seeking to build a "small yard with high fences "in the high-tech sector and shift supply chains to its nearshore-sourcing and friend-sourcing partners in a bid to decouple from China in the high-tech area and industry chains.



责编:宋平 辛欣



本文为中国观察智库独家约稿,原标题为 "Ballast stone break-up",转载需注明来源。

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