


的先驱活动家朱迪思·休曼(Judith Heumann)3月4日星期六逝世。她曾游说推动美国通过联邦法律《美国残疾人法》(Americans with Disabilities Act)和支持残障人士权利的其他相关法律。



请更多了解朱迪思·休曼以及残疾人权利的进步 (

朱迪思•休曼50多年来为争取残疾人的权利而奋斗。(D.A. Peterson/State Dept.)





哈姆扎•亚卡(Hamza Jaka)和安珀•巴克利•沙克利(Amber Buckley-Shaklee)是两位曾在美国国务院实习的残疾学生。他们的经历表明,包容性的教育正在进步。

哈姆扎和安珀两人一直是在常规学校就读,这是法律规定,而我读书的时候还没有这样的法律。哈姆扎2014年从加州大学伯克利分校(University of California,Berkeley)毕业,他的同学当时对学校为他提供便利设施(例如用电脑参加拼写测验)感到不公平。安珀曾是伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)的研究生,她在附近学校有几个朋友,他们被告知不能坐轮椅去学校。

家长和学生需要知道自己的权利。在美国,家长信息中心(Parent Information Centers)可以提供帮助。此外,在法律实施多年后,有更多的残疾学生从中学毕业,走向工作岗位或接受高等教育。



The enduring legacy of Judith Heumann [video]

Pioneering activist for the rights of people with disabilities Judith Heumann died Saturday, March 4. During her career, Heumann lobbied for legislation that eventually led to the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, among other laws that support the rights of people with disabilities.

Vice President Harris said on Twitter, "Judy Heumann fought tirelessly for the dignity and self-determination of all people. A lifelong disability rights activist, she paved the way for so many — and the world is a better place because of her. Doug and I send our prayers to Judy's husband, Jorge, and her family."

In 2015, Heumann — then the U.S. Department of State’s special adviser for international disability rights — wrote for ShareAmerica about the educational rights of people with disabilities.

Read more about Judith Heumann and the advancement of disability rights (

Growing up in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, I wasn’t allowed to go to school until fourth grade because I used a wheelchair and was unable to walk.

But my parents were adamant that I get an education equal to my brothers’ so I could support myself if I never married (women were not typically breadwinners back then). They teamed up with other parents to force some of the local secondary schools to become accessible to students with disabilities.

Later, I battled successfully to be the first person in a wheelchair to teach in New York and taught there for three years.

Education is a great equalizer: It opens opportunities for girls and boys, for disadvantaged people and especially for people, like me, who have disabilities.

Hamza Jaka and Amber Buckley-Shaklee, two students with disabilities, worked as interns at the U.S. Department of State. Their stories indicate that inclusive education is moving forward.

Both Hamza and Amber have always attended integrated schools, as required under laws that didn’t exist when I was in school. Hamza, who graduated from the University of California Berkeley in 2014, was resented by peers who thought the accommodations he received (such as having a computer for spelling tests) were unfair. And Amber, a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, had friends at nearby schools who were told they could come to school, but only if they didn’t bring their wheelchairs.

Parents and students need to know their rights. In the United States there are Parent Information Centers that help. Also, after years of implementation of our laws, more students with disabilities are graduating from secondary school and entering work or higher education.

We have come a long way since I had polio in 1949, and we have far to go. Our laws are not always enforced as they should be. As I work for equality and the advancement of human rights, I want to teach this lesson: People with disabilities should have the same rights and opportunities as all people. Granted these, we can and do improve our communities, our country and the world.

This article was originally published June 18, 2015.


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