硅谷銀行倒闭: 其客戶应知要点

硅谷銀行倒闭: 其客戶应知要点




“On Friday, March 10, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank, Santa Clara, CA was closed by the California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation. Subsequently, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was named Receiver. No advance notice is given to the public when a financial institution is closed.

To protect the depositors, the FDIC created the Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara (DINB) to allow depositors access to their insured deposits and time to open accounts at other insured institutions.”


“2023 年 3 月 10 日,星期五,加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉的硅谷银行被加利福尼亚州金融保护与创新部关闭。随后,联邦存款保险公司(FDIC) 被指定为接管人。金融机构关闭时,不会提前通知公众。

为了保护存款人,FDIC 创建了圣克拉拉存款保险国家银行 (DINB),以允许存款人使用其受保存款并有时间在其他受保机构开立账户。”

以下是FDIC 网站相关文字以及本文编译者利用谷歌翻译產生的譯文。

Q: What is the FDIC?

A: The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is an independent agency of the United States government that protects bank depositors against the loss of their insured deposits in the event that an FDIC-insured bank or savings association fails. FDIC insurance is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

问: 什么是FDIC(联邦存款保险公司)?

答:FDIC(联邦存款保险公司)是美国政府的一个独立机构,在 FDIC 承保的银行或储蓄协会倒闭时保护银行储户免受其受保存款的损失。FDIC 保险得到美国政府的充分信任和信用支持。

【编译者评论:backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government”更加妥当的翻译可以是:“以美利坚合众国的全部国家信用担保”, 該措辭源於来自美国聯邦宪法

Q: What is deposit insurance?

A: FDIC deposit insurance protects bank customers in the event that an FDIC-insured depository institution fails. Bank customers don’t need to purchase deposit insurance; it is automatic for any deposit account opened at an FDIC-insured bank. Deposits are insured up to at least $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category.

Deposit insurance is calculated dollar-for-dollar, principal plus any interest accrued or due to the depositor, through the date of default. For example, if a customer had a CD account in her name alone with a principal balance of $195,000 and $3,000 in accrued interest, the full $198,000 would be insured.


答:FDIC 存款保险可在受 FDIC 保险的存款机构倒闭时保护银行客户。银行客户无需购买存款保险;对于在 FDIC 保险银行开立的任何存款账户都是自动的。每个存款人、每个 FDIC 保险的银行、每个所有权类别的存款最高保额为 250,000 美元。

【编译者评论:更加妥當的翻譯可以是:“每个存款人的在每个 FDIC 保险的银行的每个所有权类别的存款的最高保额为 250,000 美元。”】

存款保险是按美元兑美元计算的,本金加上任何应计利息或存款人应得的利息,直至违约之日。例如,如果客户仅以她的名义拥有一个 CD 帐户,本金余额为 195,000 美元,应计利息为 3,000 美元,则 198,000 美元将全部投保。

Q: What happens when a bank fails?

A: In the unlikely event of a bank failure, the FDIC responds in two capacities.

First, as the insurer of the bank's deposits, the FDIC pays insurance to depositors up to the insurance limit. Historically, the FDIC pays insurance within a few days after a bank closing, usually the next business day, by either 1) providing each depositor with a new account at another insured bank in an amount equal to the insured balance of their account at the failed bank, or 2) issuing a check to each depositor for the insured balance of their account at the failed bank.

In some cases—for example, deposits that exceed $250,000 and are linked to trust documents or deposits established by a third-party broker—the FDIC may need additional time to determine the amount of deposit insurance coverage and may request supplemental information from the depositor in order to complete the insurance determination.

Second, as the receiver of the failed bank, the FDIC assumes the task of selling/collecting the assets of the failed bank and settling its debts, including claims for deposits in excess of the insured limit. If a depositor has uninsured funds (i.e., funds above the insured limit), they may recover some portion of their uninsured funds from the proceeds from the sale of failed bank assets. However, it can take several years to sell off the assets of a failed bank. As assets are sold, depositors who had uninsured funds usually receive periodic payments (on a pro-rata "cents on the dollar" basis) on their remaining claim.


答:在不太可能发生的银行倒闭事件中,FDIC 以两种身份做出回应。

首先,作为银行存款的保险人,FDIC 向储户支付最高保险限额的保险。从历史上看,FDIC 在银行关闭后的几天内(通常是下一个工作日)通过以下方式支付保险:1) 为每位存款人在另一家受保银行开立一个新账户,金额等于他们在倒闭时账户的受保余额银行,或 2) 向每个存款人签发一张支票,以证明他们在破产银行账户中的保险余额。

[编译者评论:“金额等于他们在倒闭时账户的受保余额银行", 更加妥当的翻译可以是:“金额等于他们在银行倒闭时的账户的受保余额 ”】


在某些情况下——例如,超过 250,000 美元的存款与第三方经纪人建立的信托文件或存款相关联——FDIC 可能需要更多时间来确定存款保险的覆盖范围,并可能要求存款人提供补充信息为了完成保险确定。

其次,作为倒闭银行的接管人,FDIC 承担出售/收回倒闭银行资产并清偿其债务的任务,包括对超过保险限额的存款的索赔。如果存款人有未保险资金(即超过保险限额的资金),他们可以从出售失败银行资产的收益中收回部分未保险资金。然而,出售倒闭银行的资产可能需要数年时间。随着资产的出售,拥有未投保资金的储户通常会收到剩余索赔的定期付款(按比例“美分”计算)。

【编译者评论:“按比例‘美分’计算”,該翻译費解、不到位。谷歌搜索, “cents on the dollar" basis,所得之解释更加具体明确,也让人更加具体明确地失望:

What does it mean to get "cents on the dollar"? It means that for every dollar you are supposed to get, you only get pennies. This happens, for example, when somebody is owed money and the person who owes the money is only able to repay the debt partially, as is often the case in bankruptcy.”



簡而言之, 存款者在硅谷銀行的FDIC保險範圍之外的存款或者其他資產,可能遭受重大損失,甚至顆粒無收

Q: How can I get deposit insurance?

A: Depositors do not need to apply for or purchase FDIC deposit insurance. Coverage is automatic whenever a deposit account is opened at an FDIC-insured bank. If you want your funds insured by the FDIC, simply place your funds in a deposit account at an FDIC-insured bank and make sure that your deposit does not exceed the insurance limit for that ownership category. See “Are My Accounts Insured by the FDIC?” for more information about the types of insurable products that are covered by FDIC insurance and the amount of deposit insurance coverage that may be available under FDIC’s different ownership rights and capacities. each.  【编译者评论:FDIC 原文如此】。


答:存款人无需申请或购买 FDIC 存款保险。只要在 FDIC 承保的银行开设存款账户,保险就会自动生效。如果您想让 FDIC 为您的资金提供保险,只需将您的资金存入 FDIC 保险银行的存款账户,并确保您的存款不超过该所有权类别的保险限额。请参阅“我的账户是否由 FDIC 投保?”有关 FDIC 保险涵盖的可保产品类型以及 FDIC 不同所有权和能力下可能提供的存款保险范围的更多信息。每个。

【编译者评论:FDIC试图表达的应该是:请参阅“我的账户是否由 FDIC 投保?”來獲得有关 FDIC 保险涵盖的每个可保产品类型以及 FDIC 不同下持有资金的方式和投保身份可能提供的存款保险范围的更多信息。】

Q: How much deposit insurance coverage do I qualify for?

A: The standard deposit insurance amount is $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category.

See “Are My Accounts Insured by the FDIC?” for more information about the types of insurable deposit products that are covered by FDIC insurance and the amount of deposit insurance coverage that may be available under FDIC’s different ownership categories. Your Insured Deposits includes even more comprehensive information about deposit insurance coverage, and provides examples of deposit insurance coverage for various ownership categories.

To calculate your specific deposit insurance coverage, you can use the FDIC's Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator (EDIE).

答:标准存款保险金额为每个存款人、每个 FDIC 保险银行、每个所有权类别250,000 美元。

【编译者评论:更加妥当的翻译可以是:“每个存款人的在每个 FDIC 保险的银行的每个所有权类别的存款最高保额为 250,000 美元。”】

请参阅“我的账户是否由 FDIC 投保?”有关 FDIC 保险涵盖的可保存款产品类型以及 FDIC 不同所有权类别下可能提供的存款保险范围的更多信息。您的受保存款包括有关存款保险范围的更全面信息,并提供各种所有权类别的存款保险范围示例。

要计算您的特定存款保险范围,您可以使用 FDIC 的电子存款保险估算器 (EDIE)。

Q: Is every financial product at a bank covered by the FDIC?

A: No. FDIC deposit insurance only covers certain deposit products, such as checking and savings accounts, money market deposit accounts (MMDAs), and certificates of deposit (CDs). See “Are My Accounts Insured by the FDIC?” for a full list of the types of deposit products that are covered by FDIC insurance and the amount of deposit insurance coverage that may be available under FDIC’s different ownership categories.

Investment products that are not deposits, such as mutual funds, annuities, life insurance policies and stocks and bonds, are not covered by FDIC deposit insurance. See “Financial Products that Are Not Insured by the FDIC” for more information about uninsured financial products.

问:FDIC 是否涵盖银行的所有金融产品?

答:不可以。FDIC 存款保险仅涵盖某些存款产品,例如支票和储蓄账户、货币市场存款账户 (MMDA) 和存款证 (CD)。请参阅“我的账户是否由 FDIC 投保?”有关 FDIC 保险涵盖的存款产品类型的完整列表,以及 FDIC 不同所有权类别下可能提供的存款保险保障金额。

【编译者评论:“不可以”,更加直白的翻譯是:“非也 ”】

FDIC 存款保险不涵盖非存款投资产品,例如共同基金、年金、人寿保单以及股票和债券。有关未投保金融产品的更多信息,请参阅“FDIC 未投保的金融产品”。

Q: What is the difference between “deposit products and “ownership categories”?

A: Deposit products include checking accounts, savings accounts, CDs and MMDAs and are insured by the FDIC. The amount of FDIC insurance coverage you may be entitled to, depends on the ownership category. This generally means the manner in which you hold your funds. Some examples of FDIC ownership categories, include single accounts, certain retirement accounts, employee benefit plan accounts, joint accounts, trust accounts, business accounts as well as government accounts.



答:存款产品包括支票账户、储蓄账户、CD 和 MMDA,并由 FDIC 承保。您可能有权获得的 FDIC 保险金额取决于所有权类别。这通常是指您持有资金的方式。FDIC 所有权类别的一些示例包括单一账户、某些退休账户、员工福利计划账户、联名账户、信托账户、企业账户以及政府账户。

Q: Can I have more than $250,000 of deposit insurance coverage at one FDIC-insured bank?

A: Yes. The FDIC insures deposits according to the ownership category in which the funds are insured and how the accounts are titled. The standard deposit insurance coverage limit is $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category.

Deposits held in different ownership categories are separately insured, up to at least $250,000, even if held at the same bank. For example, a revocable trust account (including living trusts and informal revocable trusts commonly referred to as payable on death (POD) accounts) with one owner naming three unique beneficiaries can be insured up to $750,000. See “Revocable and Irrevocable Trust Accounts” for more information about how deposit insurance is calculated for these types of accounts.

See “Are My Accounts Insured by the FDIC?” for more information about the types of deposit products that are covered by FDIC insurance and the amount of deposit insurance coverage that may be available under FDIC’s different ownership categories.

问:我能否在一家 FDIC 承保银行获得超过 250,000 美元的存款保险?

答:是的。FDIC 根据资金投保的所有权类别以及账户的标题方式为存款提供保险。标准存款保险限额为每个存款人、每个 FDIC 保险银行、每个所有权类别 250,000 美元【编译者评论:同上】。

不同所有权类别的存款分别投保,最高保额至少为 250,000 美元,即使是在同一家银行。例如,一个所有者指定三个不同受益人的可撤销信托账户(包括生前信托和非正式可撤销信托,通常称为死后支付 (POD) 账户)最高可获得 750,000 美元的保险。有关如何为这些类型的账户计算存款保险的更多信息,请参阅“可撤销和不可撤销的信托账户”。

请参阅“我的账户是否由 FDIC 投保?”有关 FDIC 保险涵盖的存款产品类型以及 FDIC 不同所有权类别下可能提供的存款保险范围的更多信息。

Q: Can I check to see if my accounts are fully covered?

A: Yes. You can get detailed information about your specific deposit insurance coverage by accessing the FDIC's Electronic Deposit Insurance Estimator(EDIE) and entering information about your accounts. You can also visit the FDIC Information and Support Center to submit a request for deposit insurance coverage information or you can also call the FDIC at 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342) and an FDIC deposit insurance specialist will help you calculate your deposit insurance coverage.


答:是的。您可以通过访问 FDIC 的电子存款保险估算器 (EDIE) 并输入您的账户信息来获取有关您的特定存款保险范围的详细信息。您也可以访问 FDIC 信息和支持中心提交存款保险范围信息请求,或者您也可以拨打 FDIC 电话 1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342),FDIC 存款保险专家将帮助您计算您的存款保险范围。

編譯者简介:柳治平律师,纽约大学法律博士(2007年),在美国著名大型律所执业逾七年, 为客户完成了超过百宗,总额累计超过70亿美元的并购、股份融资、项目融资、基金组建、商业贷款等交易, 包括FDIC 對四家破產銀行的出售。




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