系列报道六 | 在反亚裔仇恨浪潮中,亚太裔美国人历史何时能纳入宾州教科书?

系列报道六 | 在反亚裔仇恨浪潮中,亚太裔美国人历史何时能纳入宾州教科书?



这一系列报道是新主流传媒公司与费城华埠发展会(PCDC)合作,和Sojourner Consulting协同,并获得独立公共媒体基金会(the Independence Public Media Foundation)的大力支持。

This article is the sixth of a series of nine stories which seeks to increase visibility and understanding of the diverse Asian American communities in the Philadelphia region and their strengths, challenges and histories. Now more than ever, we must ensure Asian voices have a platform to speak out against the issues impacting our communities.

This series is developed by New Mainstream Press in partnership with the Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation and in consultation with Sojourner Consulting, with support from the Independence Public Media Foundation.

Reporter: Eleni Finkelstein

中文编辑:李 蓓


“It's time for a change in American history. It's time we should include [more] people so less people are getting hurt”

陈宇(Yu Chen音译)是宾州中部邓坎农学区(the Duncannon School District)的一名学生,从5年级一直上到12年级。作为来自中国的移民,陈宇的父母有意把家搬迁到亚裔人口较少的地区,以便陈宇和他的妹妹能够在接触美国文化的同时,更好地学习英语。陈宇一家生活的小镇总人口约1400人,只有0.62%是亚裔。

Yu Chen was a student in the Duncannon school district in Central Pennsylvania from 5th to 12th grade. An immigrant from China, Chen’s parents intentionally relocated to an area with a low population of Asian Americans so that Chen and his sister could learn English while being exposed to American culture. With the town’s population totaling only about 1,400 residents, only 0.62% of the population identify as Asian.


Yu Chen, Personal Photo


Chen recalls feeling ostracized growing up, serving as an easy target by peers and teachers for racist comments and microaggressions directed at his heritage, such as remarks about his “squinty eyes,” knowledge of math, fashion choices, and more. On more than one occasion, a white teacher has placed their hands together and bowed in front of Chen, mimicking a historical sign of respect in many Asian cultures such as China and Korea. “It’s really sad, but they didn't know that was racism. In the back of their heads they think it's a joke.”

来自菲律宾的米卡·乔丹(Micha Jordan)是一名生活在新泽西劳伦斯维尔(Lawrenceville)的学生,他在采访中也提到了一种被美国历史排除在外,亚裔文化在学校中不受待见的沮丧感。她回忆说在公立学校历史课中几乎没有提到亚裔美国人。“也许教科书中有一段……只涉及殖民主义,非常简短。”

Micah Jordan, a Filipino student from Lawrenceville, New Jersey recalls the frustrations of being left out of American history and feeling isolated in their public schools,due to almost no mention of Asian Americans in her public school history classes. “Maybe one paragraph in the textbook…only relating to colonialism and very brief.”

张向红(Shauna Zhang)是光华中文学校副校长、大费城中国文化中心主任。作为费城地区最大的中文学校,“光华”开设了50个班级,每周末上课。学校800多名学生中,大多数是华裔。在多年的教学中,张校长注意到很多华裔学生拒绝自己的传统文化而且一直被同化,这种文化“拉锯”从十几岁就开始滋长。“很多学生是‘香蕉人’。他们虽然有亚洲人的黄皮肤,但在内心深处,他们觉得自己是白的。”

Shauna Zhang, Vice Principal of the Guanghua Chinese School and Director of Greater Philadelphia Chinese Culture Center, says she has witnessed this process over the years from young students at the Chinese school, the largest of its kind in the Philadelphia area. Guanghua is a weekend language school with a primarily Chinese population. With over 800 students and 50 classes taught, Zhang notices that the pressure to reject their heritage and assimilate really starts to take hold around the teenage years.. “Most of them are like a banana. They have Asian skin but in their heart they feel they are white.”


Shauna Zhang,Personal Photo 

张校长解释说,华裔学生们不想感觉自己与同龄人不同,所以他们往往选择可以被美国文化接受的行为模式,比如穿衣打扮和语言等等。有些光华的学生们曾经提起,从上幼儿园起就对自己的“不同”感到尴尬,比如同学们会取笑她们的传统中式午餐盒, 因为食物的味道和样子太不一样。

Zhang explains that the students do not want to feel different from their peers, so they adopt practices of what they determine to be acceptable to American culture such as fashion choices, language, and more. Zhang mentioned some of students remembered how they felt embarrassed by their differences at school when they were young, when classmates would poke fun at their traditional Chinese lunch that smelled and looked different from their own.


Zhang often hears similar complaints from other parents that their children are being treated differently in their public schools. While basic cultural elements such as Lunar New Year may be talked about in schools, which Philadelphia School District granted a day off for this year for the first time, she believes that more of an understanding surrounding Asian American history would help reduce bullying and stereotypes surrounding Asian students, as Asian cultural elements would become more familiar to all students. Zhang would like to see lessons about Asian American History and their contributions to American history, and, significant Asian American figures taught in schools, similar to lessons received about the Founding Fathers and European explorers.


Shauna Zhang at Mid Autumn Festival Celebration,Personal Photo

将亚裔美国人的历史带到宾州学校课堂的话题,也在非亚裔学生中产生了共鸣。加布里埃尔(Gabrielle)是宾州的一名大学生,其父母在苏联解体后从乌克兰移民到美国,她从小就在费城北郊的下莫兰学区(the Lower Moreland school district)上学。虽然自己也来自移民家庭,但让她一直搞不明白的是,为什么她的亚裔同学总会被追问“你真的是美国人吗?”,或者因为不同的文化而遭到嘲笑。

The topic of bringing Asian American history to Pennsylvania schools strikes a cord with non-Asian students as well. Gabrielle is a college student in Pennsylvania whose parents immigrated from Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union. Growing up in the Lower Moreland school district, Gabrielle, a white woman, could not understand why her Asian peers were questioned “Are you really American?” or ridiculed for their cultures, despite similar familial backgrounds of immigration.

加布里埃尔现在是民间组织“让我们被看见”宾州分会(Make Us Visible PA)的委员会成员,她的工作是努力把亚裔美国人的历史引入宾州学校,帮助她的亚洲朋友减少被排斥的感觉。

Gabrielle serves on the board of Make Us Visible PA and has been instrumental in bringing Asian American history to Pennsylvania schools to help her Asian friends feel less excluded.


Ultimately, advocates believe the lack of Asian American history taught in schools in Pennsylvania and elsewhere has drastically impacted the self confidence and identity of Asian students across the state. Asian American students and adults alike have felt pressured to reject their heritage in order to assimilate and lessen their isolation.

 Policy Surrounding Change  

2021年9月,宾州众议院议员派蒂·金(Patty Kim)提出了“将亚太裔历史纳入宾州K-12课程”的相关法案Pennsylvania House Bill 1917。该法案于2021年 9月27日获得宾州教育委员会(PA Education Committee)的批准。最近,共和党州众议员托德·斯蒂芬斯(Todd Stephans)作为该法案的唯一共和党支持者,与19名民主党人一道成为1917法案的共同发起人。

Pennsylvania House Bill 1917, which was introduced by representative Patty Kim and approved by the PA legislative Education Committee on September 27, 2021, introduces similar legislation to include AAPI history in the Commonwealth’s K-12 curriculum. The bill was recently cosponsored by Republican State Representative Todd Stephans, the sole Republican supporter of the bill along with 19 Democrats.

1917 法案截图(部分),图片来源

Pennsylvania House Bill 1917(partial content), Photo credits to 


The bill reads, “to each school entity may offer instruction on Asian-American and Pacific Islander history and the social, political and economic contributions of members of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community. This instruction may be integrated within the social studies and language arts course of study required in accordance with State Board of Education regulations. Instruction may also be integrated into other appropriate courses of study…The curriculum under this section may include the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Pennsylvania and the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States as a whole, including the contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders toward advancing civil rights from the 19th century onward.”


The “school entity” discussed in the bill would apply to public school districts, charter schools, and technical schools across the state.


Pennsylvania has over 200 state representatives in the house of representatives, many who serve on smaller committees, such as the education committee. Once a committee agrees that a bill meets standards, it is then picked up by the Speaker of the House, who brings the bill to the floor to be voted on. Then the same process with state senators.

今年1月,新泽西州(New Jersey)州长菲尔·墨菲(Phil Murphy)签署了一项法案,要求将亚裔美国人的历史纳入该州K-12公立学校课程。这个法案使新泽西成为继伊利诺伊州(Illinois)之后,第二个落实这一教育理念的州。伊利诺伊州于2021年 7月授权通过了相关立法。

This past January, Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation that mandates the inclusion of Asian American history in the state’s K-12 public school curriculum, making New Jersey the second state to implement this topic, following , who mandated the legislation in July, 2021.

在新泽西签署法案的过程中,墨菲州长走出的关键一步是创建并任命一个由21名成员组成的委员会,为推进“亚太裔美国人研究的课程改革和实施”提供建议。该州教育专员兼新泽西总统委员会执行委员会(Executive Board of New Jersey’s President’s Council)的主席担任该委员会成员,而其他成员必须具备相关的专业知识。在19名来自公众的成员中,有3人必须拥有亚裔美国人研究的硕士学位。

A crucial step of Governor Murphy’s signing of a similar bill in New Jersey was to create and appoint a 21-member commission that will advise on implementation of the curriculum changes determine the curriculum change for Asian American and Pacific Islander studies. The state’s education commissioner and chair of the Executive Board of New Jersey’s President’s Council will serve on the board, and there are requirements for other members to have expertise in as well as 19 members of the public, 3 of whom must have a masters degree in Asian American studies.

新泽西州长菲尔·墨菲,图片来源:Philadelphia Inquirer

Phil Murphy, Governor of New Jersey, Photo credits to Philadelphia Inquirer 


Exact topics of the curriculum have not yet been determined, but the change will be implemented this coming fall for the 2022-2023 school year. In NJ, similar changes have previously been mandated for the history of Africans, African-Americans and the LGBTQ community.

在宾州,和民主党占多数的新泽西和伊利诺伊相比,情况则有所不同。共和党在州议会中保持着强大的控制力, 以“批判种族论”(Critical Race Theory)为幌子,对任何与种族相关的教育实践都进行负面抨击。虽然在不久的将来,1917法案是否能在宾州通过还是未知数,但是在反亚裔仇恨的大背景下,作为全国“浪潮”的一部分,推动1917法案,正在帮助公众提高对这一问题的认识;同时加强宾州解决这一问题的能力。

 In PA, unlike in heavily Democratic NJ and IL, the GOP retains a strong grip on the state house, and as a party nationally has used the guise of critical race theory to paint a negative brush over any educational mandates related to race. This means that while there is not a clear pathway for bill passage in the near future, the campaign is helping to develop awareness of the issue and capacity to implement content locally. It is also part of a national and local wave of awareness around the lack of Asian American history in schools, and its connection to anti-Asian hate and the persistence of certain Asian stereotypes such as the perpetual foreigner.

“让我们被看见”(Make Us Visible)是一个非营利性组织,在全美国有9个分会。该组织的使命是倡导将亚太裔美国人的历史纳入公立学校课程,因为他们相信这一变化将帮助亚裔年轻人建立文化自信和身份认同,并在整体上减少反亚裔情绪。

Make Us Visible PA (MUV) is a non-profit organization with 9 national chapters all pushing to get Asian American history in schools mandated in their individual states. The group’s mission is to advocate for the integration of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) history into PA’s public school curriculum, as they believe the change will build confidence in young Asian Americans’ personal identities and heritage, and reduce anti-Asian sentiment on an overall level.

民间组织“让我们被看见”宾州分会, 图片由该组织提供

Make Us Visible PA, Photo credits to MUVP 

宾州越南裔学生塞雷娜·阮( Serena Nguyen)是“让我们被看见”宾州分会委员会成员之一。她认为亚裔美国人“善待体制”,不像其他少数族裔那样公开表达自己受到的不公正待遇。在学校教育中,亚裔族群的“模范少数民族”神话(Model Minority myth)仍然大行其道。1917法案的通过,对于帮助亚裔学生摆脱这种“陈旧观念”至关重要。

One of the board members of MUV, Serena Nguyen, is a Vietnamese student in Pennsylvania. Nguyen sees the Model Minority myth as being an issue in her schooling still today. It implies that Asians “play nice with the system” and are not vocal about their mistreatment。Passing Pennsylvania Bill 1917 is vital to reverse this narrative of the model minority myth and to lessen the isolation felt by Asian American students due to the stereotypes associated with them. “Ignorance comes from lack of education, and ignorance leads to hate.”

“无知源于缺乏教育,无知导致仇恨。”阮在接受采访时表示, “我们正在争取更多的州代表共同提出该法案,这意味着他们会在众议院投票时投赞成票。”宾州立法机构通过这项法案将大有裨益,因为自2012年以来,符合条件的宾州亚太裔选民数量增长了33%,截至2020年,共占宾州选民总数的4%。

“Ignorance comes from lack of education, and ignorance leads to hate.” says Serena Nguyen, “We are in the process of getting state representatives to cosponsor the bill, meaning they would vote yes [when it is brought to the floor].Then it would move to the senate. Ideally by the end of the house process, they will have a lot of mobility,”  It would serve Pennsylvanian legislatures to pass this bill as the number of eligible AAPI voters has grown by 33% since 2012, totaling 4% of Pennsylvania’s total voters as of 2020.

包括“让我们被看见”宾州分会在内,宾州众议院教育委员会正在牵头召集更多同道者支持这项法案,包括“亚裔美国人联合会”(Asian Americans United)和“戳破泡沫”(Pop the Bubble)等民间组织。支持者们经常在宾州各地举行集会,并与立法者会面,呼吁宾州众议院议长将1917法案提交众议院投票。如果法案没有被通过,一切将重新开始。届时,教育委员会将起草并提出一项新法案。

The education committee within the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is leading the pack to gather more cosponsors for this bill, with assistance from nonprofits such as Make Us Visible PA, Asian Americans United, and Pop the Bubble, with the hope it will persuade the speaker of the house to bring Bill 1917 to the house floor. The groups are regularly hosting rallies across the commonwealth to gather support and meeting with lawmakers to push this agenda forward. If the bill does not pass, the process must start over, with the education committee drafting and introducing a new bill


 Moving Towards Curriculum Change 


While state standards for public schools directly lead to testing standards, local schools and  often educators have wide latitude over content which is not included in state standards. Even when states mandate curriculum content, commitment to implementation can result in widely different classroom experiences. This makes developing content and capacity for local implementation particularly significant.


Despite an Asian American history curriculum not yet being mandated in the keystone state, many Philadelphian teachers and academic professionals are making an effort to have Asian American voices present in their classrooms. On May 25th, the School District of Philadelphia hosted an event to provide themes and resources for how to incorporate Asian American voices into middle school and high school classrooms.

作为费城日裔美国公民联盟主席 (the Japanese American Citizens League in Philadelphia)和宾大亚裔美国人研究的教授,罗伯·布舍尔(Rob Buscher)是另一位努力让亚裔美国人历史进入公众视野的人。在布舍尔的家族中,往上数好几代人都定居在美国西海岸。在布舍尔看来,自己祖先对美国做出的历史贡献被教科书遗漏了。

Rob Buscher is another individual working hard to implement Asian American history into the lives of Pennsylvanians. Buscher is the President of the Japanese American Citizens League in Philadelphia and a professor of Asian American studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Buscher’s Japanese ancestors settled on the west coast generations ago, but their contributions to American history are often left out of history textbooks.



Rob Buscher, President of Philadelphia JACL Chapter, speaking at the Philadelphia Diversity and Inclusion Conference, 2019,Personal photo


Growing up in suburban Connecticut, Buscher says the only mention of Asian Americans in school was a brief synopsis of Japanese American incarceration during World War II and Chinese contributions to the railroad industry. The transcontinental railroad system solely exists due to the labor of 20,000 Chinese immigrants in the mid-1800s.


One of Buscher’s recent successes has been producing a TV talk show with WHYY entitled: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: A Philadelphia Story. The 6-episode series investigates contributions of AAPI individuals to Philadelphia and the surrounding area. “We need to educate the public in ways that the K-12 curriculum just isn’t going to.” Buscher explains that the small amount of Asian American history that is shared in schools is very west coast centric, making it difficult for students elsewhere to make connections to the history.


Make Us Visible PA hosted and attended a protest in Harrisburg on May 23rd to persuade legislative officials to move forward with bringing Bill 1917 to the House floor. The group has also begun a petition to lawmakers advocating for the bill, which has gotten nearly 400 signatures so far.


Photo credits to MUVP official website

在鼓励学生和家长们在请愿书上签名之外,费城地区最大的中文学校--光华中文学校(The Guanghua Chinese School)还准备在今年夏天和秋天新学期开设一门美国华人历史的课程。

The Guanghua Chinese School is also urging its 1000 parents to sign the petition, recognizing that anti-Asian hate crimes in the United States have increased by 339% in the past year. The school will also be implementing a Chinese American History course this summer and in the next school year.

可喜的是,康涅狄格州(Connecticut)、纽约州(New York)、俄亥俄州(Ohio)和佛罗里达州(Florida),越来越多的州加入进来,和宾州一起推动“亚裔美国人历史进校园”的进程。相信这些努力必将为亚裔学生们创造出一个更加包容的明天。

As more states such as Connecticut, New York, Ohio, and Florida make pushes for a mandated Asian American history curriculum in schools, Pennsylvania legislatures have the opportunity to join them to create a more inclusive atmosphere for Asian American students.

If you would like to support the passage of Bill 1917 in Pennsylvania, you can visit to sign the petition and draft a letter to your local legislator voicing your support of the bill.



系列报道五 | 在亚太裔传统月,看亚裔族群的身份认同有多难?

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系列报道三 | 后疫情时代,在困境中挣扎的亚裔小企业亟待重振

系列报道二 | 文化互鉴和多样化课程能停止费城校园里的反亚裔霸凌吗?

系列报道一 | 东南亚的灾民,给人们在安家往来的启示


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