


本文经授权转载自公众号 ICHCR

Main institution|Zhejiang University (P.R. of China), College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, International Center of History, Critics of Architecture and Restoration of Historical Heritage — 浙江大学, 建筑工程学院, 建筑历史与遗产保护国际中心.

Partner Institution|Politecnico di Milano (Italy) 米兰理工大学

Media Partner|ArchiDogs — 筑格传媒.

Time|28th April 2023   15:00-17:00 PM, Beijing time (UTC+8)
Duration|15-20 min/person, 20 min round table
Venue| Zoom, Bilibili, YouTube 

TOPIC / 主题 



本次研讨会由Paolo Vincenzo Genovese教授主持并邀请了三位意大利历史遗产保护修复领域的专家:Paolo Gasparoli、Lorenzo Jurina以及Fabiana Pianezze。他们的经验代表了过去五十年间一部分意大利历史建筑保护修复领域的最显著成就。研讨会将分为三次会议,受邀专家将介绍建筑历史与遗产保护国际中心的使命和理论,分享他们的工作经验,并通过圆桌会议交流意见。

This webinar is hosted by Professor Paolo Vincenzo Genovese, Distinguished Professor from Zhejiang University, College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, the Director of the International Center of History, Critics of Architecture and Restoration of Historical Heritage (ICHCR), who has invited three Italian high-end experts in the field of historical heritage preservation and restoration: Prof. Paolo Gasparoli, Prof. Lorenzo Jurina, and Arch. Fabiana Pianezze. Their experience represents some of the most significant achievements in the field of Italian historical building preservation and restoration over the past fifty years. The seminar will be divided into three sessions. During the first session, Prof. Genovese will present the mission and theory of ICHCR. During the second session, the Italian experts will share their work experiences and philosophical and methodological perspective. The third session is a round-table discussion among, Chinese professors and designers during which opinions will be exchanged and comments will be given on the previous sessions.



The main content of this seminar is based on the leading practical experience of the three experts in historical heritage preservation and restoration. It will introduce several schools of thought and professional methods in the field of Italian architectural academia and professionalism, particularly including some important and multifaceted perspectives from the Polytechnic University of Milan. It will also showcase works by the guest architects which will serve as practical examples of historical heritage preservation and restoration in Italy and will be used to discuss the definitions of historical heritage protection, restoration, and preservation, review the theory of historical heritage preservation and restoration, and introduce advanced technologies and experiences in heritage research, structural restoration, new and old material application and reuse, and structural restoration.


Introduce in-depth discussions on:

·The theory of conservation and restoration of historical heritage;


·Technology for the use of materials;

·The definition of protection, restoration, and preservation;

·Examples of existing historic heritage buildings in Italy;

·Architctural engineering;

·Advanced techniques for ancient heritage investigation;

·Restoration of new structures;

·Advanced technologies for protection, restoration, and preservation;

·Material physics and material chemistry;

·The reuse theory.
Speakers / 发言人

Paolo Gasparoli


He is an Associate Professor, under the Department of Architectural Engineering and Building Environment, at the Polytechnic University of Milan.

He has worked for the Building Environmental Quality and Sustainability Study Group, where he researched diagnostic and restoration techniques, surface treatment, risk condition analysis, and design methods for historic and monumental buildings. His focus is distinctively on management and maintenance activities for existing historic and newer buildings. His research was awarded the highest score (4) of "International Excellence" by the UdR* "Building Environmental Quality and Sustainability" assessment in 2008.

Palazzo Giureconsulti in Milano

Sale piano nobile Gallerie d’Italia, Palazzo Turinetti, Piazza San Carlo, Torino

Basilica di S.Andrea, Vercelli

Lorenzo Jurina

自1983年起担任米兰理工大学建筑学院结构系“结构设计课程”的副教授,多次作为意大利与国际会议的主管和主席,ICOMOS成员,已发表超过150篇有关历史纪念物和遗产、砖木结构和岩土工程等领域的维护、巩固和修复相关论文。2000年至2010年期间,担任意大利环境基金会下两个宝贵建筑物(曼塔城堡和Porta Bozzolo别墅、曼托瓦的杜卡尔宫、威尼斯的圣马可和庞贝的干预)修复工程中的结构和加固项目的设计师。

Associate professor of "Structural Design Course", School of Architecture, Polytechnic of Milan, Structural Department, since 1983. Supervisor and Chairman in National and International Conferences. Member of ICOMOS. Author of more than 150 papers related to Maintenance, Consolidation and Rehabilitation of Historical Monuments and Heritages, to masonry and timber structures and geotechnical field.2000-2010 F.A.I Italian Environmental Found Designer of structural and strengthening projects within the restoration works of two valuable buildings (Manta Castle and Villa della Porta Bozzolo, Palazzo Ducale in Mantova, San Marco in Venice e intervention in Pompei).

Catello di Trezzo Adda

Pompei casa dellagrata metallica

Santuario del sacro Monte a Varese

Trezzo Adda Tower

Fabiana Pianezze
Fabiana Pianezze毕业于米兰理工大学建筑专业,拥有米兰理工大学文化遗产价值化设计与技术博士学位。2009年至2021年,她曾担任米兰理工大学建筑规划建筑工程学院讲师,该学院前身为米兰理工大学建筑与社会学院。她曾在米兰理工大学建筑与城市研究系(DAStU)担任研究员,开展有关考古和历史建筑遗产的计划保护、文化遗产的保护、价值化和利用以及管理、规划和保护地域文化资源之间关系的研究活动。在此期间,她深入研究了对小型和受保护物业的监测、检查和保护计划的制定等问题。自2019年底以来,她一直从事历史建筑遗产的改造和转型等方面的全职专业工作。

Fabiana Pianezze is a graduate of architecture from the Polytechnic University of Milan. She has a Ph.D. in Design and Technologies for the Valorisation of Cultural Heritage from Polytechnic University of Milan. From 2009 to 2021, she worked as a lecturer at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, formerly known as the School of Architecture and Society under Polytechnic University of Milan. She works as a research fellow at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) under Polytechnic University of Milan, where she conducts research activities on the topics of planned conservation of archaeological and historical-architectural heritage, protection, valorization and fruition of cultural heritage, and the relationship between management, planning and conservation of territorial cultural resources. During this period, she has delved into the issues of monitoring, inspection and development of conservation plans for minor and protected properties. Since the end of 2019, she has been carrying out full-time professional activities, especially in the field of rehabilitation and transformation of historical built heritage.

Round table / 圆桌论坛 

 Join in / 参与

* 北京时间 2023年4月28日 15:00-17:00

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