BQ解析 | 关于“难相处的同事”,要怎样回答?

BQ解析 | 关于“难相处的同事”,要怎样回答?

面试中的行为问题揭示了求职者对自己的认知、对他人的态度。描述自己与难相处的同事一起工作的经历,很大程度上也反映了求职者在职场上的心态。研究表明,要想更加博得大家(包括面试官)的喜爱,我们需要以积极的方式谈论他人。那么,当面试官问你“Tell me about a time when you worked with a difficult person.”时,你该说什么呢?




Give me an example of working with others where you did not agree.

How well do you work with people who are different from you?

Tell me about someone who has been difficult for you to work with in your job.

What has been the most difficult situation for you to deal with in your current team?

Tell me about a time you worked with someone challenging.




















在回答问题时记得体现出自己是个“bigger person”。描述一下你是如何在不失冷静的情况下采取措施解决问题的。表现出专业素质,不要太在意细节,拿出一个有效的解决方案,展现自己最好的一面。这将帮助你在回答这个非常常见的面试问题时展现出最好的一面。





Wow, that’s easy. There’s this woman in our department who keeps complaining about how she’s being discriminated against for being female and she point to how all the guys talk around the water cooler and she’s not being included. Well, we’re usually talking about sports, so I told her if she wanted to be included, she would need to start actually watching the sports stuff we’re talking about. That seemed to have worked, since she hasn’t been coming around the water cooler anymore to complain…




I once had to work with someone who wasn't giving me the information I needed to do my job in a timely fashion. For a while, I thought he was doing it purposely to make me look bad. I was secretly frustrated. Finally, I sat down with him one day to inquire why he was being so difficult with me. I was shocked to learn that he was so worried about giving me the wrong information, he was triple checking his work, causing the delay. We had a great talk and I explained I'd rather he give me the information on time. So, we worked together to build a system of checks he could quickly do to be confident the information was correct. This experience taught me to never assume anything about a coworker until I talk to them. Communication is the key to getting what you need.


During my recent internship, we had a member of our team who was negative on the approach I was taking for my summer project. I took time to meet with her to better understand her concerns. I will say that it wasn’t easy and I didn’t get a lot accomplished in that first meeting. So I met with my mentor asking for suggestions and she recommended going to lunch with her. When I asked her about lunch, she initially declined, saying that she brings lunch with her to the office. I said I did as well and asked if we could just meet at her desk for a brown bag session. She agreed and we were able to talk through the specifics of my project. It turns out that one part of my project would potentially be removing her access, temporarily, to some data that she needed for her daily work. As we talked it through, we were able to come up with a way to set aside a copy of a static dataset for her to access while the main data was taken offline when needed. She was happy with the outcome and I was as well, since it removed what could have been a major roadblock on our team…



I once had a colleague who consistently missed deadlines, which caused delays to other tasks being completed. This was frustrating because it was unfair to the other team members who made their deadlines, and put the entire project in jeopardy of being late. I spoke with my co-worker about the missed deadlines and expressed my concerns, and helped her brainstorm some ways to get the work done as quickly as possible.



When I was working on an important initiative with a large team, one team member refused to see anyone else’s point of view. I knew that we weren’t going to be productive if we couldn’t get this team member to collaborate.  I pulled them aside after our first meeting and told them how much I valued their opinions.  I also emphasized that since we were a large group we had to pick our battles and be somewhat flexible.  I think once I pointed that out, they understood the negative impact that their behavior was having on the team.  When I saw how well they responded to our conversation, I realized that instead of arguing with this person in the moment, it was more productive to pull them aside one-on-one.  It’s still not really easy to work with this person, but I’ve found a way to make it manageable.











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