




上图:赵文涛董事长在现场讲解(Board Chair Zhao Wentao explained on the spot)。


中农博士增产肥是一种用中医农业理念研发药肥双减提质增产的肥料,经过多年的研发,2022年11月1号获得农业部备案登记(ZLSR GD2022-00502)。经过多年的实践,在六省实验成功,得到了当地群众和政府的一致认可。


On-site demo of soybean and corn strip compound planting experimental field was held in Shanxi

On the morning of June 21, 2023, an on-site observation meeting of the soybean-corn ribbon compound planting experimental field was held in Baijiazhuang, Shouyang, Shanxi.

A hundred acres of mechanized fertilizer spraying was carried out on site. The observation meeting was jointly organized by Shanxi Yanzhou Agriculture and Zhongnong (Shenzhen) Traditional Chinese Medicine Agriculture. Board Chair Zhao Wentao, Board Chair Zhang Xiujun, General Manager Ji Guangming (Shanxi) and relevant personnel from the County Agricultural Bureau participated in the observation meeting.

Dr. Zhongnong's production-increasing fertilizer (water-soluble fertilizer with medium elements) is a new technology that uses the concept of "strengthening the body and eliminating evil" in traditional Chinese medicine and modern biotechnology, and uses a variety of organic active substances of Chinese medicinal materials as raw materials to combine, integrate and compound with medium elements. Refined, it contains chelated medium elements, amino acids, humic acid and other substances that promote plant growth, comprehensively supplements the nutrients needed by plants, and improves the immunity of plants themselves. By destroying the normal metabolic process of germs, resisting the growth of germs, activating the resistance genes of diseased plants to prevent insects and diseases, at the same time, it can effectively improve the soil texture, increase the calcification rate of organic matter, enhance the ability of water and fertilizer retention and permeability, and promote the effective growth of new roots , thereby greatly increasing crop yields.

Dr. Zhongnong Yield Fertilizer is a kind of fertilizer that uses the agricultural concept of traditional Chinese medicine to develop a fertilizer that doubles the reduction of medicine and fertilizer, improves the quality and increases production. After years of research and development, it was registered by the Ministry of Agriculture on November 1, 2022 (ZLSR GD2022-00502).

After years of practice, it has been successfully tested in six provinces and has been unanimously recognized by the local people and the government.


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