Lost in the Stars, a suspense crime film, finds way into moviegoers' hearts, and wins holiday box-office race. The movie topped the festival's box office charts during the three-day Dragon Boat Festival between June 22 and 24, earning a total of 507 million yuan. Following it were the romance film Love Never Ends and Hollywood blockbuster Transformers: Rise of the Beasts in second and third place, respectively.
Starring Zhu Yilong, Ni Ni, and Wen Yongshan, the film tells the story of Li Muzi (Wen), who mysteriously disappears during a trip while her husband, He Fei (Zhu), desperately searches for her and gradually unravels the mystery with the help of renowned lawyer Chen Mai (Ni).
Set in an unnamed foreign country, the story begins with a mysterious incident: He Fei, a Chinese tourist, discovers his wife is missing during their overseas trip to celebrate their first wedding anniversary. After failing to receive help from local police officers, he is astonished to wake up and find a strange woman lying beside him who claims to be his wife and surprisingly knows all the details of his personal life. The husband, almost driven to insanity, stumbles upon a capable lawyer, who's also Chinese, and seeks her help in uncovering the truth behind his wife's disappearance. However, as they unravel the case bit by bit, the situation becomes increasingly startling.
伤感而巧妙的悲剧 在我看这部电影之前,我都不知道会如此精彩。 这种改编在中国电影界非常罕见。情节跌宕起伏,演员的情绪也很到位。 有人说灯光效果杂乱老套,演员的风格彼此不搭。我同意。情节中也有一些缺陷,但缺陷并没有掩盖优点。 不管怎样,它值得一看。另外,请关注眼下的情节,不要预测接下来会发生什么。你的观影体验会更好。
系好安全带!精彩的悬念,且不止于此…… 距离上一次看到令我有“惊艳”之感的悬疑电影,已经有很长一段时间了,我很高兴这份等待已经结束。《消失的她》将悬念发挥到了极致,甚至超越了悬念。无论你猜对与否,你都会喜欢找到答案的过程——这不就是悬念吗?话虽如此,《消失的她》有许多反转情节,最终结局令人称奇。
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