说到犯罪服刑,很多人都会想到戒备森严的监狱,但在现实中还有一些被判刑的罪犯是在家中服刑(serving a sentence),就生活在普通居民小区里,也可以跟普通人一样正常工作,这就是社区矫正(community correction),这些在家中服刑的人员又称为社区矫正对象(community correction target)。
社区矫正作为与监禁刑罚(jail sentence)执行对应的一种刑事执行方式,是国家刑事司法制度的重要组成部分。我国的社区矫正工作从2003年开始试点,2014年全面推进。
2018年5月24日,四川省华蓥市老年志愿者社区矫正工作队一名成员,在向社区矫正人员讲解相关知识 图源:东方IC
Not all criminals are suited to community correction, and there are strict evaluation standards for determining those who are. The majority of subjects for community correction are those who are on probation. Among them, there are many first-time offenders, occasional offenders, and negligent offenders, with minor criminal circumstances and who have shown repentance.
2023年5月26,浙江省金华市金东区司法局开展社区矫正对象就业创业指导与职业技能培训 图源:东方IC
The law stipulates that the following four categories of criminals are eligible for community correction: those sentenced to public surveillance, those sentenced to a reprieve, those released on parole and those permitted to temporarily serve their sentence outside prison.
Before the formal implementation of community correction, an evaluation report should be composed based on an investigation into the proposed subject’s place of residence, familial and social relations, the consequences and impact of their crime and the opinions of the residential committees where both the subject and their victim live. In addition, the report includes prohibitions and the degree of social danger the subject presents, and their potential impact on their community.
Community correction institutions are to formulate tailored correctional plans according to the correctional subject's gender, age, psychological characteristics, health, cause of crime, type of crime, circumstance of crime, degree of repentance and other conditions, to ensure classified management and correction.
An official from the Supreme People's Procuratorate said that during community correction, state secrets, trade secrets, and personal privacy aside, a certain degree of information about the correctional subject will be disclosed to ensure the community residents' right to know, but any information not related to their crime will be protected according to the law.
Without the approval of community correction institutions at the county level, the correctional subject shall not contact the victim, the complainant, or the informant in their case, and shall not contact the accomplice or any other people who may induce them to commit a crime again. In addition, the correctional subject shall not leave the city or county where they live without approval.
When receiving community correction, the correctional subject must accept the supervision of community corrections institutions and report to them on time. Otherwise, they will be subject to corresponding penalties, including the revocation of probation, the revocation of parole and imprisonment.
Community residential committees and other grassroots organizations, as well as social workers and volunteers, are actively encouraged to participate in community correction work to promote grassroots social governance, the official said.
2018年10月23日,江西广昌县社区矫正人员正在旴江镇中心敬老院里为老人们揉肩捶背、谈心聊天,以实际行动为老人送温暖、做好事 图源:东方IC
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