OPT 挂靠,做检讨以后批准的 I-601 豁免和绿卡

OPT 挂靠,做检讨以后批准的 I-601 豁免和绿卡


本文介绍美国移民局最近公布的 I-601 豁免批准案例,讨论相关的策略。


我们新未名律所为很多申请人取得了 I-601 豁免和绿卡批准。请参见我们的文章:《2023 年批准的一些 I-601 豁免和绿卡案例,和《有 OPT 挂靠和其他问题,用 I-601 豁免等渠道取得美国绿卡的近期案例》。

本文介绍美国移民局最近公布的一个 I-601 豁免批准案例。这不是我们律所办理的。我们律所的 Cases,包括 I-601 豁免,绝大多数直接批准了。这个 Case 是一开始被拒,在上诉以后得到批准的。

据我们所知,曾经有很多中国学生有过 OPT 挂靠的问题,其中某黄姓华人开办的两家公司在被美国政府查封以前就提供了几千例挂靠的情况,美国的新闻媒体还报道过许多其他公司的这类挂靠。

如果因为挂靠导致绿卡申请(I-485 和移民签证)遇到问题,收到移民局(或者广州领事馆)的预备拒绝信(Notice of Intention to Deny)或者是拒信,应当怎样回复呢?是应当强硬地争辩,还是检讨自己的错误呢?这个当然要看具体情况。我们一般建议,参考买车时讲价的策略,polite but firm. 本文介绍一个做检讨以后获得移民局批准的案例。

申请人曾经有 OPT 挂靠经历,因此提交了 I-601 豁免申请。芝加哥地区的移民局办公室认为,申请人的美国配偶确实会因为申请人的绿卡被拒而遭受极端困难(experience extreme hardship),但是,因为 “unfavorable factors in[the] case outweigh the favorable factors”,拒绝了 I-601 豁免申请。

然后,申请人提交了上诉,强调 she warrants a positive discretionary finding. 移民局上诉办公室经过审理,尤其是考虑到了申请人良好的认错态度,最终批准了她的 I-601 豁免。

在判决文书里,移民局上诉办公室回顾了 I-601 豁免的标准,包括 balance the adverse factors evidencing the Applicant’s undesirability as a lawful permanent resident with the social and humane considerations presented to determine whether the grant of relief in the exercise of discretion appears to be in the best interests of the country.

列举出来的负面因素,不利于 I-601 豁免批准的因素,包括:

the nature and underlying circumstances of the inadmissibility ground(s) at issue;

the presence of additional significant violations of immigration laws;

the existence of a criminal record, and if so, its nature, recency and seriousness;

the presence of other evidence indicative of bad character or undesirability.

列举出来的正面因素,有利于 I-601 豁免批准的因素,包括:

family ties in the United States;

residence of long duration in this country (particularly where residency began at a young age);

evidence of hardship to the noncitizen and his or her family;

service in the U.S. Armed Forces, a history of stable employment;

the existence of property or business ties;

evidence of value or service in the community;

evidence of genuine rehabilitation if a criminal record exists;

other evidence attesting to good character.

具体到这个案子的情况,移民局指出,申请人不止一次地提交了错误的雇佣(挂靠)信息,甚至在 I-485 表格上面也把挂靠的雇主列成了工作历史(教训,其他有类似历史的申请人要注意避免),然后在 I-485 面谈的时候承认了 paid someone to provide a false employment document that purported to evidence employment, in order to permit[the applicant] to fraudulently extend her F1 status via the OPT program. 移民局认为,申请人的 deceitful manner of seeking benefits under the immigration laws demonstrates a complete disregard for the law and lack of honesty,性质是严重的。因此,移民局拒绝了申请人的 I-601 豁免要求。

然而,在上诉的时候,申请人提交了额外的证据和言辞解释,包括她在美国的联系(上诉时已怀孕),包括她自己的说明,丈夫(美国公民)的支持信,来自其他美国亲属的支持信,和来自原雇主,同事,和邻居的支持信证明信。移民局上诉办公室认为,这些信写得很好,展示了申请人的品格不是欺骗性质的:These statements are written in a candid, detailed, and credible manner, which lend credence to the Applicant’s statements of remorse, and they support a conclusion that her overall character is not deceitful or lacking in honesty.

移民局上诉办公室同意,总体来看,根据 the totality of the circumstances in this case,有利于申请批准的正面因素大于负面因素。尤其是,申请人做了深刻的检讨

(1) She consistently expresses a deep remorse and understanding for the negative implications of her actions.

(2) The applicant expresses her understanding of her obligation to fully disclose information, and to provide honest and forthcoming information in her dealings current and future dealings with our immigration system.

(3) When the Applicant was confronted with the derogatory information at her adjustment interview, she acknowledged that the letter she submitted was not authentic and that she knew this information was wrong. (The USCIS officer questioned the applicant regarding her work history and about the inauthentic letter she provided. The applicant responded “I provided[my school] a letter from I saying that I was working with them but actually I never work there. I submitted it to the school to keep my F1 status.” When asked if she thought this was “correct,” the applicant responded “No, but I would like to keep my F1 status.”)

(4) In sum, the Applicant’s U.S. education achievements, residence of long duration in the United States beginning when she was 19 years old, her community and family ties, lack of a criminal record, payment of taxes, expression of remorse for her actions, history of gainful employment, and letters of support as well as her spouse’s extreme hardship are significant positive factors that outweigh the negative factors in her case.

(5) As to the misrepresentation itself, the Applicant expressed remorse for the misrepresentation leading to her inadmissibility (“I could not be more ashamed about the actions I took.”)

(6) Thus, the balancing of the positive equities in this case against the negative factors warrants a favorable exercise of discretion.

这样,申请人的 I-601 豁免得到了批准,她也就因此可以拿到美国绿卡。


我们新未名律所为若干曾经有 OPT 挂靠经历的绿卡申请人取得了 I-601 豁免批准,其中绝大多数是直接批准的,有一位申请人是在 I-601 豁免已经被拒以后才联系我们的,我们在上诉(重新开案)后为他获得了豁免批准和绿卡批准。我们还为很多其他绿卡申请人,包括曾经在签证时提供错误信息的,在移民局办公室面谈时被发现此前历史有问题的,在美国身份过期的,以及曾经是党员的,取得了 I-601 豁免批准,参见前面的链接和下面的视频。


我们新未名律师事务所帮助数千位中国申请人准备和提交了 I-140 、 I-485 和各类移民签证以及非移民签证申请,获得了绿卡和签证批准,其中包括职业移民也包括亲属移民,包括 EB-1A 、 EB-1B 、 EB-1C 、 NIW 、 PERM 、 EB-2 、 EB-3,以及从 EB-2 降级到 EB-3 、 EB-5 投资移民,等等;包括 H-1B 、 B-2 、 O-1 、 L-1 等签证申请,还包括 I-485 申请被拒或者遇到 RFE 以后找到我们,在回复 RFE / NOID 以后,或提交 Motion to Reopen 以后,或重新提交申请以后,获得批准的。除了一条龙全套服务(比如从一开始准备 I-485 的全部表格和材料、到申请人全家拿到绿卡,负责到底),我们也可以根据客户的需求提供咨询(consultation),帮助回复 RFE 、 NOID,提交 Motion,帮助联系移民局询问 Case 情况并要求加速审批,陪同参加(或帮助准备)移民面试,提供翻译,以及 Review 申请表格和材料,解答问题等各种服务。



蔡律师:[email protected]

杨律师:[email protected]







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