编辑 | 陈婉菁 中国政法大学硕士
邵娅绮 浙江工商大学本科
责编 | 王有蓉 中国政法大学硕士
芝加哥大学法理学教授Brian Leiter长期致力于制作各种法学榜单。2021年其推出了“2016-2020法学学者引用量”排名,并将之细分为24个领域,分别是:行政法与环境法,反垄断法,商法,宪法,公司法与证券法,刑法与刑事程序,批判法律理论,选举法,证据法,家事法,健康法,移民法,知识产权法,国际法与国际安全,劳动与雇佣法,法律经济学,法律与哲学,法律与社会科学,法律与技术,法制史,立法与法律条文释义,财产法,税法,侵权法与保险法。本系列“美国法学名师介绍”将依据这项排名,系统介绍各领域的知名学者。
Critical Theories of Law: Election Law
Samuel Issacharoff教授在纽约大学任宪法学教授,他的研究范围广泛,涉及民事诉讼程序(特别是复杂诉讼和集体诉讼)、法律经济学、宪法(特别是投票权和选举制度)以及劳动法等方面的问题。他是政治程序法的先驱之一和领军人物,是美国艺术与科学学院的院士。代表著作为《民主法》案例集(与斯坦福大学的Pam Karlan和纽约大学的Richard Pildes合著)。
"Weaponizing the Electoral System," 74 Stan. L. Rev. Online 28 (2022)
"Rule 23 and the Triumph of Experience," 84 Law & Contemp. Probs., no. 2, 2021, at 161
"The Corruption of Popular Sovereignty," 18 Int’l J. Const. L. 1109 (2020)
"Constitution by Convention," 108 Cal. L. Rev. 1913 (2020) (with Trevor Morrison)
"The Hollowed Out Common Law," 67 UCLA L. Rev. 600 (2020) (with Florencia Marotta-Wurgler)
"What Is Puerto Rico?," 94 Ind. L.J. 1 (2019) (with Alexandra Bursak, Russell Rennie and Alec Webley)
"An Oral History of Rule 23," 74 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 105 (2019) (interview of Arthur Miller)
"Judicial Review in Troubled Times: Stabilizing Democracy in a Second-Best World," 98 N.C. L. Rev. 1 (2019)
"Democracy's Deficits," 85 U. Chi. L. Rev. 485 (2018)
Democracy Unmoored: Populism and the Corruption of Popular Sovereignty (Oxford University Press, 2023)
耶鲁大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)
宾汉姆顿大学 历史学学士(B.A.)
Richard Pildes在纽约大学任宪法学教授,他是美国主要的宪法学者之一,也是民主法律问题专家。他曾被选入美国艺术与科学学院和美国法律研究所,并被拜登总统任命为美国最高法院的总统委员会成员。他系统地探讨了有关民主选举和机构结构的法律和政策问题,如金钱在政治中的作用、选区的设计、政党的监管、投票系统的结构、少数人利益在民主机构中的代表等。
民主制度的比较视角, 宪法法律和理论, 民主与法律, 选举法, 恐怖主义与法律
"Democracies in the Age of Fragmentation," 110 Cal. L. Rev. 2051 (2022)
"Election Law in an Age of Distrust," 74 Stan. L. Rev. Online 100 (2022)
"Age of Political Fragmentation," 32 J. Democracy, Oct. 2021, at 146 (2021)
"The Legality of Ranked-Choice Voting," 109 Cal. L. Rev. 1773 (2021) (with G. Michael Parsons)
"How Outside Money Makes Governing More Difficult," 19 Election L.J. 486 (2020) (with Mike Norton)
"Political Process Theory and Institutional Realism," 18 Int'l J. Const. L. 1497 (2020)
"How to Accommodate a Massive Surge in Absentee Voting," U. Chi. L. Rev. Online
"Participation and Polarization," 22 U. Pa. J. Constl. L. 341 (2020)
"Showcase Panel II: Why, or Why Not, Be an Originalist?," 69 Cath. U. L. Rev. 683 (2020) (with Dean Reuter, Thomas Hardiman, Amy Coney Barrett, Michael C. Dorf et al.)
"Small-Donor-Based Campaign-Finance Reform and Political Polarization," 129 Yale L.J. F. 149 (2019)
"The Past and Future of Voting Rights," 162 Proc. Am. Philosophical Soc'y 221 (2018)
"Populism and Institutional Design: Methods of Selecting Candidates for Chief Executive," 93 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 647 (2018) (with Stephen Gardbaum)
"Courts and Democracies in Asia," 16 Int'l J. Const. L. 682 (2018) (review)
"Supranational Courts and the Law of Democracy: The European Court of Human Rights," 9 J. Int'l Disp. Settlement 154 (2018)
哈佛大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)
普林斯顿大学 文科学士(化学)(A.B.)
Richard L. Hasen教授是国际公认的选举法专家,他在立法和法律解释、救济和侵权方面也有著述。Hasen于2020年担任CNN选举法分析师,并于2022年担任NBC新闻/MSNBC选举法分析师。他是加州大学洛杉矶分校法律保护民主项目的负责人。
从法学院毕业后,哈森为美国第九巡回上诉法院的David R. Thompson担任助理,然后在Horvitz and Levy律师事务所担任民事上诉律师。
Identifying and Minimizing the Risk of Election Subversion and Stolen Elections in the Contemporary United States, 135 Harvard Law Review Forum (2022)
Optimism and Despair about a 2020 “Election Meltdown” and Beyond, 100 Boston University Law Review Online 298 (2020)
Direct Democracy Denied: The Right to Initiative During a Pandemic, University Of Chicago Law Review Online (2020)
Three Pathologies of American Voting Rights Illuminated by the COVID-19 Pandemic, and How to Treat and Cure Them, 19 Election Law Journal 263 (2020)
Thin and Thick Conceptions of the Nineteenth Amendment and Congress’s Power to Enforce It (with Leah Litman), 108 Georgetown Law Journal 27 (2020)
The Supreme Court’s Pro-Partisanship Turn, 109 Georgetown Law Journal Online 50 (2020)
Deep Fakes, Bots, and Siloed Justices: American Election Law in a Post-Truth World, 64 St. Louis University Law Review 535 (2020)
In Legislation, Statutory Interpretation, and Election Law—Examples And Explanations, 2nd ed. (Wolters Kluwer, 2020). Prior edition: 1st, 2014
QV or Not QV? That is the Question; Some Skepticism About Radical Egalitarian Voting Markets, 87 University Of Chicago Law Review Online 67 (2019)
Polarization and the Judiciary, 22 Annual Review of Political Science 261 (2019)
‘Civil Right No. 1:’ Dr. King’s Unfinished Voting Rights Revolution, 49 University of Memphis Law Review 137 (2018)
Cheap Speech and What It Has Done (to American Democracy), 16 First Amendment Law Review 200 (2018)
The 2016 U.S. Voting Wars: From Bad to Worse, 26 William And Mary Bill Of Rights Journal 529 (2018)
Race or Party, Race as Party, or Party All the Time: Three Uneasy Approaches to Conjoined Polarization in Redistricting and Voting Cases, 59 William And Mary Law Review 1837 (2018)
Election Law—Cases and Materials (with Daniel Hays Lowenstein, Daniel P. Tokaji, and Nicholas O. Stephanopoulos). Carolina Academic Press (2022). Prior editions: 6th, 2017; 5th, 2012; 4th, 2008; 3rd 2004; 2nd, 2001
Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics—and How to Cure It. Yale University Press (2022)
Election Meltdown: Dirty Tricks, Distrust, and the Threat to American Democracy. Yale University Press (2020)
The Glannon Guide to Torts: Learning Torts through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis. 4th ed. Wolters Kluwer (2020). Prior editions: 3rd, 2016; 2nd, 2011; 1st, 2009
Modern American Remedies (with Professor Douglas Laycock). Wolters Kluwer (2019). Concise Edition available; Also teacher's manual and annual supplements
The Justice of Contradictions: Antonin Scalia and the Politics of Disruption. Yale University Press (2018)
加州大学洛杉矶分校 政治学博士 (Ph.D.)
加州大学洛杉矶分校 法律职业博士 (J.D.)
加州大学洛杉矶分校 文科硕士 (M.A.)
加州大学伯克利分校 文科学士 (B.A.)
Heather Gerken,耶鲁大学Sol & Lillian Goldman讲席法学教授,耶鲁大学法学院院长。Gerken 教授是美国宪法和选举法的主要专家。从法学院毕业后,Gerken教授曾担任美国第9巡回上诉法院法官 Stephen Reinhardt 和美国最高法院大法官 David Souter 的助理。之后,她在华盛顿特区担任上诉律师。Gerken教授于 2000 年在哈佛大学法学院开始了她的教学生涯。2006年,她转至耶鲁大学,并于2008年成为首任J. Skelly Wright讲席法学教授。在担任院长之前,Gerken教授在 2008 年和 2012 年担任奥巴马竞选活动的高级顾问。2013 年,她提出的创建“民主指数”(全国选举制度排名)的提议被皮尤慈善信托基金会采纳,成为了美国第一个选举绩效指数。2021年,Gerken教授被任命为美国最高法院总统委员会成员。
选举法的前沿课题(Advanced Topics in Election Law)和旧金山平权诉讼项目(San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Project)
“The Myth of the Laboratories of Democracy,” Tyler, Charles and Gerken, Heather, GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2021-46, August 9, 2021
“The Discursive Benefits of Structure: Federalism and the First Amendment,” in The Free Speech Century (eds. Bollinger & Stone 2019)
“Resisting the Theory/Practice Divide: Why the ‘Theory School’ is Ambitious About Practice,” 132 Harv. L. Rev. F. 134 (2019)
“Presentation on Behalf of the Social Sciences, ”52 Am. Acad. Arts & Sciences 8 (Winter 2018)
密歇根大学 法律职业博士 (J.D.)
普林斯顿大学 文科学士 (B.A.)
Richard Briffault教授任教于哥伦比亚大学法学院。他是州和地方政府法律的权威。新闻媒体经常求助于他对民主和政治过程中核心问题的专业见解和分析,如竞选资金改革、政府道德、不公正的选区划分、选举管理和公平选举。他也是“new preemption”的主要发起者,批评各州越来越多地通过凌驾于地方法令之上的意识形态法律。在他的职业生涯中,他曾三次担任副院长,同时也是法学院公共诚信促进中心和公共利益/公共服务研究员项目的顾问委员会成员,也是哥伦比亚法律与社会问题杂志的董事会成员。
“Constitutional Failure,” comment on Matter of Harkenrider v. Hochul, May 4, 2022.
"Election Law Localism and Democracy," 100 N.C.L. Rev. 1421 (2022)
“The New Preemption: Placing Cities in American Federalism,” in Cities In Federal Constitutional Theory (Erika Arban, ed., Oxford Univ. Press 2022)
"Elected-Official-Affiliated Non-Profits: Closing the Public Integrity Gap," 35 Notre Dame J. Ethics & Pub. Pol. 591 (2021)
"The Promise and Peril of Local Election Administration," The Penn Regulatory Review, Sept. 27, 2021,
“Constitutional Law and the Presidential Nomination Process,” in The Best Candidate: Presidential Nomination in Polarized times (Eugene D. Mazo & Michael Dimino, eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2020)
“Money Matters But It Doesn’t Decide: The Case of Michael Bloomberg’s Presidential Campaign,” April 9, 2020
“The Single-Subject Rule: A State Constitutional Dilemma,” 82 Albany L. Rev. 1629 (2019)
Cases and Materials on State and Local Government Law,2022 West Academic Publishing
哈佛大学 法律职业博士(J.D.)
哥伦比亚大学 文科学士(B.A.)
Nathaniel Persily是斯坦福大学法学院James B. McClatchy讲席教授,并在政治学与传播学系任职。Persily教授曾在哥伦比亚大学和宾夕法尼亚大学任教,并在哈佛大学、纽约大学、普林斯顿大学、阿姆斯特丹大学和墨尔本大学担任访问教授。他曾担任特别顾问,为佐治亚州、马里兰州、康涅狄格州、纽约州、北卡罗来纳州和宾夕法尼亚州制定国会或立法机构的选区规划。他还担任过总统选举管理委员会的高级研究主任。Persily教授目前的工作是研究技术对政治沟通、竞选和选举管理的影响,并因此获得了古根海姆研究员、安德鲁-卡内基研究员和行为科学高级研究中心研究员的荣誉。此外,他还是美国艺术与科学学院的成员,以及科菲-安南数字时代选举与民主委员会的委员。
"Protecting Electoral Integrity in The Digital Age, " (A Kofi Annan Foundation Initiative, 2020) (with Stephen J. Stedman, Alex Stamos, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Laura Chinchilla, Noeleen Heyzer, Yves Leterme, Ory Okolloh, Ernesto Zedillo, Megan Smith, William Sweeney)
"The Internet’s Challenge to Democracy: Framing the Problem and Assessing Reforms, " (A Kofi Annan Foundation Initiative, 2019)
"The Miracle and Tragedy of the 2020 Us Election, " (Journal of Democracy, 2021) (with Stewart, C.)
"A New Model for Industry-Academic Partnerships, " (Ps-Political Science & Politics, 2020) (with King, G.)
"Social Media and Democracy the State of the Field, Prospects for Reform Introduction, " (Social Media and Democracy: The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform, 2020) (with Tucker, J. A.)
"Conclusion: The Challenges and Opportunities for Social Media Research, " (Social Media and Democracy: The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform, 2019) (with Tucker, J. A.)
and Peter Reuter (University of Chicago Press 2020)
The Law of Democracy, Legal Structure of the Political Process (Foundation Press 6th Edition, 2022) (with Samuel Issacharoff, Pamela S. Karlan, Pamela S. Karlan, Franita Tolson)
The Challenges and Opportunities for Social Media Research (Cambridge Press, forthcoming, 2020) (with Tucker, J. A.)
加州大学伯克利分校 政治学博士(Ph.D.)
斯坦福大学 法律职业博士 (J.D.)
耶鲁大学 政治学硕士(M.A.)
耶鲁大学 政治学学士(B.A.)
7.Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Nicholas Stephanopoulos毕业于耶鲁大学法学院,拥有剑桥大学欧洲研究硕士学位和哈佛大学政府学学士学位,并以优异成绩毕业。他的工作集中在民主理论、实证政治学和美国选举制度的交叉研究上。Stephanopoulos经常在电视和广播中评论法律问题,是竞选法律中心的诉讼战略委员会和数字平台研究委员会的成员。
Disparate Impact, Unified Law, 128 Yale L.J. 1566 (2019)
“Nicholas Stephanopoulos, Race, Place, and Power,” 68STAN. L. REV.1323(2016)
“Nicholas Stephanopoulos & Eric McGhee, Partisan Gerrymandering and the Efficiency Gap,” 82U. CHI. L. REV.831(2015)
Partisan Gerrymandering, in The Oxford Handbook of American Election Law (forthcoming 2023).
耶鲁大学 法学职业博士 (J.D.)
剑桥大学 欧洲研究硕士 (M.Phil.)
哈佛大学 政府学学士 (A.B.)
Michael S. Kang是全国公认的竞选财务、投票权、选区重划、司法选举和公司治理方面的专家。他的研究被广泛发表在知名法律期刊上,并被《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》和《福布斯》等杂志报道。他最近的工作重点是党派不公正的选区划分;政党和竞选资金对民选法官的影响;公民联合后放松对竞选资金的管制;以及所谓的“失败者法”,限制失败的初选候选人参加大选。
“Gerrymandering and the Norm Against Government Partisanship,” 116 Michigan Law Review 351 (2017) selected as the Best Election Law Paper of 2017 by the AALS Section on Election Law
“The Long Shadow of Bush v. Gore,” 68 Stanford Law Review 1411 (2016) (with Joanna Shepherd)
“The End of Campaign Finance Law,” 98 Virginia Law Review 1 (2012)
“The Partisan Price of Justice: An Empirical Analysis of Campaign Contributions and Judicial Decisions,” 86 New York University Law Review 69 (2011) (with Joanna M. Shepherd)
“Sore Loser Laws and Democratic Contestation,” 99 Georgetown Law Journal 1013 (2011)
“Voting as Veto,” 108 Michigan Law Review 1221 (2010)
“Rethinking the Government Speech Doctrine, Post-Trump,” 2022 University of Illinois Law Review 1943 (Co-authored by: Jacob Eisler)
“The Post-Trump Rightward Lurch in Election Law,” 74 Stanford Law Review Online 55 (2022)
哈佛大学 博士 (Ph.D)
芝加哥大学 法学职业博士 (J.D.)
伊利诺伊大学 硕士 (M.A.)
芝加哥大学 文科学士 (B.A.)
James A. Gardner自2001年以来一直是纽约州立大学的特聘教授,他在宪法和选举法领域享有盛名。James Gardner曾在西新英格兰大学、威廉和玛丽大学、康涅狄格大学和佛罗里达州立大学任教。2012年,他在蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学担任富布赖特宪政和联邦主义理论与实践的访问研究主席,2015年在意大利博尔扎诺的欧洲学院比较联邦主义研究所担任联邦主义常驻学者。2018年,他在巴塞罗那大学担任客座教授。
“Federalism and the Limits of Subnational Political Heterogeneity, ” WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW 1097 (2021)
“Illiberalism and Authoritarianism in the American States, ” 70 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW (2021)
“The Illiberalization of American Election Law: A Study in Democratic Deconsolidation,” 90 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW 423 (2021)
“Transmission of Mastery, ”69 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 507, 507-46 (2021)
“Lessons from a Journey through Subnational Constitutional Law,” 72 RUTGERS UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW (2020)
“Democratic Legitimacy under Conditions of Severely Depressed Voter Turnout, ” UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW ONLINE 24, 24-34 (2020)
OMPARATIVE ELECTION LAW (edited volume) (Edward Elgar Publishing 2022)
LEGAL ARGUMENT: THE STRUCTURE AND EFFECTIVE LANGUAGE OF EFFECTIVE ADVOCACY (with Christine Bartholomew) (Carolina Academic Press, 3rd ed. 2020)
芝加哥大学 法律职业博士 (J.D.)
耶鲁大学 文科学士(B.A.)
Daniel Tokaji是威斯康星大学法学院院长兼法学教授。从2003年到2020年,他在俄亥俄州立大学任教,担任教职副院长和 Charles W. Ebersold & Florence Whitcomb Ebersold讲席宪法学教授。他教授过各种课程,包括民事诉讼法、比较宪法、选举法和投票权、联邦法院、第一修正案、法律分析和写作、立法和法规以及美国法律制度。他还曾在哈佛大学、香港大学和牛津大学任教。
“Voter Registration in a Pandemic,” __ UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW ONLINE __ (forthcoming2020).
“Comparative Advantage: The Ends and Means of Campaign Regulation – A Response to Professor Ringhand, ”81 OHIO STATE LAW JOURNAL ONLINE 45 (2020).
“Truth, Democracy, and the Limits of Law,” 64 ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 569 (2020).
“Denying Systemic Equality: The Last Words of the Kennedy Court, ”13 HARVARD LAW AND POLICY REVIEW 539 (2019).
Handbook on Prosecutors and Prosecution 413-428 (Oxford University Press, 2021)
耶鲁大学 法律职业博士 (J.D.)
哈佛大学 文科学士 (A.B.)