X、XAI、SpaceX和Model X,马斯克为何如此钟情于英文字母“X”?(附视频&解说稿)

X、XAI、SpaceX和Model X,马斯克为何如此钟情于英文字母“X”?(附视频&解说稿)




一直以来,马斯克对字母X都有着特殊的喜爱。他的许多公司和项目都使用了X的名字,如SpaceX、Tesla Model X、Neuralink X、xAI等。甚至,马斯克还给自己的两个儿子起了以X开头的名字,分别是Xavier和X AE A-XII Musk。

专注于科技领域的记者鲍比(Bobby Allyn)认为,马斯克表面上在努力推广“X”符号,但实际上,其也仅仅是通过在社交媒体上的宣传造势,该平台没有做出实质性的改变。“鲍勃称,自己也并不清楚马斯克为什么如此喜欢字母“X”。不过据他所推测,马斯克对“X”的情感可能出于某些怀旧情怀,“毕竟‘’让他赚到了‘第一桶金’。”

马斯克对 X 的迷恋

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- [Narrator] SpaceX,  the Tesla Model X,  xAI. 

- I don't know very many people  who might say they have a favorite letter  but with Elon Musk, it's very clear it's X. 

- [Narrator] And now Twitter joins the ranks  of the billionaire's other companies  as its name switches to X. 

But while the name is new,  the URL isn't. 

It's the latest chapter in a story  that Musk started more than two decades ago. 

- I think could absolutely be  a multi-billion dollar bonanza. 

- [Narrator] Here's why the previous didn't stick  and what it's past can tell us about the app's future. 

- Oh, X, X. - Yeah?  - You will be the letter of the day?  - Ah, you bet I will. 

- [Narrator] Musk launched the original in 1999  as a banking site after selling his first startup, Zip2. 

-, In his conception at that time,  was going to be the one-stop shop for financial services. 

- [Narrator] Jimmy Soni is the author of "The Founders,"  a book about the beginning of PayPal. 

He spent six years interviewing Musk and his colleagues  about the early days of the company. 

- He thought it was, as he put it to me,  quote, "The coolest URL on the internet."  - I thought, well, if we can combine  all types of financial services in one,  so you can have, like, mortgages  and like, basically all your entire financial relationship  seamlessly integrated together in one place online,  that would be cool. 

- [Narrator] According to Soni,  Musk thought had advantages. 

It was short, making it easier to type into a browser  and helpful for naming different products. 

- X as a digit, as a variable allows you to say,  "X checking, X PayPal, X loans, X this, X click, X that."  So the idea was that X was a kind of hub  and from it, would emerge all these other financial spokes. 

- [Narrator] But this vision for Musk's site didn't pan out. 

In 2000, merged with Confinity,  the company that owned PayPal,  a peer-to-peer payment product. 

And founders, Musk, Max Levchin, Peter Thiel,  and other executives disagreed on several things. 

One was the name. 

- Some of the people believe  that X is a touch salacious. 

It's a little confusing. 

It's even sinister. 

They hear this directly from customers. 

- [Narrator] Money was also a problem. 

The company wasn't making a profit yet,  and was reimbursing customers who had been defrauded online. 

- The PayPal folks, the Confinity team,  Max and Peter's team are saying to themselves,  "Listen we don't have a lot of runway. 

Fraud is very, very high. 

The economy is clearly collapsing,  and we have this successful product called PayPal. 

We should put all our eggs in that basket."  - [Narrator] Musk was eventually forced out of the company  and temporarily left behind  and his ambitions for the site. 

But he came back to the URL. 

In 2017, Musk repurchased the domain,  tweeting that "it held sentimental value to him."  - He held onto it and held onto the ideas for 20 plus years  and now he's trying to bring them back to life. 

- [Narrator] Musk says that the PayPal that emerged  in the years after he left the company  didn't match the vision he had for 

- If PayPal had executed the plan  that I wanted to execute on,  I think you would probably be the most valuable company  in the world. - Yeah. 

- Or be called X,  but it would be the most valuable company in the world. 

- [Narrator] He told the All-In podcast last year  prior to his purchase of Twitter  that he wanted to create an app  that emulates WeChat from China. 

- If you're in China,  it's basically you kind of live on WeChat. 

It does everything. 

It's sort of like Twitter plus PayPal  plus a whole bunch of other things. 

And all roll into one was actually a great interface  and it's really an excellent app. 

- [Narrator] Purchasing Twitter opened up another chance,  but this time must had more to work with. 

- When Elon talked about why he was buying Twitter,  he saw it as jump starting his grander ambitions for X. 

And with that acquisition in late 2022,  he was getting a huge user base  that had already grown accustomed  to coming to Twitter on a daily basis. 

- [Narrator] Musk said in a tweet  that the shift to X reflects Twitter's expanded capabilities  since he took over the site. 

Saying the name Twitter made more sense  when it was just 140 character messages  going back and forth. 

But he and Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino  hinted at a future for the site  that could look more like Musk's original vision. 

Advances in tech since 1999 could help X succeed  where failed. 

- I think that when Elon was trying to do in 1999,  most people were dialing up to get their internet. 

Webpages loaded super slow. 

There was no mobile app ecosystem. 

There was no iPhone. 

- [Narrator] But some of the problems faced in 1999  are still a problem today,  like the name. 

- It's not clear exactly what the rights are  for X as a company going forward,  not just in the US but around the world  with various jurisdictions. 

And it also, it's one of those things  it's not clear what the user's gonna think of it is. 

Is this a dirty website or is this going to be  the world's greatest financial institution?  - [Narrator] And money is still an issue. 

The site has struggled to win back advertising dollars  it lost during Musk's takeover  and it took on billions in debt during the sale,  plus attempts at a superapp haven't taken off in the US,  and regulators have voiced concerns  about social networks dabbling in finance,  like when Meta attempted a crypto payment system in 2019. 

- The US has rules in place to protect consumers,  and there's a lot of hurdles and steps  that involved to become a bank  or to become a financial institution. 

So that's one of the things  that Elon Musk will have to deal with  as he kind of expands what X is or what it wants to be. 

- [Narrator] X didn't comment,  but people familiar with how Musk works  say not to count him out. 

- This is me curling of 45. - Oh my gosh. 

- While there are lots of really smart people out there  who say that being able to replicate a superapp  here in the US  is impossible or really hard to do,  you kind of get the idea  that he's looking to prove them wrong. 

That he's going to be very excited to show what he can do. 

Now if he's successful, that's still the question.


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