纽约入眠The city sleeps华尔街的失业潮能有多猛?How far will Wall Street job losses go?从历史上看,裁员潮需要时间来蓄势加速History suggests firing seasons take time to build momentum 现在很容易指出零利率时代特有的一些现象。无聊猿的JPEG图像卖到数百万美元;用算法来给房屋定价并执行买卖;20来岁的码农创作TikTok视频记录“每日生活”,从头到尾都在展示自己怎么做点心。投行破纪录的利润似乎是那个黄金时代的又一个遗迹。过去为满足激增的需求而雇用的大批员工落入无所事事的状态。现在他们正被扫地出门。IT IS EASY now to point to phenomena that were features of the zero-interest-rate age. Ape JPEGs selling for millions of dollars; algorithms pricing and buying homes; 20-something tech workers making “day in the life” TikToks that consisted entirely of them making snacks. Record-breaking profits at investment banks appear to be another relic of the golden age. Workers hired to meet roaring demand have been left twiddling their thumbs. Now they are being shown the door. 第二季度财报还没公布,华尔街的金融机构就纷纷开始裁员。高盛第一季度裁掉了3200人;5月30日有报道显示它还要再裁250人——这一次大多是高级员工。摩根士丹利在第二季度裁员约3000人。美国银行(Bank of America)和花旗集团分别裁掉4000和5000人。裁员潮也侵袭了金融领域里一些没那么耀眼的角落。埃森哲和毕马威都抡起了板斧。Ahead of releasing their second-quarter earnings, institutions on Wall Street are trimming staff. Goldman Sachs culled 3,200 in the first quarter; on May 30th reports suggested the bank was letting go of another 250—this time mostly from among senior ranks. Morgan Stanley fired 3,000 or so in the second quarter. Bank of America has cut 4,000 and Citigroup 5,000. Lay-offs are also plaguing less glamorous bits of finance. Accenture and KPMG have both swung the axe. 受影响的不仅仅是那些要把个人物品装进纸板箱的可怜家伙,还有纽约这座城市。就像科技业的裁员伤了旧金山的元气一样,金融业的裁员也会让素有大苹果之称的纽约元气大伤。加州大学伯克利分校的经济学家恩里科·莫雷蒂(Enrico Moretti)表示,让纽约和旧金山等城市欣欣向荣的每一个“知识型岗位”都会另外支撑起五个服务型岗位——有些是高薪工作(如律师),有些工资没那么高(如咖啡师)。即使不再解雇更多人,华尔街紧缩开支也会对经济产生负面影响。据纽约州审计长称,上一财年纽约州各公司的奖金池平均缩水了五分之一,是自2007至2009年全球金融危机以来的最大降幅。This matters not only for the poor souls handed their belongings in a cardboard box, but for the city of New York. Just as tech lay-offs have hurt San Francisco, so finance lay-offs will hurt the Big Apple. According to Enrico Moretti, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley, each of the “knowledge jobs” that make cities like New York and San Francisco successful in turn supports another five service roles—some high-paying (like lawyers), others less so (like baristas). Even if there are not additional firings, Wall Street’s retrenchment will take a toll. According to New York’s state comptroller, the average bonus pool shrank by one-fifth in the last financial year, the biggest drop since the global financial crisis of 2007-09.... ... 【付费文章】欢迎打开商论App,订阅后获取全文 2023年7月21日起订阅《经济学人·商论》不再继续免费赠送全年学习社区,若您想继续跟随官方译者全年英语进阶,精读原刊文章,欢迎联络商论小助理 ↓ 订阅《经济学人·商论》获取完整文章+同步解锁发刊至今的3000多篇往期文章,包括2000余篇文章的英文原声音频,并免费加入主编领读社群(一年) 点击“阅读原文”订阅商论 ↓