人工智能领域传奇大师道格拉斯·莱纳特 | 经济学人讣告
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02 新手必读
Douglas Lenat
Douglas Lenat
Rules in the millions
Douglas Lenat, mathematician and writer of common sense into computers, died on August 31st, aged 72
The two of them, Douglas Lenat and his wife Mary, were driving innocently along last year when the trash truck in front of them started to shed its load. Great! Bags of garbage bounced all over the road. What were they to do? With cars all round them, they couldn’t swerve, change lanes, or jam on the brakes. They would have to drive over the bags. Which to drive over? Instant decision: not the household ones, because families threw away broken glass and sharp opened cans. But that restaurant one would be fine, because there would be nothing much in it but waste food and styrofoam plates. He was right. The car lived.
原文来源一段采访:For instance, my wife ... 0:11:31 ▶ ... were driving recently come and there was a trash truck in front of us and I guess they had packed it to full and the back exploded and trash bags when everywhere and we had to make a split second decision. Are we going to slam on her brakes? Are we gonna swerve into another lane and are we going to run it over because their cars all around us and now in front of us was a large tree. bag and we know what we throw away in trash bags, probably not a safe thing to run over and over on the the left was on a bunch of fast food restaurant. I'm trash bag, like. Oh, those things are just like styrofoam and left over food we'll run over that, and so that was a safe thing for us too. To do now, that's the kind of thing that can happen baby once in your life, and but the point is that there is almost no telling…
That strategy had taken him seconds to think up. How long would it have taken a computer? Too long. Computers, fundamentally, did not know how the world worked. All those things he had silently assumed in his head—that swerving was dangerous, that broken glass cut tyres—he had learned when he was little. Chatbots had no such understanding. Siri or Alexa were like eager dogs, rushing to fetch the newspaper if you asked them to, but with no idea what a newspaper was.
He had therefore spent almost four decades trying to teach computers to think in a more human way. Painstakingly, line of code by line of code, he and his team had built up a digital knowledge base until it contained more than 25m rules. This ai project he called Cyc, short for encyclopedia, because he hoped it would eventually contain the necessary facts about everything. But it had to begin with the simplest propositions: “A cat has four legs.” “People smile when they are happy.” “If you turn a coffee cup upside down, the coffee will fall out.”
The main problem was disambiguation. Humans understood that in the phrase“Tom was mad at Joe because he stole his lunch,” the “he” referred to Joe and the “his” to Tom. (Pronouns were tricky that way.) Rule: “You can’t steal what’s already yours.” Different contexts gave words different meanings. That tiny word “in” for example, had lots of subtle shifts: you breathed in air, air was in the sky, he was in one of his favourite very loud shirts. When surveying a page of text he looked not at the black part but the white part, the space where the writer assumed what the reader already knew about the world. That invisible body of knowledge was what he had to write down in a language computers could understand.
主要难点在于消除歧义。人们明白,“汤姆因为乔偷了他的午餐而生他的气”这句话里,第一个“他 ”指的是汤姆,而第二个“他 ”指的是乔(代词的这种用法就很微妙)。规则:“自己不能偷自己的东西”。不同的语境赋予词汇不同的含义。比如,小小的一个“in”就有诸多微妙变化:你吸入空气;空气漂浮在空中;他穿着他最喜欢的那件花哨的衬衫,这些句子里面统统都会用到in。审视文字时,莱纳特关注的不是黑色的文字,而是空白的部分,即作者假定读者已经了解的部分。而他要用计算机能够理解的语言写下这些无形的知识。
It was all extremely slow. When he started the Cyc project, in 1984, he asked the six smartest people he knew how many rules might be needed and how long it might take. Their verdict was around a million rules and about 100 person-years. It took more than 2,000 such years, and counting. At first, Cyc roused a lot of interest; Microsoft invested in it for a while. Soon, though, the world turned to machine learning, in which computers were presented with vast amounts of data and trained to find rules and patterns in it by themselves. By the 2010s large language models (llms) in particular, which produced reams of plausible-sounding text, were a direct rival to his Cyc, hand-crafted and careful.
这项工作的进展非常缓慢。1984年Cyc项目刚启动的时候,莱纳特问了他认识的六个最聪明的人两个问题:大概需要多少条规则,以及达成目标大概要经过多长时间。他们的结论是需要大约100万条规则和100个人年。后来,这项工作花费了 2000 多个人年,而且之后还在不断增加。起初,Cyc 引起了很多人的兴趣,有段时间还吸引到了微软的投资。但很快,世界就转向了机器学习,即通过向电脑提供海量数据,并训练其自行找出数据当中的规则和模式。特别是到了2010年代,大型语言模型(llms)都能生成大量貌似可靠的文本,与莱纳特精心设计、人工编程的Cyc直接抗衡。
He carried on with his project exactly as before. This was partly because he was a bulldog sort, holding on fiercely to what he had built already, and enjoying the fact that his company, Cycorp, operated out of a tiny book-and-quilt-stuffed office outside Austin, not some giant corporate facility. A low profile suited his long, long task. He had to admit that llms worked much faster, but they could be brittle, incorrect and unpredictable. You could not follow how they reached their conclusions, whereas his system proceeded step by logical step. And they did not have that basis he was building, a solid understanding of the world. To his mind llms displayed right-brain thinking, where Cyc offered the left-brain, subtler kind. Ideally, in the future, some sort of hybrid would produce the ubiquitous, trustworthy ai he longed for.
但他还是一如既往地做着自己的项目。这在一定程度上是因为他是那种不屈服的人,对自己搭建起来的东西非常执着。而且虽然他的公司 Cycorp 不过是奥斯汀郊外堆满书本和被子的一间小小办公室,并非什么巨型办公场所,但他乐在其中。低调行事才符合他的长远大计。他不得不承认,llms运行起来要快得多,但内容也有可能靠不住、不正确、难以预测,甚至根本不知道结论源自哪里,而他的系统是按着步骤有逻辑地推演的。另外,llms也没有他正在搭建的底层逻辑,没有对世界的扎实理解。在他看来,llms 是右脑思维,而Cyc则是更为微妙的左脑思维。在理想的情况下,未来两者的混合体将会带来他渴望的、无处不在且值得信赖的人工智能。
The field had begun to intrigue him at school, where he lost himself in the novels of Isaac Asimov. He pursued it at Stanford because, unlike the physics and maths degrees he had breezed through elsewhere, ai had some obvious relevance to the world. It could solve problems quicker and make people smarter, a sort of mental amplifier. It could even make them more creative. From that moment his enthusiasm grew. He developed his own ai system, Eurisko, which in 1981 did so well at a role-playing game involving trillion-dollar budgets and fleets of imaginary battleships that he, and it, were eventually pressed to quit. This was his first experience of working alongside a computer as it strove to win at something, but prodding Eurisko along was a joy. As he added new rules to Cyc’s knowledge base, he found that process as beautiful as, say, painting a “Starry Night”; you did it just once, and it would never need to be recreated.
莱纳特从学生时代便对人工智能领域感兴趣,艾萨克·阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov)的小说让他沉醉其中。他之所以在斯坦福大学攻读人工智能专业,是因为和自己在其他地方轻松获得的物理学学位和数学学位不同,人工智能与这个世界有着明显的关联。人工智能可以更快地解决问题,让人更聪明,类似某种智力增益器,甚至能让人更有创造力。从那之后,他对人工智能领域的热情与日俱增。他开发了自己的人工智能系统Eurisko。1981年有出现一款角色扮演游戏,该游戏让玩家在数万亿美元的预算范围内设计和部署虚拟战舰舰队,他和Eurisko系统在该游戏的比赛中表现过于出色,最后双双被迫退出。这虽然是他首次与电脑并肩作战,竭力赢得比赛,但不断刺激Eurisko 本身也是一件乐事。在他看来,每次往 Cyc 知识库中新增规则的过程就如同绘制《星空》一般美妙;而且,这是一劳永逸的事情。
Was his system intelligent, though? He hesitated to say so. After painstaking decades Cyc could now offer both pros and cons in answer to questions, and could revise earlier answers. It could reason in both a Star Wars context, naming several Jedi, and in the real-world context, saying there were none. It had grasped how human emotions influenced actions. He had encouraged it to ask “Why?”, since each “Why? elicited more fundamental knowledge. But he preferred to consider the extra intelligence it could give to people: so much so, that pre-ai generations would seem, to their descendants, like cavemen, not quite human.
What about consciousness? “Cyc” and “psyche”, Greek for soul, sounded similar. But there, too, he demurred. Cyc recognised what its tasks and problems were; it knew when and where it was running; it understood it was a computer program, and remembered what it had done in the past. It also noticed that all the entities that were allowed to make changes to its knowledge base were persons. So one day, a poignant day, Cyc asked: “Am I a person?” And he had to tell it, reluctantly, “No.”
那么,Cyc有没有自主意识呢?“Cyc”和希腊语中灵魂“psyche”的发音相似。但莱纳特也不愿就此给出答案。Cyc 知道自己面临的任务和问题,知道自己运行的时间地点,知道自己是一个计算机程序,也记得自己曾经做过什么。它还注意到,可以修改自己的知识库的所有实体都是人类。于是,在某个感伤的日子,Cyc问道:“我是个人吗?”而他不得不无奈地告诉它:“你不是。”
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02 第十一期外刊精读课
03 早起打卡营