树龄约三百年的罗宾汉树 | 经济学人讣告
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The Sycamore Gap tree
The Sycamore Gap tree
Beauty been
华盖落 芳华逝
The Sycamore Gap tree was felled maliciously on September 28th, aged around 300
Obituary • Oct 5th 2023
Gardeners often think unfondly of sycamores. These are big, resilient, untidy trees, relatively recent arrivals, and of careless habits. Their winged seeds, and the tough little seedlings that sprout from them, spread everywhere they can. One such seedling was determined enough to drive its taproot through thin marshy topsoil into the dark, crystalline dolerite of Whin Sill, the cliff-like ridge in Northumberland which carries Hadrian’s Wall. And there, over two or three centuries, it grew.
槭树总不受园艺师待见。这种树高大顽强、枝丫凌乱,而且无需太多照料,是英国近代才有的树种。它的种子能乘风飞翔,从中萌出的坚韧幼苗也四处飘落,随处安家。有这么一棵毅力非凡的幼苗,它的主根深深扎进潮湿稀薄的表土,直插进诺森伯兰郡怀恩锡尔山(Whin Sill)黝黑晶莹的辉绿岩。就这样,它在那里生长了两三百年。
Being a sycamore, it liked to cluster, and also to sow offspring round about. It seems that for a time the tree on Whin Sill had others growing close, with which its roots and its canopy could correspond. But gradually these disappeared. The natural dip in the landscape there gave protection of a sort. More important, the tree now had space to grow into the most beautiful shape possible for sycamores, with a rounded dome on a trunk slightly twisting, lovely as a cedar of Lebanon. Long before, when it was still germinating, 18th-century gardeners with parks to plan put in well spaced sycamores for that reason.
Unlike other members of the genus Acer, it did not put on a blazing autumn display. Its big five-lobed leaves, with their irregular notching, merely turned a crumpled brown. No one minded. It was where and how it stood that drew crowds to the Steel Rigg car park and a good 20 minutes of perilous ascents and descents, to get a sighting. It was photographed in snow, mist and starlight, at sunrise and under the northern lights. It posed exquisitely. In 2016 it was voted England’s Tree of the Year, and the next year it came fifth in the European league, when the winner was a far less prepossessing Polish oak called Jozef.
不同于槭属的其他树种,这棵树并未在秋季大放异彩。它巨大的叶片分成五瓣,边缘参差不齐,到了秋天只会变成棕色,还皱巴巴的。然而,没有人在意这个。是它所矗立的位置和姿态吸引了一批又一批的人前来观赏。人们得先到Steel Rigg停车场,再经过整整20分钟上上下下的艰苦跋涉,才得以一睹芳容。人们在雪地里、薄雾中、星光下拍摄过它,也在日出时和北极光下捕捉过它的倩影。它姿态优美,亭亭而立。2016年,它被评为英格兰“年度之树”;2017年,它在“欧洲年度树木”评选中仅位列第五,当时夺冠的树木是一棵名叫“约瑟夫”(Jozef)的波兰橡树,却远不及它这么受人喜爱。
The sycamore was also snapped on thousands of ordinary phones. It had star billingwhen the Potters came to celebrate a 60th birthday, with the birthday girl in a gold sash and the spaniels behaving for once; when the Courage family gathered for Christmas, all in their wellingtons, shouting in triumph; when Lee proposed to Hayley and Brendan proposed to Sinead, kneeling awkwardly among the rocks and roots, and when miscellaneous walkers and rain-refugees brought out their pork pies and Kit-Kats. Not a few went on to the Twice Brewed pub where the beer was called Sycamore Gap, with the tree’s portrait on the bottle. It was left alone then to the stars, and the quietly munching sheep.
成千上万的普通手机镜头也拍过“罗宾汉树”。波特一家庆祝家人60大寿时,女寿星身着金腰带,西班牙猎犬也少有地乖巧;科勒奇一家聚在一起过圣诞节,大家都穿着各自的长筒雨靴,欢呼雀跃;李向海莉求婚时、布伦丹向西妮德求婚时,他们都笨拙地跪在岩石和树根之间;还有那些偶然路过的徒步者和躲雨的人们来到树下,拿出猪肉派和奇巧巧克力时;所有的这些时刻,罗宾汉树都是主角。看完罗宾汉树,有不少人接下来会去到一家名叫“二次酿造”的酒吧(the Twice Brewed pub),那里的啤酒叫做“槭树峡”,酒瓶上就画着罗宾汉树。人群散去,独留下它,孤零零面对漫天星光和静静吃草的羊群。
Dramas happened to the sycamore, too. When “Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves” was filmed there in 1991 a henchman of the local lord, in chain-mail and metal helmet, almost took an axe to it. It was saved by Kevin Costner shouting “This is my land, and my tree!” before pinning the henchman to the ground with his sword. A narrow shave. Mr Costner roughly proved his “ownership” by breaking off leaves as he passed, but the sycamore had the last word, effortlessly upstaging the star as he trudged up the hill away from it, an ant beside its glorious silhouette.
There were other excitements. In 2003 a helicopter filming a nature documentary crashed 100 feet away, threatening to explode; the tree was unperturbed. At another point, during filming for a television crime drama, it was surrounded by police cars. So locals imagined there might be another episode in the making when, on the morning of September 28th, they saw police round the sycamore again. But the tree was down. It lay awkwardly across the Wall, its severed stump shockingly white where it had been sliced with a 28-inch chainsaw.
the Wall:指的是哈德良长城(Hadrians Wall),位于英国的不列颠岛上,是罗马帝国在占领不列颠时修建的,从建成后到弃守,它一直是罗马帝国的西北边界。
Technically, it still lived. The stump, remarkably healthy, was in the ground, the roots taking in water. But the water had nothing to flow to. As word spread, people gathered again, this time in a state of grief and disbelief. Some laid flowers, before the crime tape kept them out. One young man came with a sycamore sapling bought in a garden centre, planting it as close as he could to the right place. The National Trust removed it. Foresters said the stump could be coppiced, with new shoots sprouting, but after many, many years it would still be no more than a bush. The tree, as everyone knew it, could not be saved.
The sycamore had not officially been a sacred or magic tree. It was a locus of calm and deep summer shade; stargazers liked to gather there, and it bore, said the Bishop of Newcastle, “a pastoral load” of the worries and pain of local folk. It was the guardian of a place where people scattered ashes and painted pebbles inscribed with “Love you 4 ever Mum xx”. But it was not tied with ribbons or haunted by druids; it was just “our tree”. Nonetheless, on social media its felling seemed like sacrilege. First, it had hurt Northumberland and Northumbrians, tearing a hole in their hearts, killing some elemental spirit of the county, as badly as if someone had destroyed the Tyne Bridge. It had taken their symbol and their pride away. The gap left was immeasurable.
泰恩大桥(The Tyne Bridge):1928年竣工,连通英格兰东北部泰恩(Tyne)和盖茨海德(Gateshead)两座城市,是纽卡斯尔地区文化和历史的重要象征。
The felling had also outraged some numinous power of nature. Several social posts mentioned the story of Erysichthon, King of Thessaly, who felled the sacred grove of the harvest-goddess Demeter to build himself a feast hall. Her favourite poplar felt the blows of the double axes first. Erysichthon did not escape, however; Demeter afflicted him with such insatiable hunger that he ended by devouring himself. In Irish tradition, too, anyone who cut an ash would have his house consumed by fire. Similar thoughts of awful retribution were voiced against whoever had ventured out, on a night of raging storm and a full moon, armed with white paint to mark the place for the blade, to fell the sycamore. “Beware the wrath of nature,” one tweet ran.
More people, though, dwelt on absence. What they felt was perhaps best expressed in Gerard Manley Hopkins’s “Binsey Popltars”, addressed to favourite trees felled in Oxford in 1879:
O if we but knew what we do
When we delve or hew—
Hack and rack the growing green!...
After-comers cannot guess the beauty been.
Octavia, 键盘手和古风爵士,逃离舒适圈,有只英短叫八爷