In 1993 Israel and the Palestinians signed the Oslo peace accords, a five-year interim agreement that was meant to give the Palestinian people the right to self-determination. 词/短语: 1.sign: vt.签署2.Oslo peace accords: 奥斯陆和平协定3.interim: adj.暂时的、过渡的 meant to: 目的是、旨在5.self-determination: 自决权 语法:
1.[a five-year interim agreement <that was meant to give the Palestinian people the right to self-determination>(定语从句)](同位语) 译:1993年,以色列和巴勒斯坦签署了奥斯陆和平协议,这是一个五年的临时协议,旨在赋予巴勒斯坦人民自决权。