How crypto goes to zero | 商论双语

How crypto goes to zero | 商论双语





How crypto goes to zero




How crypto goes to zero


The implosion of FTX has raised questions about the tech’s future

谁都不用了——如果加密货币一朝归零,这五个字便是原因。但是,过程比结果更有趣。在惊天爆雷之后,加密货币交易所FTX于11月11日宣布破产,它的垮台将促使一部分人将注意力转向别处。但在什么情况下才会让所有人都放弃加密货币呢?IF EVERYONE STOPPED using it. That, in five words, is how crypto would go to zero. Still, the journey is more interesting than the destination. The death of FTX, an exchange declared bankrupt on November 11th after a spectacular blow-up, will encourage some people to turn their attention elsewhere. What would have to happen for everyone to give up?

An answer requires a sense of how the industry works. At crypto’s base are blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which record transactions verified by computers, a process incentivised by the issuance of new tokens. The Ethereum blockchain validates lines of code, which has made it possible for people to issue their own tokens or build applications. These include stablecoins, which are pegged to real-world currencies, and tokens like Uniswap, which manage decentralised-finance (DeFi) protocols. Major chains and a handful of Ethereum-based tokens, like stablecoins, account for about 90% of cryptocurrency value. Big businesses have been built on top of this world, including exchanges, investment funds and lending platforms.

要完全消灭加密货币,将需要摧毁基础的区块链层。它们可以率先崩塌,等同于把支撑在所有其他东西下方的凳子踢掉。或者整个行业也可以自上而下地瓦解,就好像把针织围巾一层层拆散。To take out crypto entirely would require killing the underlying blockchain layers. They could either give way first, kicking the stool out from underneath everything else. Or the industry could unravel from the top down, layer by layer like a knitted scarf.




·《经济学人·商论》2022年5月推出《量化的我》(The Quantified Self)系列深度文章指出,可穿戴设备和人工智能看起来势必要在三大方面重塑医疗保健

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