So long iPhone. Generative AI needs a new device | 商论双语

So long iPhone. Generative AI needs a new device | 商论双语


So long iPhone. Generative AI needs a new device




So long iPhone. Generative AI needs a new device


Is this the twilight of the screen age?

当扎克伯格9月27日在门洛帕克(Menlo Park)登台,满面春风地发布Meta新产品系列时,这位Facebook掌门人也许多少是卖了个关子。他首先介绍的是Meta的虚拟现实(VR)头显Quest 3,这也可以理解,因为他对元宇宙的痴迷已经体现在了公司名字上。但接下来的消息才更让技术迷们兴奋:他宣布Meta将很快与雷朋(Ray-Ban)联手推出一款内置了人工智能(AI)虚拟助手的智能眼镜。这款眼镜不仅能看、能听,还能回答佩戴者的提问。幸运的话,它不会有“幻觉”。
WHEN A BEAMING Mark Zuckerberg took the stage in Menlo Park on September 27th to announce a new array of Meta products, the Facebook supremo may have buried the lead. He began talking about Quest 3, Meta’s virtual-reality (VR) headset, which is understandable considering that his obsession with the metaverse is now inscribed in his company’s identity. Techies, though, were more excited by what came later: an announcement that Meta, in combination with Ray-Ban, would soon launch smart glasses incorporating an artificial-intelligence (AI) virtual assistant. The specs will be able to see and hear, as well as answer their wearers’ questions. With luck, they will not hallucinate.

也许你对智能眼镜的概念不屑一顾。毕竟它们以前就曾被炒作过。但这一次Meta也许值得关注,因为生成式AI的先驱OpenAI在同一周宣布,其炙手可热的聊天机器人ChatGPT除了能用文字对话外,现在也能看、能听、能说了。此外,有消息称,OpenAI正与苹果前设计师乔尼·艾维爵士(Jony Ive)探讨为AI时代打造一款新的小设备。至于是何种形态尚不清楚。但如果是想要开发一款新的消费电子设备,使其更契合能看、能说、能听的AI,那么它很可能将不再依赖触摸屏。
You can be dismissive of smart glasses. They have been hyped before. But lending Meta credibility this time is the fact that the same week OpenAI, the generative-AI pioneer, announced that its hit chatbot, ChatGPT, can now see, hear and speak, besides conversing by text. Moreover, it emerged that OpenAI was in talks with Sir Jony Ive, Apple’s former designer, to create a new gadget for the AI era. What form it will take is still unclear. But if the idea is to build a new consumer-electronics device better suited to the back-and-forth of seeing, talking and listening AIs, there is a fair chance it will no longer be reliant on the touchscreen.

智能手机已经够成功了。然而,只要与ChatGPT最新的音频化身之一Sky交谈几句,你就能感受到摆脱被智能手机支配的喜悦。笔者就亲身体验了一下,问Sky她认为什么会最终取代屏幕:是眼镜吗?“绝对是的!”她兴奋地说,“特别是那些具备增强现实(AR)和AI功能的眼镜。”当被问及这会不会是件好事时,她推荐了两本书,主题都是屏幕对现代生活的巨大影响:美国作家尼古拉斯·卡尔(Nicholas Carr)的《浅滩:互联网如何改变我们思考、阅读和记忆的方式》(The Shallows: How the Internet is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember),以及已故法国哲学家让·鲍德里亚(Jean Baudrillard)的《屏蔽》(Screened out)。然后,在追问之下,她对这两本书做出了简洁精辟的总结,几乎没有片刻的犹豫。还不能说她完全就像电影《她》(Her)中的斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson),但感觉就如同一位斯坦福大学的学者在你耳边轻声细语。
The smartphone has had a good innings. Yet you only need to talk to Sky, one of ChatGPT’s new audio avatars, to feel the joy of freeing yourself from its tyranny. Your columnist got a taste when he asked Sky how she thought screens might eventually be replaced: Glasses? “Absolutely!” she enthused, “especially those equipped with augmented reality [AR] and AI”. Asked whether this would be a good thing, she recommended two books that explore the enormous impact that screens have had on modern life: “The Shallows: How the Internet is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember” by Nicholas Carr, an American writer, and “Screened out” by Jean Baudrillard, the late French philosopher. Then, when further prompted, she summarised each in crisp, insightful language with barely a moment’s hesitation. It wasn’t exactly Scarlett Johansson in “Her”. But it felt like having a Stanford University intellectual murmuring in your ear.... ...

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